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Racism in Cyprus

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Postby JoJo » Sun May 25, 2008 3:11 pm

I forgot to add that the current president of the US (Mr. Busshit as my dad calls him) is the root of evil. Not the rest of the world. Please tune into Al Jezerra international to see what really goes on in the world. You have been brainwashed like the rest of them to believe that poor Israel and America are the poor victims.... sook...sook... bohooooooooo
Last edited by JoJo on Sun May 25, 2008 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun May 25, 2008 3:13 pm

JoJo wrote:GorillaGal, your love's family only need to read the cooments that YOU make on this Forum about the Cypriot people. That in itself would want them th run a mile!

sorry...but i speak from the heart, and the cypriot people in general, have not been very nice to me. in my recent visit, the only nice people were the expats. that says alot about cypriots. i am a very warm person, i have a way to put people at ease easily. i have lived all over the usa and in germany. i love to learn about digfferent cultures, which is why i am here int eh first place....i am not the only person who feels this way about the cypriots. maybe you should read the posts closer.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun May 25, 2008 3:16 pm

JoJo wrote:I forgot to add that the current presint of the US (Mr. Busshit as my dad calls him) is the root of evil. Not the rest of the world. Please tune into Al Jezerra international to see what really goes on in the world. You have been brainwashed like the rest of them to believe that poor Israel and America are the poor victims.... sook...sook... bohooooooooo

i agree with the fact that bush is a total idiot, and a terrorist in his own right. but al jezerra? come on man! at least we have freedom of speech here.
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Postby JoJo » Sun May 25, 2008 3:20 pm

i am talking about the international channel where they speak English
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun May 25, 2008 3:30 pm

JoJo wrote:i am talking about the international channel where they speak English

like i said, we have freedom of speech here.
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Postby JoJo » Sun May 25, 2008 3:40 pm

The Cypriot people (myself included are very hospitable people).

Attitudes in general are changing here though. I personally believe that Cyprus being a small country has had a large influx of people and I don't think that these influenecs are all positive. And yes we in the EU and so more people will still keep coming. I'm am originally from Australia so I do know what multicultralism is all about. But here I feel, Cyprus does not bring out the best in most people. Alot of the people I have met that have moved here are very negative and they think that everyone is out to get them. Alot of people stick with people from there own countries and do not integrate into the local communities and they have an "us against them attitude". The Cypriot people will treat you rudely if you treat them bad. People do pick up on other peoples body language and tone of voice. And we are not peasants here by the way. I get called a stupid Cypriot all the time. And for what? Nothing.

MY father grows alot of fruit and veg on our farm. He has been giving alot of produce to some people that have just moved over here. The other day when he gave these people fruit, as he was leaving they called him a stupid Cypriot. You see, us locals are sick and tired of the treatment we get from some people in our own coutry. We are sick of the whinging and whining that things here are too expensive, not good enough etc. That is why we are quick to say that "IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT HERE, THEN F OFF TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY" where it is better and leave us all the hell alone.

So the moral of the story is before you are so quick to judge that us Cypriots are no good, have you ever stopped to ask how we are being treated by other people in our own country for us to respond in the ways that we do?
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun May 25, 2008 4:31 pm

JoJo wrote:The Cypriot people (myself included are very hospitable people).

Attitudes in general are changing here though. I personally believe that Cyprus being a small country has had a large influx of people and I don't think that these influenecs are all positive. And yes we in the EU and so more people will still keep coming. I'm am originally from Australia so I do know what multicultralism is all about. But here I feel, Cyprus does not bring out the best in most people. Alot of the people I have met that have moved here are very negative and they think that everyone is out to get them. Alot of people stick with people from there own countries and do not integrate into the local communities and they have an "us against them attitude". The Cypriot people will treat you rudely if you treat them bad. People do pick up on other peoples body language and tone of voice. And we are not peasants here by the way. I get called a stupid Cypriot all the time. And for what? Nothing.

MY father grows alot of fruit and veg on our farm. He has been giving alot of produce to some people that have just moved over here. The other day when he gave these people fruit, as he was leaving they called him a stupid Cypriot. You see, us locals are sick and tired of the treatment we get from some people in our own coutry. We are sick of the whinging and whining that things here are too expensive, not good enough etc. That is why we are quick to say that "IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT HERE, THEN F OFF TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY" where it is better and leave us all the hell alone.

So the moral of the story is before you are so quick to judge that us Cypriots are no good, have you ever stopped to ask how we are being treated by other people in our own country for us to respond in the ways that we do?

well, the topic of this thread IS "racism in Cyprus."
i fell in love with a cypriot, and am still crazy about the man, despite the fact he will marry another. if you feel i am racist, you have a right to your opinion, but whatever i feel about cypriots is because of what i have learned about the people and culture post meeting my GC (mostly from this forum). for the most part, i love the cypriots. i have a cyprus bumper sticker on my car. if things had turned out differently, i would gladly move to CY to be with my man. if he wanted to live in antartica, i would move there with him. but that's not the way it is, and so i am happy to be exactly where i am, in the good ol' USofA.
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Postby kurupetos » Sun May 25, 2008 4:40 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
JoJo wrote:The Cypriot people (myself included are very hospitable people).

Attitudes in general are changing here though. I personally believe that Cyprus being a small country has had a large influx of people and I don't think that these influenecs are all positive. And yes we in the EU and so more people will still keep coming. I'm am originally from Australia so I do know what multicultralism is all about. But here I feel, Cyprus does not bring out the best in most people. Alot of the people I have met that have moved here are very negative and they think that everyone is out to get them. Alot of people stick with people from there own countries and do not integrate into the local communities and they have an "us against them attitude". The Cypriot people will treat you rudely if you treat them bad. People do pick up on other peoples body language and tone of voice. And we are not peasants here by the way. I get called a stupid Cypriot all the time. And for what? Nothing.

MY father grows alot of fruit and veg on our farm. He has been giving alot of produce to some people that have just moved over here. The other day when he gave these people fruit, as he was leaving they called him a stupid Cypriot. You see, us locals are sick and tired of the treatment we get from some people in our own coutry. We are sick of the whinging and whining that things here are too expensive, not good enough etc. That is why we are quick to say that "IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT HERE, THEN F OFF TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY" where it is better and leave us all the hell alone.

So the moral of the story is before you are so quick to judge that us Cypriots are no good, have you ever stopped to ask how we are being treated by other people in our own country for us to respond in the ways that we do?

well, the topic of this thread IS "racism in Cyprus."
i fell in love with a cypriot, and am still crazy about the man, despite the fact he will marry another. if you feel i am racist, you have a right to your opinion, but whatever i feel about cypriots is because of what i have learned about the people and culture post meeting my GC (mostly from this forum). for the most part, i love the cypriots. i have a cyprus bumper sticker on my car. if things had turned out differently, i would gladly move to CY to be with my man. if he wanted to live in antartica, i would move there with him. but that's not the way it is, and so i am happy to be exactly where i am, in the good ol' USofA.

:cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby JoJo » Sun May 25, 2008 4:54 pm

kurupetos please explain.....
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Postby Feisty » Sun May 25, 2008 4:55 pm

GorillaGal wrote:Feisty,
as an american, i am wondering if that attitude your american pilot friend had toward the Arabics was post 9-11? as an american, i must say prior to 9-11, i had very little to worry about, but post 9-11---things changed bringing on a mass hysterica in my county. rightly so, as i see it. here were a bunch of terrorists living amung us, educating theri selves in my home country, and then attacking not only us, but all the other nationalities that were in the Towers that fateful day. and lets not forget the 4 aircraft that crashed that day as well. so have a little understanding on your pilot "friend." his job security was threatened that day, and for the rest of his life. you can't blame him really, although it's not right, it's also pretty understandable.

you may not have seen any racicm in CY, but just read this forum. it's everywhere. and it will never go away. everyone wants to belong to a group, everyone thinks thier group is better than the next. as long as societies remain closed, it's not going to get any better. i am in love with a GC, and i know he loves me. he can't marry me because his parents would not accept me, as i am not cypriot. it's sad, isn't it? both of us know i would make the better wife, but if he marries me, his family will be very upset, and we all know how important that family bond is in a cypriot household.

Well I'm not about to start a discussion on this thread about 9/11 but whatever happened then is no excuse for his behaviour that day. They were just another family in a lift. Talking about how his job security was threatened that day is ridiculous in context of his behaviour.
Being married to an Egyptian muslim too I am very well aware of attitudes and where racism exists and also about family ties. My husband's family accepted me into their family and into their lives with open arms. My own to their shame did not. I was the only person at my wedding, apart from my husband, who spoke English.
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