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The 12th June 1958 - The FIRST inter-communal slayings...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Oracle » Wed May 21, 2008 9:16 pm

halil wrote:.... TMT Greeks.

What are these?

halil wrote: The victims' only "sin" was their ethnicity.

... a bit like the 200,000 GCs that Turkey forced out of their homes at gunpoint!
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Postby iceman » Wed May 21, 2008 9:25 pm

Oracle wrote:
halil wrote:.... TMT Greeks.

What are these?

halil wrote: The victims' only "sin" was their ethnicity.

... a bit like the 200,000 GCs that Turkey forced out of their homes at gunpoint!

no matter what you say,it will not change the fact that,unlike GR's accusation,it was not the Turks who drew FIRST BLOOD..
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Postby Oracle » Wed May 21, 2008 9:36 pm

iceman wrote:
Oracle wrote:
halil wrote:.... TMT Greeks.

What are these?

halil wrote: The victims' only "sin" was their ethnicity.

... a bit like the 200,000 GCs that Turkey forced out of their homes at gunpoint!

no matter what you say,it will not change the fact that,unlike GR's accusation,it was not the Turks who drew FIRST BLOOD..

Well that's because you choose to ignore the fact you ( / your ancestors) invaded Cyprus!

To me that is undeniable, paramount and makes all else merely academic.

(That's not to say you do not have rights as Cypriot citizens once the Turkish troops are gone, etc ...)
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Postby halil » Wed May 21, 2008 9:44 pm

they can not mislead the UN documents and archives of the other nations .

when they takes considerations they always looks the facts ....
they can says many things on their parliments ,just to satisfay their voters but when times comes to do something that our friends are hoping they can not . they know the truth and our rights .thats why i am very relax . let our beloved GR to mack around. he thinks he can put the dinamite to stop the talks or effect their public .

to many actors on ................

they don't eat ............. they don't let you eat ............
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Postby halil » Wed May 21, 2008 9:51 pm

Oracle wrote:
iceman wrote:
Oracle wrote:
halil wrote:.... TMT Greeks.

What are these?

halil wrote: The victims' only "sin" was their ethnicity.

... a bit like the 200,000 GCs that Turkey forced out of their homes at gunpoint!

no matter what you say,it will not change the fact that,unlike GR's accusation,it was not the Turks who drew FIRST BLOOD..

Well that's because you choose to ignore the fact you ( / your ancestors) invaded Cyprus!

To me that is undeniable, paramount and makes all else merely academic.

(That's not to say you do not have rights as Cypriot citizens once the Turkish troops are gone, etc ...)

very simple :!:
if Turkish Cypriots ever felt they no longer needed Turkey’s protection, they would themselves ask the military to leave.
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Postby Oracle » Wed May 21, 2008 10:04 pm


Who are these "TMT Greeks" you refer to ?
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Postby iceman » Wed May 21, 2008 10:10 pm

Stop playing the stupid Stella..
You know damn well what he meant...
"In August 1958 EOKA indiscriminately killed Turkish Cypriots and TMT (killed) Greeks"
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Postby Kifeas » Wed May 21, 2008 10:18 pm

iceman wrote:
Get Real! wrote:

Is there an English version of this web page where you have taken these photos from?

No there is no English version of the website...Unlike your side we do not use the dead for international propaganda.
What is there to translate?these are the people killed by your "freedom fighters"

Most of these people were probably TCs that joined the British colonialists in order to serve as auxiliary police force in combating the 1955-59 Eoka struggle, and have either been killed in action or assassinated by Eoka fighters.

To the extent that one accepts the Eoka guerilla struggle as a legitimate liberation /self determination one, these individuals were legitimate targets! The Eoka struggle has been accepted and acknowledged by the entire world, but the Turks and the British, to have been a legitimate anti-colonial liberation /self determination struggle!

I am one of those that regard the 1955-59 armed Eoka struggle and the enosis campaign as wrongful from a political perspective. However, they were both perfectly qualified as legitimate anti-colonial liberation /self determination causes. The fact that mistakes, wrongful murders, and collateral damage have occurred during the struggle, is unfortunate, but it is also a fact of life in all such similar liberation struggles! If one knows of one such struggle in the world history, please name it here!
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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 21, 2008 10:25 pm

halil wrote:sorry for double post.

good answer will be from Greek Cypriy writer

"Our Haunted Country"
by Makarios Droushiotis

Over 200 Greek Cypriots have been accused of treason and executed by EOKA. At least 1000 families bear the stain of treason without substantiation, without a shred of evidence. Those who have tried to obtain information from the fighters' organisations faced an impenetrable wall: "They don't know, they won't reply." Those who by themselves investigated the motives of the killings usually come to other conclusions, which have nothing at all to do with treason. In August 1958 EOKA indiscriminately killed Turkish Cypriots and TMT Greeks. In total, 115 Cypriots (60 Greeks and 55 Turks, tit for tat) were killed in bicommunal clashes. The victims' only "sin" was their ethnicity.

There is always other side of the coin .................

The original Makarios Droushiotis article is here…

which says…

“In August 1958 EOKA indiscriminately killed Turkish Cypriots and TMT Greeks. “

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see from this sentence alone why this author CANNOT be taken seriously and why we must insist on CREDIBLE SOURCES for information, like the British who ruled the island and recorded everything meticulously, the myriads of UN organizations, the Red Cross, and many other internationally recognized institutions.

The second paragraph of his article starts with…

“A struggle was fought as it was fought and it came to what it came to. “

…and once again shows what a poor writer this fellow is with his mindless space-filling drivel. In fact if you look throughout the article, Makarios Droushiotis struggles to put sentences together that are bigger than five words and never bothers to mention at the end his sources of “information”, which the Politis newspaper nevertheless happily publishes to fill up their white space.

Btw, I’m sure the Makarios Droushiotis link was foolishly given to Halil via a PM by Bananiot, because there’s no way in the world Halil even knew this joke of a journalist existed.
Last edited by Get Real! on Wed May 21, 2008 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Oracle » Wed May 21, 2008 10:26 pm

Get Real!

Just a quick question as I am checking out some links ....

Immediately prior to this crucial date in June 1958 ... am I right in understanding that the Turks were pressing Macmillan for a base on Cyprus or for partition. But Macmillan was proposing partial self determination with a view to full self-determination within 15 years ... and that is why the Turks wanted to start these conflicts?

200. Telegram From the Embassy in Greece to the Department of State

Athens, May 12, 1958, 1 p.m.

3146. Rome for McSweeney.

1. Reliable Cypriot source who has just seen Makarios states he decided on own initiative to bring conversation our attention. He informs us that he found Makarios in particularly conciliatory mood. He apparently recognizes need for realism in light present critical situation and told source he felt that if British were able to come forth with self- government formula for fixed period of years with provision for subsequent Cypriot self-determination, he personally would be willing to throw his weight into balance in favor. Source believes, and I agree, that were it possible for British to bring themselves to discuss formula with Makarios prior to announcement, there is some hope Makarios would lend his undoubted prestige to obtaining acceptance.

2. Source states he queried Makarios on desirability of establishing some form contact with Embassy and offered himself as possible intermediary./1/ After thinking matter over, Makarios said he opposed at this time to any surreptitious or private meetings. He gave no reason but it possible he may be either (a) holding out for "official" public contact with Embassy, or (b) reluctant to use as intermediary person not in his immediate entourage.

//Source: Department of State, Central Files, 747C.00/5 - 1258. Secret. Repeated to London, Paris for USRO, Ankara, Nicosia, and Rome.

/1/In telegram 3130 from Athens, May 9, Riddleberger informed the Department of State that unless it objected he intended to "discreetly arrange for Penfield to meet Makarios shortly after the elections." (Ibid., 747C.00/5 - 958) In telegram 3338 to Athens, May 12, the Department of State instructed Riddleberger not to establish contacts with Makarios without its specific authorization. (Ibid.)

3. We have just seen Pesmazoglou who is here convalescing from recent accident. He reiterated most of views expressed last December (Embtel 1823),/2/ emphasizing continually increasing Turkish intransigence, growing danger to west as long as solution not found, and his conviction that solution can be achieved through, and only through, strong but impartial pressure on both GOG and GOT. As to substance of solution, he believes Turkish base - Enosis solution cannot be considered for same reasons partition cannot, i.e. (a) Greek public opinion could not be brought to accept it and (b) more importantly, official GOG presence on island would sooner or later inevitably lead to armed conflict. He sees buying time as only way out of present situation and suggests as one alternative three 5-year periods starting with modest self-government and ending with full self-determination after 15 years. He recognizes that Turks would insist on unilateral caveat refusing to recognize an eventual Enosis decision but feels GOG, as well as British and ourselves, would just have to pass such statement off on "that remains to be seen" basis.

NewYorkTimes wrote:CYPRUS PARTITION VITAL, TURK SAYS; Foreign Minister, Appealing to Greece to Accept It, Bars Other Solutions

May 22, 1958, Thursday

ANKARA, Turkey, May 21 -- The Foreign Minister of Turkey suggested today that the new Greek Government open "a new era of agreement" among Turkey, Greece and Britain by accepting the Turkish proposal to partition Cyprus.

If we were given partial self-government in 1960, with full self-government in 15 years ... could that be why Turkey invaded in 1974?
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