iceman wrote:The fatal mistake was refusing the referandum in Copenhagen in December 2002!!
Thanks to Denktas,ROC was given the go ahead to enter EU without any referandum!!
Had the Turkish side had not refuse holding the referandum on both sides,the GC side would have refused EU as well as refusing the proposed UN plan.
halil wrote:iceman wrote:The fatal mistake was refusing the referandum in Copenhagen in December 2002!!
Thanks to Denktas,ROC was given the go ahead to enter EU without any referandum!!
Had the Turkish side had not refuse holding the referandum on both sides,the GC side would have refused EU as well as refusing the proposed UN plan.
Exactly İceman ,
they must thanks to Baba Denktash all the time
iceman wrote:The fatal mistake was refusing the referandum in Copenhagen in December 2002!!
Thanks to Denktas,ROC was given the go ahead to enter EU without any referandum!!
Had the Turkish side had not refuse holding the referandum on both sides,the GC side would have refused EU as well as refusing the proposed UN plan.
Muzzy70 wrote:Once again a thread descends into farce ! Again we have G/C's going on about 'majority' poulation(s) etc, etc. Wake up to the fact that Cyprus is for all Cypriots!
A correction Iceman. The Annan Plan which was on the table at Copenhagen was far less favourable to the T/C community than the one which was put to a referendum. The G/C's were always a shoe in for EU membership.
Piratis & Alexiss: Try and be rational fellas. Any failure concerning the upcoming talks WILL result in a T/C referendum for that community to decide it's own fate. There has been no solution to the Cyprus 'problem' for so long now because there was never the will for compromise on the part of both communities. Hopefully this will change but the biggest obstacle to a solution is the clear G/C refusal to accept the T/C's as political equals and a total unwillingness to share power. That, dear friends, is why the Annan Plan was rejected by the Greek Cypriot community. You either accept us or you don't. If you don't then unfortunately the division WILL be permanent.
Muzzy70 wrote:There has been no solution to the Cyprus 'problem' for so long now because there was never the will for compromise on the part of both communities
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