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Alcohol Ban in Turkey ... Holiday Misery for Tourists.

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Postby webbo » Wed May 28, 2008 2:34 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
webbo wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
webbo wrote:
Oracle wrote:Eeerrmmm ... Where is Deniz these days ... :?

Last time I spoke to him he was off to a funeral ....

D has been busy at home with the aforementioned funeral. He will (if he has not already) be posting today - Wednesday

Bubbles 8)

Why Webbo, I thought someone was stalking me. :lol: :lol:

Yes, I am back. T'is a bit quite. Evrybody must be at the beach except the more mature ones. :lol:

Too busy to stalk! Too hot for the beach! :roll:

Bubbles x 8)

Obviously no time for a siesta?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby Feisty » Wed May 28, 2008 2:59 pm

I fully understand the issues it's just the inane childish drivel on nearly every thread I look at that makes me turn off in boredom. I'll engage anyone in an educated debate but when someone has to resort to either trying to bait me with personal insults or by the use of bad language that I can't be bothered to acknowledge their posts, realising that they are unable to use their brain to discuss the subject matter.
denizaksulu wrote:
Feisty wrote:This forum is about Cyprus is it?
Is that why you started a thread about what's happening in Turkey?
Is that why it's full of posts about how much of an alcohol problem there is in England?
Must be my reading skills.

Unfortunately Cyprus is an integral part of a problem which directly involves Turkey, to a lesser degree Greece. The Cyprus issue caused the Greeks (Ellas) a lasting headache and are almost divorced. Turkey is however still hanging on, just (one hopes). If you dont understand that, you are on the wrong forum.

Sweet regards :lol:
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Postby Oracle » Wed May 28, 2008 4:24 pm

Feisty wrote:I fully understand the issues it's just the inane childish drivel on nearly every thread I look at that makes me turn off in boredom. I'll engage anyone in an educated debate but when someone has to resort to either trying to bait me with personal insults or by the use of bad language that I can't be bothered to acknowledge their posts, realising that they are unable to use their brain to discuss the subject matter.
denizaksulu wrote:
Feisty wrote:This forum is about Cyprus is it?
Is that why you started a thread about what's happening in Turkey?
Is that why it's full of posts about how much of an alcohol problem there is in England?
Must be my reading skills.

Unfortunately Cyprus is an integral part of a problem which directly involves Turkey, to a lesser degree Greece. The Cyprus issue caused the Greeks (Ellas) a lasting headache and are almost divorced. Turkey is however still hanging on, just (one hopes). If you dont understand that, you are on the wrong forum.

Sweet regards :lol:

Show us where you consider you were baited and also where are the insults ...

Was it not you who joined the forum with this as your very first line...

Feisty wrote:Oracle it seems to me from what I've read that you are your own punchbag.
Your language and attitude is disgusting.

You were not baited, not invited, nor insulted ... yet you joined to attack me with your very first posts ...

You have been given a lot of leeway as a newbie, although you have said you are a seasoned forumer ... you are free to debate, but so far have shown no ability in that direction. If you consider whining, and insulting without wit, perspective and engagement then maybe you should move on ...........

You sound like you wish you would be baited, a cry for help ... but I have not seen anyone show the slightest desire to engage with you other than as a direct answer to something that needs clarifying such is in this instance .......

So far "Feisty" :roll: you are the boring one .... and dragging us down too!
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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 28, 2008 5:01 pm

Start living up to your chosen alias “Feisty” and keep in mind you had a good look around before joining this forum so you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into.
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Postby Z4 » Wed May 28, 2008 5:04 pm

I wish they would put a ban in Ayia Napa!
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Postby Feisty » Wed May 28, 2008 10:12 pm

I am not here to trade insults that's just boring and trolls don't inspire me. I've seen several serious debates on this forum and none of the topics are discussed rather the writer attacked. It's rather pathetic but if you call that boring then so be it. Personnas in cyberworld do not move me whatever their opinions of me.
Get Real! wrote:Start living up to your chosen alias “Feisty” and keep in mind you had a good look around before joining this forum so you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into.
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Postby Xybadog » Wed May 28, 2008 10:19 pm

Feisty wrote:I am not here to trade insults that's just boring and trolls don't inspire me. I've seen several serious debates on this forum and none of the topics are discussed rather the writer attacked. It's rather pathetic but if you call that boring then so be it. Personnas in cyberworld do not move me whatever their opinions of me.
Get Real! wrote:Start living up to your chosen alias “Feisty” and keep in mind you had a good look around before joining this forum so you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into.

I think you should have chosen your forum name a little more wisely. You appear to have chosen a name that doesn't go with your "forum-nature".

What if we had "Sordid Sally" on the forum who complained as soon as the word "latex" was mentioned. She wouldn't last long.

What GR is saying is live up to it and start getting a bit more Feisty :!:
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Postby Oracle » Wed May 28, 2008 10:39 pm

IMHO Feisty has done nothing but seek attention .... by either attacking or moaning? Isn't that what a troll is?
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Postby Feisty » Thu May 29, 2008 9:11 am

I have made no attacks on anyone rather comment on what I find offensive. You consistently fail Oracle to answer serious questions put to you on various threads but always resort to personal attack instead. You may be some pervy old man or a 10 year old kid, I care not. I do find your language offensive, I have no desire to use it. I have stated I find it offensive, that is not an insult. IF, and I reiterate if, I called you a foul mouthed, small minded ignoramous, that would be an insult but I haven't have I?
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Postby Oracle » Thu May 29, 2008 9:58 am

Feisty wrote:I have made no attacks on anyone rather comment on what I find offensive. You consistently fail Oracle to answer serious questions put to you on various threads but always resort to personal attack instead. You may be some pervy old man or a 10 year old kid, I care not. I do find your language offensive, I have no desire to use it. I have stated I find it offensive, that is not an insult. IF, and I reiterate if, I called you a foul mouthed, small minded ignoramous, that would be an insult but I haven't have I?

Troll ....
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