Feisty wrote:I fully understand the issues it's just the inane childish drivel on nearly every thread I look at that makes me turn off in boredom. I'll engage anyone in an educated debate but when someone has to resort to either trying to bait me with personal insults or by the use of bad language that I can't be bothered to acknowledge their posts, realising that they are unable to use their brain to discuss the subject matter.
denizaksulu wrote:Feisty wrote:This forum is about Cyprus is it?
Is that why you started a thread about what's happening in Turkey?
Is that why it's full of posts about how much of an alcohol problem there is in England?
Must be my reading skills.
Unfortunately Cyprus is an integral part of a problem which directly involves Turkey, to a lesser degree Greece. The Cyprus issue caused the Greeks (Ellas) a lasting headache and are almost divorced. Turkey is however still hanging on, just (one hopes). If you dont understand that, you are on the wrong forum.
Sweet regards

Show us where you consider you were baited and also where are the insults ...
Was it not you who joined the forum with this as
your very first line...
Feisty wrote:Oracle it seems to me from what I've read that you are your own punchbag.
Your language and attitude is disgusting.
You were not baited, not invited, nor insulted ... yet you joined to attack me with your very first posts ...
You have been given a lot of leeway as a newbie, although you have said you are a seasoned forumer ... you are free to debate, but so far have shown no ability in that direction. If you consider whining, and insulting without wit, perspective and engagement then maybe you should move on ...........
You sound like you wish you would be baited, a cry for help ... but I have not seen anyone show the slightest desire to engage with you other than as a direct answer to something that needs clarifying such is in this instance .......
So far "Feisty"

you are the boring one .... and dragging us down too!