Feisty wrote:What a shame that the best post on this thread was so totally ignored.
You people are so insular inyour little world and think the whole world revolves round the Cyprus/Turkey issue. It's quite sad and shows a complete lack of maturity that is obvious in your posts.
Wrong again Feisty ...
Don't judge others by what may be just your own shortsightedness and under-achievements.
The reason we concentrate on Cyprus / Cypriot matters and not specifically Chinese etc ... is because it is a Cyprus Forum .. and frankly there is enough material here to keep us all busy ...
When asked to write an article on "The mating habits of the lesser-spotted northern beaver" ... I would not necessarily launch into "The life cycle of a blue-poison-dart southern toad" .... A matter of sticking to topic, plain and simple.
The reason why you think people's knowledge stops with these threads on the forum may be because of you own limitations ....
I know a few forumers quiet well now, and the forum is just a sounding board / info. gathering, for Cyprus issues; but behind them they have amazing careers, interesting lives, travel histories ... not to mention qualifications you would never have heard of ...

But I won't jump to judge you ... as that is not my nature. Although that doesn't seem to have stopped the recent influx of maggots IMHO who might be attracted by the rotting flesh on a couple of possibly vile vindictive self-advertising IMHO threads from jumping on the bandwagon to entice me with responses

I will wait and see how you reveal yourself to us and if you have more to you than a failed marriage and some male conquests, by your own admission ...