Am I alone in thinking that Alex O'Loughlin is a DREAM!?

Bubbles x

Crivens wrote:Yeah, I've seen some of it. Pretty good, although seems a complete ripoff of Forever Knight (Welsh link too, so have to love it). You know it's cancelled though right? I'm a total nut for vamprire stuff though. This is definitely no Angel, but is a bit better than the daft Blood rites.
Umm, I'll leave the Alex O'Loughlin dream comments to you...
Crivens wrote:Ah, you should dig Forever Knight out. Bit old now (about 20 years), but almost identical with cheesy 80's hair-dos.
Don't know why Moonlight was cancelled, but I'm guessing low viewers. You know what American channels are like. Even the biggest shows can be cancelled, and I suspect a vampire show is probably not right up there. Unfortuantly these days unless it involves Z list celebs dancing on something or a bunch of nobodies earning millions for showing us their "real" family life then tough. Boo. I still mourn Firefly
Oh yeah. Love Bones. One of the best recent series that one. Actually if you haven't seen it then look up Burn Notice. Thought that was brilliant.
Crivens wrote:Yep. Have you tried Chuck? Also very good. Oh, and add The Unit to Burn Notice. Great shows. Off the top of my head also try Dexter. Brilliantly dark. Excellent.reaper is good also
paliometoxo wrote:oh yeah all of themim hooked on 99% of american shows a few suck but they can't all be winners ;p
american dad is good.... king of the hill... not so good supernatural, my name is earl.. just to name a few
reaper is a show about this guy who works for the devil and captures souls and sends them back to hell its a commedy... you should watch it,and chuck this guy who has information that people need stored in his brain... there hasent been a new ep for ages thoug due to strike
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