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Medieval Cyprus Society: reading in Alsancak

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Postby Kifeas » Tue May 20, 2008 12:22 am

Rebel.Without.A.Pause wrote:Who are these people to discuss our history??

The pirates of the Mediterranean, otherwise known as the Saracens! Oh, I forgot, he is ...a crusader! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby xxNilxx » Tue May 20, 2008 12:23 am

Kifeas ''Partition on an 82:18 split, a far better option than the Greek version of “re-unification”!''

Agreed! 8)
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Postby Rebel.Without.A.Pause » Tue May 20, 2008 12:24 am

Another bullshit history lesson well they are going to try and tell us that there were no Greeks during the Lusignan, Genoese, Venetian and Ottoman era.

Thats like saying there were no Africans in West Africa during the Ottoman and European colonial era.
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Re: Medieval Cyprus Society: reading in Alsancak

Postby Get Real! » Tue May 20, 2008 12:33 am

dutch_crusader wrote:Medieval Cyprus Society (MCS) now meeting in Alsancak

How does your society go about explaining the many medieval churches pillaged and ransacked of their priceless artifacts, some of which have been “sold off” to foreigners to be used as homes, others reduced to rubble, and many turned into animal stables, by Turks and Turkish Cypriots after the July 1974 Turkish invasion?
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue May 20, 2008 12:33 am

Rebel.Without.A.Pause wrote:Another bullshit history lesson well they are going to try and tell us that there were no Greeks during the Lusignan, Genoese, Venetian and Ottoman era.

Thats like saying there were no Africans in West Africa during the Ottoman and European colonial era.

Yes there were but of no significance. You were merely serfs. You got your freedom under the generosity of the Ottomans. Deal with it.
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Re: Medieval Cyprus Society: reading in Alsancak

Postby Kifeas » Tue May 20, 2008 12:40 am

dutch_crusader wrote:Medieval Cyprus Society (MCS) now meeting in Alsancak

The recently-launched Medieval Cyprus Society (MCS) will hold its second meeting in

---> The Grumpy Grouse restaurant* at Alsancak (at 8.00 pm on Saturday, May 31).
---> * Located next to the King's Court Hotel (opposite the Denizkizi Hotel).

After a brief introduction about the aims of the society, founder Hans Doeleman will give an illustrated (pictures and
maps) introduction to the start of the Crusades movement and the important part that Cyprus played during
the Third Crusade and later:

--- Reason for and start of the Third Crusade, 1189-1192
--- Richard I (The Lionheart)'s conquest of Cyprus in 1191

And time permitting:

- Brief ownership of Cyprus by the Knights Templar
- The Lusignan period from 1192 until 1489, including the Mamluk and Genoese rule.
- Venetian annexation of Cyprus in 1489
- The Ottoman conquest of Cyprus in 1571

After the talk, there will be time for questions from the audience.

One of the next MCS activities will be several detailed tours of historic Famagusta.

Admission is free, but seating is limited, so you are encouraged to book a place directly with Hans Doeleman,
email only: [email protected] .

Or, if you don't have email, send a text message with your name to 0533 864 5433.

[ end ]

Did anyone ever explain to this jackass that the ownership of a place belongs only to the people that indigenously live and lived on it for centuries, and not to those foreigners that came and occupied it by force, or those that invade and ethnically cleanse its indegenous inhabitants in order to bring their own people from outside? I suppose his interest in medieval history is only due to his dream of taking us back to the dark ages of human existence, for only under this era he figured out he has a chance to "explain" and "justify" his illegitimacies!
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Postby Rebel.Without.A.Pause » Tue May 20, 2008 12:42 am

Yes there were but of no significance. You were merely serfs. You got your freedom under the generosity of the Ottomans. Deal with it.

How were Greeks of no significance if they were the overwhelming majority / indigenous people of the island?????

Generosity of the Ottomans? Did they use that generosity when they imposed heavy taxes and poverty??

The Ottomans aren't remembered for cruelty by Greeks, Arabs, Armenians, Assyrians, etc for no reason. Deal with it.
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Postby xxNilxx » Tue May 20, 2008 12:43 am

Greeks get over it and stop being jealous! 8)
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Postby Get Real! » Tue May 20, 2008 12:44 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Rebel.Without.A.Pause wrote:Another bullshit history lesson well they are going to try and tell us that there were no Greeks during the Lusignan, Genoese, Venetian and Ottoman era.

Thats like saying there were no Africans in West Africa during the Ottoman and European colonial era.

Yes there were but of no significance. You were merely serfs. You got your freedom under the generosity of the Ottomans. Deal with it.

Eventually as the centuries rolled by, the former Greek Cypriot surfs you mention turned their fate right around, thanks to their industriousness and astuteness, and made the Ottoman Cypriots their surfs as the natural selection process of the island picked up momentum, but it seems that Turkey couldn’t bare the disgrace anymore so she decided to intervene yet again in another effort to change the demographics… but can mother nature ever be defeated?
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Postby kurupetos » Tue May 20, 2008 12:44 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Rebel.Without.A.Pause wrote:Another bullshit history lesson well they are going to try and tell us that there were no Greeks during the Lusignan, Genoese, Venetian and Ottoman era.

Thats like saying there were no Africans in West Africa during the Ottoman and European colonial era.

Yes there were but of no significance. You were merely serfs. You got your freedom under the generosity of the Ottomans. Deal with it.

I take that as a joke. :lol:
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