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Alcohol Ban in Turkey ... Holiday Misery for Tourists.

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Postby Oracle » Sat May 17, 2008 9:17 am

purdey wrote:Always antagonistic, rarely subtle...baiter.

Fear not purdey .... you remain the unchallenged forum master baiter ..... :lol:
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sat May 17, 2008 9:24 am

Oracle wrote:
purdey wrote:Always antagonistic, rarely subtle...baiter.

Fear not purdey .... you remain the unchallenged forum master baiter ..... :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby purdey » Sat May 17, 2008 9:34 am

Snigger,snigger. I can alaways rely on you for come back.
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Postby webbo » Sat May 17, 2008 11:23 am

Oracle wrote:
purdey wrote:Always antagonistic, rarely subtle...baiter.

Fear not purdey .... you remain the unchallenged forum master baiter ..... :lol:

I had to read this one again, just to make sure what you meant! :lol:
Wicked, and so early in the morning!! :lol: :lol:

Bubbles 8)
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Postby Talisker » Sat May 17, 2008 12:01 pm

Xybadog wrote:Surely, according to the wording that alcohol can't be sold out of it's original container, won't cause that much of an issue as bottles and cans of beer are still in their original container. This will only really affect wine and spirits.

On the other issue, it's sad, but, the British booze culture is a very unfortunate inheritance from our forefathers. Right back to the Middle Ages, getting drunk was considered an extremely social event in all regions of the UK. This has, passed down through the ages and generations, but is only now being questioned as society is attempting to sterilise its image in all areas. Also such things as climate are a major factor, in that, during the SAD months we long to go out and when we do we make the most of it and the thought of going back out in the dark, wet, cold weather ensures we stay out that bit longer and inbibe more than we should. Then when the warmer weather arrives we "party". This is a very watered down precis of a medical study I read about 3 years ago.

Media coverage and football have succeeded in portraying the inhabitants of the UK as a brash, loutish horde intent on getting pissed and annihilating anything, and everything, that confronts them. Whilst this may be true of a small minority, the same behaviour can be found throughout the world, but with much less highlighting.

Other countries in the world have far higher alcohol related incidents (not crime) than the UK per capita, e.g. Russia, Australia, USA. Also take a look at the drinking habits of Poland, the Netherlands, Latvia and Japan. Plus there are so many countries in which drinking in public is too expensive for the average person, so they drink to excess, on a regular (daily) basis, at home or in shebeens.

Russian labourers think nothing of drinking 2 litres of Voka DURING a shift. Australians have a large population of Outbackers who spend in excess of 50% of each day in the pub.

The UK needs re-educating, but so does 70% of other countries in the world. I defy anyone to walk through the Camps Bay area in Cape Town, or Brant Street in Toronto and not see pissed up locals. They are everywhere. It's an unfortunate fact of life. Hopefully in time things can change worldwide but it will take millenia.

Xybadog, this is a great post, putting some of the UK drinking issues into perspective.

I'm always interested to observe that when I attend research conferences abroad the Brits revert to the 'Uni' lifestyle from decades past. They are first to the bar, last to leave, and usually a sight to behold the next morning. But despite this the Brits are highly thought of, the research is innovative and high quality, so despite the fact we may have issues in always getting the imbibing/sobriety balance right (no pun intended!), for the most part we just about manage it. Of course, various individuals slip over the edge, but most of us have our drinking completely under control. I don't think the UK suffers from institutionalised alcoholism, but like may aspects of life in the UK it is an option anyone can explore (or fall into) if they so wish...........
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat May 17, 2008 12:13 pm

boomerang wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:
webbo wrote:
Oracle wrote:
JimB wrote:Pay on a credit card and get annual travel insurance.

..... Credit cards .. the answer to the working class' desire to travel, mingle and invest :lol:

"Express" helps get you out of Midnight nightmares :roll:

Love the play on words O, but do they really have to be highlighted? :roll: :roll:

Bubbles :roll:

.... on the basis that 95% of the posters usually miss my plays on words, it is the safer option :lol:

I am always on the look out for your play on words. Esp. the ones where you can take a cheap shot at Turks. The smuggler could have been hanged as they do in other countries. Did you count all the Greek and Armenian extras in the film? That says it all.

Good morning to you too. :lol:

And the turks were kind enough to put him in a five star accomodation :lol:

I read the book... :wink:

Hi Boomerang.

Did you expect a pat on the back? :lol:
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Postby boomerang » Sat May 17, 2008 1:56 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
boomerang wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:
webbo wrote:
Oracle wrote:
JimB wrote:Pay on a credit card and get annual travel insurance.

..... Credit cards .. the answer to the working class' desire to travel, mingle and invest :lol:

"Express" helps get you out of Midnight nightmares :roll:

Love the play on words O, but do they really have to be highlighted? :roll: :roll:

Bubbles :roll:

.... on the basis that 95% of the posters usually miss my plays on words, it is the safer option :lol:

I am always on the look out for your play on words. Esp. the ones where you can take a cheap shot at Turks. The smuggler could have been hanged as they do in other countries. Did you count all the Greek and Armenian extras in the film? That says it all.

Good morning to you too. :lol:

And the turks were kind enough to put him in a five star accomodation :lol:

I read the book... :wink:

Hi Boomerang.

Did you expect a pat on the back? :lol:

Only if it will makes you get through the day Deniz... :lol:

But to tell you the truth, I am all bruised up...We got competitions tomorrow and yes I was the punching bag all day today... :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun May 18, 2008 12:22 am

boomerang wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
boomerang wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:
webbo wrote:
Oracle wrote:
JimB wrote:Pay on a credit card and get annual travel insurance.

..... Credit cards .. the answer to the working class' desire to travel, mingle and invest :lol:

"Express" helps get you out of Midnight nightmares :roll:

Love the play on words O, but do they really have to be highlighted? :roll: :roll:

Bubbles :roll:

.... on the basis that 95% of the posters usually miss my plays on words, it is the safer option :lol:

I am always on the look out for your play on words. Esp. the ones where you can take a cheap shot at Turks. The smuggler could have been hanged as they do in other countries. Did you count all the Greek and Armenian extras in the film? That says it all.

Good morning to you too. :lol:

And the turks were kind enough to put him in a five star accomodation :lol:

I read the book... :wink:

Hi Boomerang.

Did you expect a pat on the back? :lol:

Only if it will makes you get through the day Deniz... :lol:

But to tell you the truth, I am all bruised up...We got competitions tomorrow and yes I was the punching bag all day today... :lol:

Boomers, that is your choice. You WILL play with fire. I hope you are not complaining when you get burnt. Anyway, it will toughen you up a bit more. I recommend a good Turkish bath and a good massage and good luck. :?
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Postby Oracle » Tue May 27, 2008 8:57 pm

Eeerrmmm ... Where is Deniz these days ... :?

Last time I spoke to him he was off to a funeral ....
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Postby Feisty » Wed May 28, 2008 11:42 am

What a shame that the best post on this thread was so totally ignored.
You people are so insular inyour little world and think the whole world revolves round the Cyprus/Turkey issue. It's quite sad and shows a complete lack of maturity that is obvious in your posts.
JimB wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Merely hanging around doesn't make problems disappear :wink:

The average holiday-maker though ignorant or disinterested in politics is the one who will get a rude awakening, whether they are politically-aware or not ..... :lol:

Serious / genuine investors do not go for the cheap and shoddy, and location being everything, the main areas for best returns will always be the freer-western democracies. To date the furthest East and South you can go, yet not only remain within the safety net of the EU, but also freedom from Islamic restrictions is Cyprus.

The only ones buying in Turkey are those that cannot afford quality in Cyprus and settle for what they think is near enough, or a stepping stone ... but they are the ones who will lose the most under this new regime of Turkey's ...

Perhaps I'm just being dense here but I fail to see how a holiday-maker could get a 'rude awakening'. Maybe the possibility of losing a deposit on a self booked villa or something in a very worst case scenario, but that's hardly a wake up call for a nation.

Pay on a credit card and get annual travel insurance. Problem solved and only the inconvenience of booking somewhere else to contend with.

On the property side of things. Hmmmm bit of an over-generalisation don't you think? Saying that everyone who's invested in Turkey can't afford anywhere else is a bit narrow minded.

Quality of property and workmanship. There's good and there's bad in every country. This place is no exception.

Here's the reality.

If your not from here, have ties to here or family / friends involved with here then this place really doesn't come up on the radar. Why would it? People have enough problems of their own to deal with without worrying about some rock in an ocean in a far away place.

I confess that I wasn't even aware that you guys had a dispute going on until after I'd got here. The news is full of tales of wars and disputes and I don't think Cyprus get's much press anywhere else.

Don't get me wrong. I'm sympathetic to you and your people's plight but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

I can pack up and leave anytime I want. I made a considered decision that I would not buy property here or invest in this country beyond the level of cash needed for everyday transactions.

Think I'm a cold hearted so and so?

Haven't seen a single post on this site detailing the plight of the estimated five million homeless in China or the 78000 dead in Burma and both still rising. No links to the local banks websites accepting donations or bugger all else.

Why? Not your problem and it doesn't affect you ???
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