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Postby miltiades » Sun May 18, 2008 1:53 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:There is a very clear and precise distinction as to what constitutes a terrorist and what makes a hero !!!

A hero puts his life on the line in order to defend his country against aggression and enslavement ,

If you’re not the biggest hypocritical clown to ever join this forum I don't know who is...

Did you arrive at this highly intelligent conclusion as a result of my rebuttal that WAR IS THE ONLY OPTION ??
What exactly did I support that contradicts my statement that """A hero puts his life on the line in order to defend his country against aggression and enslavement ""

Notice that I stated " to defend his country , not to sacrifice his country in order to satisfy his own perverted patriotic tendencies .
You must also remember that Cyprus is much my country as it is yours , of course I was born in Cyprus and in a small way participated in the struggle for liberation . To consider that the only option is to take on Turkey militarily is not only absurd but dangerous and stupid. Defend the RoC against Turkey is without a doubt an act that all Cypriots would endorse but to take military action right now to remove Turkey from Cyprus is pellares tou horkati !!!

Your rudeness is there for all to see . Your a discourteous egomaniac Plonker who has realized that Miltiades makes mince meat out of you and ridicules your freakish views . Your so full of your own self importance when in fact your living in a fool's paradise . Rambo suits you down to the ground , you have lost any credibility you may have had as a wise contributor to the Cyprus problem proposals with your war cries.
I dont like you one bit and I will give you some of MY treatment from now on Plonker. The gloves are now off !!!
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Postby Eliko » Sat May 24, 2008 9:49 am

miltiades wrote:There is a very clear and precise distinction as to what constitutes a terrorist and what makes a hero !!!

A hero puts his life on the line in order to defend his country against aggression and enslavement ,

I would like to draw attention to the above statement which (as you can see) was made by miltiades.

I find it very interesting since he makes a distinction between what constitutes a 'Terrorist' and what makes a 'Hero'.

Actually both the 'Terrorist AND the 'Hero' are both equally constituted but maybe the word 'Makes' carries a little more dignity in the mind of miltiades.

In his own words, he defines the 'Hero' as one who puts his life on the line in order to defend his country etc, I think we can safely assume that the same title could be given to those who are prepared to do so.

I also think that it would be safe to assume that miltiades is referring to the conflicts in Iraq (and elsewhere) since he does refer to suicide bombers when making his distinctions (in this article).

What he fails to realize is the fact that not ALL of those who are resisting the aggression of the West are resorting to the violent and abhorrent practices of those suicide bombers.

I wonder then, since it is a clear fact that those who resist and do NOT adopt such practices but merely fight for the survival of their countries and their cultures, who are ready to forfeit their very lives in pursuit of their objectives (which is to rid themselves of the aggressors who seek to subjugate them) may ALSO be regarded as 'HEROES'.

Or, does miltiades support the aggressors who, (in the case of Iraq particularly) have been proven beyond any doubt, to have made an unlawful assault upon an innocent nation.

One can hardly endow such grandiose titles upon those guilty of murder and obvious cowardice (in that they are infinitely more well equipped than those that resist them) and condemn those who DO have right and justice on their side.

Unless of course, like miltiades, myopia seems to be the affliction which allows for such interpretations to be made.

I dislike the word 'Terrorist' since it conjures up negative thoughts when making just assessments, the state of Israel is widely regarded as a 'Terrorist State', there may be some justice in regarding it as such since it does terrorize it's neighbours, I would prefer to regard it as an 'Unlawful State', there are many 'Heroes' prepared to forfeit their lives to rid themselves of the yoke that the West has placed upon them by allowing them to oppress it's legitimate neighbours.

One would have to experience oppression to appreciate the impact it has on one's daily life, perhaps one could then understand where true 'Heroics' are constituted.

You have to be among it to see it, unfortunately many haven't.

In my humble opinion. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sat May 24, 2008 10:07 am

"""I dislike the word 'Terrorist' since it conjures up negative thoughts when making just assessments, the state of Israel is widely regarded as a 'Terrorist State', there may be some justice in regarding it as such since it does terrorize it's neighbours, I would prefer to regard it as an 'Unlawful State', there are many 'Heroes' prepared to forfeit their lives to rid themselves of the yoke that the West has placed upon them by allowing them to oppress it's legitimate neighbours""

Let me take you up on the above nonsense that Israel is WIDELY regarded as either A TERRORIST STATE OR AN UNLAWFULL STATE !! Which International body regards Israel as per your naive description. The UN , the EU , the Commonwealth or perhaps the Arab league of nations along with the African Nations Organization !!!
You are going round in circles and totally missing the point.
The Iraqi suicide bombers are NOT IRAQIS but foreign insurgents dedicated to destroying Iraq and its elected government who happily blow them selves up in public places , not full of American soldiers but full of innocent Iraqi men women and children. To even consider that these barbaric savages who enter a mosque and indiscriminately massacre the Iraqi people could perhaps be defending the integrity and sovereignty of their nation is bizarre , coming from you Eliko prompts me to once again for the umpteenth time exclaim loudly what a bloody waste of an education.
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Postby Eliko » Sat May 24, 2008 10:44 am

miltiades, thank you for once again attacking my education, AND for missing the point of my comments.

What I sought to do was establish (according to your own description) what constitutes a 'Hero'.

I am quite satisfied that I managed to throw some light on the subject and would welcome your views on it.

Whatever nationality those who take up the sword of resistance to aggression are, they are entitled to a degree of respect for their principles, MORE SO if they are not Iraqi's yet are ready to forfeit their lives in an effort to aid the oppressed, such as those could be regarded as 'Super Heroes' wouldn't you agree ?. (providing of course they do NOT resort to 'suicide campaigns' which has already been mentioned, thus negating your reference to them).

As to the 'Elected Government' of Iraq, come on now miltiades, let's not be silly.

I stand by what I said about Israel being widely regarded as a 'Terrorist State', it IS and will remain so until it is recognized by those who are forced to accept it, NOT by the very international bodies that have been infiltrated by those with vested interests in it's survival.

As to the American 'Heroes', when their bodies are flown back to be mourned by their families, it is something of a relief to those affected if they are regarded as such, the TRUTH is that they have been slaughtered unnecessarily at the behest of those who sent them to their deaths under false pretences, t'would serve us all better if they were regarded as 'Fools' to have believed in the justice of their campaigns (sounds heartless I know) ask those who have been maimed and wounded if they are satisfied that they gave up their health and security for such lies.

It is very easy to sit in front of a screen and babble support for those that have been proven insincere, I wonder how you would feel if you were comforting a young soldier about to face oblivion, looking into his eyes and knowing that he realizes the futility of what he has been forced to do (under such false pretences).

THINK more miltiades, INSULT less, you may even learn something, it's never too late you know. :wink:
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Postby Eliko » Sat May 24, 2008 5:39 pm

miltiades, how sad to note that you once again demonstrate your inability to explain yourself in a mannerly fashion, I purposely removed the slight inflicted on your remarks by another member, in order that you may be given the opportunity to justify your OWN assessment of what you considered to be the attributes necessary to qualify for the distinction of being seen as a 'Hero' as opposed to those necessary to be seen as a 'Terrorist'.

Your response (as is quite customary in your case) was to seize upon certain issues which were actually quite remote from the highlighted subject (your precise distinction etc) and introduce your inane interpretations of what YOU consider to be facts in the face of those which are contrarily held by many millions world-wide.

I wonder if it is a case of your being afraid to confront TRUTH which leads you to adopt such strange allegiances to those who bully and persecute defenceless people, I wonder if YOU (who have severally condemned religious practices) are prepared to accept the Jewish claims that the land they STOLE from it's rightful owners, was promised to them by the Almighty.

What kind of idiocy would suggest that elections in Iraq are a true representation of the people's wishes there.

What perverted mind could suggest that murderous cowardly oppressors should be given the distinction of being addressed as 'Heroes'.

Answer the questions put to you miltiades, if you cannot, SAY SO, this wriggling and side-stepping is very disconcerting to a man eager to learn of how you reach your conclusions, you must have SOME good advice and knowledge to pass on to the younger generation, I am sure they are well able to deliver insult when faced with views contrary to their own.

Perhaps their parents taught them such talents. :wink:
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:41 am

Eliko wrote:miltiades, such an interesting play on words BUT, let me put a case to YOU.

If a man with skin as black as coal, suddenly appeared at the end of your garden and built himself a shed.

If that man then pointed to your two rich neighbours and informed you that THEY had sanctioned his act and would not tolerate any objections from YOU.

If that man then began to develop your garden and gradually encroach upon your property, then employed the assistance of his friends to vanquish your objections and take possession of MORE of your land.

If that man finally drove you from your home and your land with the excuse that his ancestors were there more than five thousand years ago.

I doubt if YOU would be very happy.

Furthermore, surely you would wonder how a man with skin as black as coal, could lay claim to the fact that he belonged in the region where stood your home.

Surely people such as he should be in the regions of Africa.

Similarly, the greatest weakness in the argument the Jew proffers is that they seemingly have a skin colour more commonly found in the remote regions of Russia, perhaps Israel should be founded there, what do YOU think. :wink:

Unfortunately, I never did receive an intelligent response to the analogy I presented to miltiades when trying to simplify the manner in which Israel was founded, (other than the usual sidestepping technique he is so often bound to use when confronted with an issue that reqires THINKING about).

I wonder therefore, if any of the members are willing to accept the possibility that such an analogy (as above) is worthy of a little more 'in depth' consideration than that given by miltiades.

It would appear that the mere mention of 'Israel' immediately ensures that any discussion questioning the foundation of it becomes 'Taboo'.

I DO wonder why ?. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:41 am

Will respond when you present an analogy worth responding to not the crap you posted above !
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:25 am

miltiades, as explained in the 'crap' (as you describe it ) analogy above, I presented it in a very simple fashion in order that you might recognize the similarities between what MIGHT take place in your own home and what DID take place in Palestine.

It would appear that your blocked mentality is so restricted that it prevents you from understanding even the simplest of comparisons.

Small wonder then that despite your constant forays into the political arena, your inane observations invariably produce NOTHING.

Unless of course, one counts the times when you add your agreement to those issues which have already been decided by those you so fervently admire.

Unfortunately, the ultimate effect of such an attitude (which you so vividly display) is that it leaves YOU with nothing constructive to contribute since it has already been done (or is taking place regardless of your view).

I wonder if that might be the underlying reason for your obvious inability to express yourself in a mannerly fashion ?.

I actually find you to be something of an 'Enigma' in that sense, I don't think I have ever encountered a chap like you before , I am bound to say that I am pleased that I have, since you have assisted me in developing a trait in myself which is of paramount importance in my profession, the ability to remain calm in the midst of fury.

Thank you miltiades, unwittingly you have tested my resolve and for that you have my gratitude.

Best Wishes to you and your family. :wink:
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Postby tessintrnc » Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:37 am

I always wondered why Jewish people were not given lands in Germanyand in the other countries where they were so cruelly treated? I understand that their ancient "roots" were in the Holy land of course, but the extreme measures of evicting so many people from their homeland to fulfil a dream I will never understand, and had I been one of those evicted I would surely be unable to accept it, just because the "western world" said OK.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:23 am

tessintrnc wrote:I always wondered why Jewish people were not given lands in Germanyand in the other countries where they were so cruelly treated? I understand that their ancient "roots" were in the Holy land of course, but the extreme measures of evicting so many people from their homeland to fulfil a dream I will never understand, and had I been one of those evicted I would surely be unable to accept it, just because the "western world" said OK.

tessintrnc, I personally find it so strange to insist that the homeland of the (now Israeli) people who occupy Palestine, is done so without the slightest hint of irony.

Surely, one only has to look at the complexion of those who now occupy the lands of the Palestinian to realize that they do not belong there.

Whatever 'Biblical' claims they may have, I very much doubt that the modern day claimants are the 'Genealogical' descendants of the original Hebrew.

World events, since the foundation of Israel, confirm beyond doubt that the intention from the beginning was to take control of the Middle East, the Western powers have unremittingly supported Israel in every conflict that has taken place there , they now support the atrocities Israel is currently imposing on the original (and rightful) inhabitants of the region and will continue to do so despite the disapproval of many nations.

Obviously it would be very difficult for the major Western Powers who support Israel to condemn such activities , since they are currently engaged in similar atrocious activities themselves elsewhere in the same region.

In conclusion, I do not consider the above comments to be in any way indicative of my 'Hatred' for either the 'Jewish' or 'American/British' peoples,I think their Governments are doing wrong, we know from the 'LIES' that have been exposed that they are doing wrong and I am but one voice among millions which proclaim the fact.

In my humble opinion. :wink:
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