AQ wrote:AQ, I find it very difficult to believe your story, such events in Cyprus are buried long in the distant past, the British (though possibly not quite as popular as they would like to be) are certainly not disliked to the extent you illustrate, TWICE in TWO DAYS ?, not on mate, sorry.
By the way, welcome to the forum and good luck with your postings (better luck than this one anyway )
These instances are recent.
The English are not very popular anywhere, it's a cross we have to bear. However it seems to be very near to the surface in Cyprus.
Please elucidate
If, as you say, the English are not very popular anywhere, I fear it is beyond me to explain the reasons other than to state that attitudes and behaviour patterns may be at the root.
Obviously there must be a reason, perhaps you should look to your football hooligans and binge drinkers for the answer.
Generally, from a Cypriot point of view, if you are not liked you are ignored, it's as simple as that.
Most Cypriot and English/British relationships I personally am aware of are quite (if not very) harmonious, it is therefore difficult to accept that you suffered the assaults you described at the hands of Cypriot youths, they are generally far too courteous for such behaviour (unless intimidated).
I lean towards Oracle's suggestion that your assailants may indeed have been British, the suggestion you make is unacceptable to ME, perhaps others may have a different opinion.
Best Wishes and do not let such an incident deter you, I am confident of it's rarity.