Kifeas wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Kifeas wrote:Bir, you keep failing to understand what I am talking about! I suggest you read more carefully what I am talking about! The notion of a country having intervention rights into another country, and the notion that one country is the “guarantor” of another country’s constitutional order, and the notion that it has a saying in how the internal constitutional framework is shaped, instead of this being down to the free will of the political forces within a country, to determine; reduces on the one hand such a country from being a truly sovereign and independed one, or as we aspire Cyprus to become, and on the other hand, it (the notion of having intervention rights and a saying into another country) encourages the country that it feels is in a possession of such a right, through an agreement, to do interfere politically (and presumably otherwise) into the internal affairs of the other country! In other words, the notion of unilateral intervention rights places one independed and sovereign country under the direct or indirect suzerainty of another country! It encourages or allows the one country to get involved and influence or manipulate politically the other country, since there is an issue of dependency of the one from the other! More so, when the possessor of such a right is a country like Turkey, and please do not tell me that it is a mere lack of trust towards Turkey simply because I am a GC and have bad experiences! The whole world sees how Turkey is coping with her own internal paradoxes and instabilities, and how unable it is to guarantee its own citizens’ some political stability and promote or maintain the minimum of democratic culture to her own people! I am truly surprised you do not see what I am trying to say here!
I know what you are saying,Kifeas,but I am talking about something else...Another issue altogether..I am not talking about the politics of it..Or the legalities...I am talking about how on earth will we get the TCs to accept the withdrawal of the Turkish troops and not insist on unilateral intervension rights...One way that comes to my mind is to disarm the Cypriot Army after the solution,or as part of the solution,so that the TCs would not be scared to death of being annihilated...But it is okey..The world is not ready for such "foolish" ideas...It is better to talk about war,and the armed struggle for liberating our country...And our right to defend ourselves,even when we know we can't do such a thing realistically...![]()
Bir, if what you are saying is that the GC army, as a condition to the TCs not insisting on Turkey's unilateral interventions rights, should also be dissolved, and Cyprus should be demilitarized, I have to tell you that this has already being a standard proposal of the GC side, as part of the solution, for a long time now! However, the TC side and Turkey, despite this GC proposal which you now also refer to, continue to insist that Turkey's unilateral intervention rights are non-negotiable, and must continue after any solution, no matter what! I am surprised you are not aware of these proposals of the GC side, and the fact that Turkey and the TC side ignore them and continue to insist on protecting Turkey's "rights in Cyprus," as they refer to them so cynically!
Kifeas,I truly was not aware of any proposal by the RoC to dissolve the CNG...When was this made?? And was it a serious proposal???
Because of the mistrust Turkey and the TCs would've seen this as some sort of ploy...Hence the deadly standoff continues...My logic works like this: there is little point trying to play this game on Turkey's groundrules,on Turkey's strength...Why not shift the ground and take the initiative??? Lets pull the rug from under Turkey's feet by unilaterally disarming now...By now I mean after the latest round of negotiations fail,as no doubt they will...Unleash the great waves of goodwill which this move will generate,and remove any justification for Turkish troops to be present in Cyprus...I am proposing a tactical and psychological move which will go a long way to convince the TCs that the GCs are ready to put the bloody past behind us...What do the RoC have to lose by such a move???