by garbitsch » Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:49 pm
Ahh, as I said before, the things are quite distinct in Cyprus. First of all, Cyprus is not owned by Greeks with Turkish Cypriot minority. Secondly, the Kurds in Turkey are not totally different than Turks. Both speak the same language, and there are large number of Kurds in Turkish Parliament, there is no discrimination towards Kurds. There had been cruel attrocities towards Kurds by the Turkish government for the sake of the integration of Turkey. How about the Turks in Greece? They are not even recognised as "Turks" but Muslim Greeks. Man, we discussed these things before. It is not hypocracy. The T.Cs simply demand the rights that they had already had. The Kurds had never had a special status in Turkish Republic. Now they have language rights and such. I also agree that more rights should be given, but this has nothing to do with Cyprus.