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The 12th June 1958 - The FIRST inter-communal slayings...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby boomerang » Thu May 22, 2008 1:14 am

halil wrote:
Oracle wrote:
iceman wrote:
Oracle wrote:
halil wrote:.... TMT Greeks.

What are these?

halil wrote: The victims' only "sin" was their ethnicity.

... a bit like the 200,000 GCs that Turkey forced out of their homes at gunpoint!

no matter what you say,it will not change the fact that,unlike GR's accusation,it was not the Turks who drew FIRST BLOOD..

Well that's because you choose to ignore the fact you ( / your ancestors) invaded Cyprus!

To me that is undeniable, paramount and makes all else merely academic.

(That's not to say you do not have rights as Cypriot citizens once the Turkish troops are gone, etc ...)

very simple :!:
if Turkish Cypriots ever felt they no longer needed Turkey’s protection, they would themselves ask the military to leave. if the tcs or the "turkish=fascist state" have any say...hahahahaha
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Postby Rebel.Without.A.Pause » Thu May 22, 2008 1:29 am

Iceman, with all due respect - you only have to take xxNilsxx as example of Turks / Turkish Cypriots lieing or twisting the truth. You say some of these dead Turkish Cypriots were not members of the British auxilary services - can you give us credible evidence to show us this? You really dont expect us to just believe anything that a Turk / Turkish Cypriot says with so many examples of thier lies in the past to make the Greek Cypriot cause look bad.
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Postby Piratis » Thu May 22, 2008 1:38 am

I posted these British made videos some time ago. They answer all the questions raised here:

The British hire Turkish Cypriot policemen to fight against the Greek Cypriot liberation fighters:

Britain decides that the Turkish Cypriot minority can be used as an excuse to deny to Cypriots their freedom and self determination, so they propose to Turkey to partition Cyprus:

First inter-communal conflict:

EOKA did not target the TC community. They targeted the British colonialists and those traitors that helped the British. In fact EOKA had killed much more Greek Cypriots that they regarded as traitors who were helping the British to defeat our liberation struggle.

You can't count the policemen of the British forces as casualties of the inter-communal conflict, in the same way you can not count the Greek Cypriots that the British forces killed as being part of an inter-communal conflict.

That war was between EOKA and the British forces, and those few GCs or TCs that choose to enlist on the side of the colonialists obviously choose to be in war with EOKA.

The inter-communal conflict started in 1958 when the TMT had organized attacks and raids against innocent people for the sole reason that they were Greek.
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Postby Bananiot » Thu May 22, 2008 8:49 am

EOKA said they started a struggle against the Brits with the sole aim of achieving Enosis. In this so called struggle they killed more Greek Cypriots than British soldiers. They would kill anyone that they saw as an obstacle to their "holy" objective. Killing Turkish Cypriots came natural to them because they saw the Turkish Cypriot community as a potential threat to their aims. One must not forget that EOKA was not the young, romantic boys that would go to the execution squad with a song on their lips. EOKA was a fanatic priest called Makarios and a fascist general called Grivas. They called the tunes and between them they did their best to destroy Cyprus.

Blaming the Brits of exploiting the circumstances in order to divide and rule is all very easy. We should have thought about the consequences when we embarked on a war on anyone that we considered an obstacle to our centuries-old aspiration to unite Cyprus with Greece.

In another thread, some time ago, I said the the Greek Cypriots were quite legitimate in aspiring for enosis. The way we went about it, however, was wrong, stupid, naive and criminal. As a result we paid a massive price for our incompetence and in the process waved the dream of enosis goodbye. For ever!
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Postby Kikapu » Thu May 22, 2008 10:02 am

Bananiot wrote:
In another thread, some time ago, I said the the Greek Cypriots were quite legitimate in aspiring for enosis. The way we went about it, however, was wrong, stupid, naive and criminal. As a result we paid a massive price for our incompetence and in the process waved the dream of enosis goodbye. For ever!

That's a good thing then, isn't it Bananiot.??

What I mean is, had Enosis was sought in any other way than it had been, just as you described it, we may have already been part of Greece today through Enosis through another method, and the fact that we are not, all was not lost in the end, despite the cost. Thank god for small favours, right.?

Sometimes faith & destiny works in a very mysterious ways.!!

Perhaps it is the reason why I believe that we need to give our country a real chance to succeed as others have in Western Europe, by bringing our Cypriot citizens together as one people of Cyprus, and the only way to achieve that, is through True Democracy. Anything short of that, then we are continuing our past mistakes by seeking a division of the communities for each one to seek their own destiny. Those attempts have been already tried and has already failed in the past, and by continuing with the same policies will only make matters worse for the future. The visions of division ideas of the past mistakes are still being pursued today by the "blind", because of their short sightlessness. Lets hope the outcome will once again be the "good" results, of the pasts failed Enosis dreams.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 22, 2008 10:32 am

Had I never met you Bananiot, I’d wager that you’re a British female who got dumped by a GC boyfriend… Image
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu May 22, 2008 10:55 am

Get Real! wrote:Had I never met you Bananiot, I’d wager that you’re a British female who got dumped by a GC boyfriend… Image

He has more wisdom in his little finger than you have in your whole body, what you do not realize that if there were more like Bananiot the TCs would be happy to live a unitary state but because the majority of Gcs are like you and your motley crew we need plenty of safeguards to tell you what you can and cannot do in a BBF.
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Postby DT. » Thu May 22, 2008 10:58 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Had I never met you Bananiot, I’d wager that you’re a British female who got dumped by a GC boyfriend… Image

He has more wisdom in his little finger than you have in your whole body, what you do not realize that if there were more like Bananiot the TCs would be happy to live a unitary state but because the majority of Gcs are like you and your motley crew we need plenty of safeguards to tell you what you can and cannot do in a BBF.

Even if the GC's were like Bananiot VP what would you want? You've stressed in more than one post that you do not wish to live somewhere where the majority of people speak Greek.

I take it form that then, that even if we were all like bananiot you would still not prefer a unitary state. COnsidering other posts you've written in which you've said that your views represent the majority of TC's, then I hereby declare your above statement "BS"
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 22, 2008 11:22 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Had I never met you Bananiot, I’d wager that you’re a British female who got dumped by a GC boyfriend… Image

He has more wisdom in his little finger than you have in your whole body, what you do not realize that if there were more like Bananiot the TCs would be happy to live a unitary state but because the majority of Gcs are like you and your motley crew we need plenty of safeguards to tell you what you can and cannot do in a BBF.

I’m sure his little finger is a genius but it’s his middle finger I’m worried about… Image
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Postby Piratis » Thu May 22, 2008 11:33 am

Bananiot wrote:EOKA said they started a struggle against the Brits with the sole aim of achieving Enosis. In this so called struggle they killed more Greek Cypriots than British soldiers. They would kill anyone that they saw as an obstacle to their "holy" objective. Killing Turkish Cypriots came natural to them because they saw the Turkish Cypriot community as a potential threat to their aims. One must not forget that EOKA was not the young, romantic boys that would go to the execution squad with a song on their lips. EOKA was a fanatic priest called Makarios and a fascist general called Grivas. They called the tunes and between them they did their best to destroy Cyprus.

Blaming the Brits of exploiting the circumstances in order to divide and rule is all very easy. We should have thought about the consequences when we embarked on a war on anyone that we considered an obstacle to our centuries-old aspiration to unite Cyprus with Greece.

In another thread, some time ago, I said the the Greek Cypriots were quite legitimate in aspiring for enosis. The way we went about it, however, was wrong, stupid, naive and criminal. As a result we paid a massive price for our incompetence and in the process waved the dream of enosis goodbye. For ever!

The vast majority of Cypriots supported union with Greece and EOKA, and that is a very simple fact. Trying to say that EOKA was Grivas and Makarios is ridiculous. EOKA was a rebellion that had more popular support than most other rebellions and revolutions around the world.

Another fact is that we have tried all other alternatives for achieving the liberation of our island and everything was denied to us, including our demand that a referendum should be held so that Cypriots can decide in a democratic and peaceful way the destiny of their own island.

An armed struggle was our last resort, and our right. EOKA did not target TCs until 1958 when the TCs attacked us in order to help the colonialists to oppress our revolution. Any TCs that have been killed until then where those that choose to fight EOKA by joining the British forces.

Watch the videos I posted, especially the parts when Dektash himself talks, and everything will be clear.
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