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how to overcome the Jealously and Envies

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how to overcome the Jealously and Envies

Postby joker-san » Thu May 15, 2008 1:19 pm

i got the problem with Jealously and Envies which i never had before. I think because of the religion. Before i was a Buddhist and i converted to Christian.
The problem was, when i started to learn about the Christianity some of my Buddhist friends used to say that 'you are not a Good Buddhist, you go and lie to the church to get some helps' i didn't care anyway. After i converted to Christian then i got the big problem. Many people doubts on me and say i the words that 'you are lier,coward,you are not a Christian '. I was facing these things for one year and finally i accepted that i am a complete idiot and i am not good enough for the people anyway. Some say this is a reason why you need Jesus in your live. I Believe that. but the problem is now, i lost the confidence on myself and i feel so small especially when i am among the people or society. Then i started to feel envies and jealous to the people. wherever i go it always come to me. When i have seen the people love each other or glad each other and i feel envies because nobody wants me. Most of the people abandon me not because of i destroy to the people or not because of i do the bad things to the people just because of they don't think that i am a Christian. I just want to ask them was Jesus a Christian? Bible never said that Jesus was a Good Christian. So where the Christianity is come from? When the people have seen the Love of Christ, Gentleness of Christ, Forgiveness of Christ and the people started to think that if we put the words of Christ into our lives we will love remain Peace and Love. Then the Christianity is started from there. may be right, may be wrong. it just my opinion. And all the things that he has done to the people was based on Love such as healing and miracles. Not because of he wanted to be the popular. He never teach about the Concept nor the Idea. What the Concept can do in the religion? just Hate and nothing else. Some say, 'I accept this concept, this is the truth. you don't accept this concept this is why you are not Good enough or you are not a Christian or you are not with Jesus. this is why we are different. You are Evil and we are spiritual. Some say 'We are the true Christian', name is 'Born Again or Mormon or Jehovah witness or Roman Catholic or Protestant or Orthodox'. Amen. When the Jesus saved the life of Madelyn he didn't ask 'Are you a Christian? or Did you baptize in the water? or Do you believe that i am a only one son of God? or Do you believe that i going to die for your sins?' He didn't ask any of these questions? It means God loves everyone. Why the people need to separate the religions and attack each other? That's complete Suck. Jesus said 'Carry your Cross and Follow me'. It means 'Love to the people the way i love in you. Even If you have to die Listen to my word and chose to Death.' Do you know what is the word of Christ ?Love but nothing else. Most of the Christian repeat this scripture again and again,they say 'Oh, we have to scarifies our lives for Jesus Christ' and they don't know what they are talking about. That's a kind of Blaspheming too. Jesus said 'Love one another those who are my follower ', he didn't say that 'People baptize in the water those who are my follower.' I can feel that he is living God. When i feel so down, I pray to God 'My Lord why the people hate each other? why the people look down on one person to another person and look down on one religion to another religion in your name? They have full of Doubt, full of Greed, full of Self-audience and they don't respect any other religion at all. Why don't you touch their heart to Love to all the people in the world? God was complete silence. I think God can do everything except this. i tell to the people from the Church that i have Jealous and Envies because i want them to pray for me not to get jealous or envies but they make a fun among the people and they beat me among the people with their words. Sometimes i feel so pain and i look up the sky and i said to God 'You know? what your people are doing to me?' Now i discuss the problem with my Pastor about my Jealously and Envies. She said to me that 'this is the Inferiority complex and you will get more depress and it can cause to Death'. yeah, when i am among the people ,i feel so scare and frighten and at that if they people hug each other or saying a good words to each other, i started to feel envies. the problem is i am not diplomat, i can't hide anything on my face. I show what i fell. The people look at me and look down on me. What the people think is true. i have envies and jealous but not because of i want something from them. It is a kind of mental sickness. Then i started to avoid the people and society. i feel so and depress and isolated. Yes i think that most of the people kill themselves because they cannot face the Society. I never think that Society is that much dangerous. I need the Love, warmness and who can treat me as a family. She told me to go back to the Buddhist temple and she suggests me to meet with the doctor. i went back to the temple on last sunday in Nicossia. i tell everything to the monk. i was doing the meditation for the hole day. i felt so free. They are very kind to me. And i remember, Jesus said 'you can recognized the fault prophets by their fruits, Good fruit is come from the good tree and the bad fruit is come from the bad tree'. But it doesn't mean that Christians are no Good. Christians are so good to me, they help me a lot. When i have no place to stay, they tried to find the room for me. When i don't have money to pay the College fees, they helped me. i want to be a Web Developer, One of the Church Leader asked to my boss to teach me the IT training course and i was learning about web designing and developing in his office for one year. My boss or Rabbi, he taught me a lot about the technical things and Christianity and he treated me as his son. He bought the new monitor for me, he gave me the bike cycle. when i don't have money to buy the usb, he bought it for me. Well i don't hate Christians.
But i am afraid of the Society. What i understand is, All the follower of Jesus are Christians but all the the Christians are not follower of Jesus. If the people follow to Jesus, they will remain Peace and Love. Buddha said that 'Individually what you believe is wrong, you will remain Anger and Greed.' Jesus said 'You hypocrites, teachers of the law and Pharisees, You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self -indulgence.' So that a person who is really follower of Jesus or not, we can measure with the fruits of spirit which are Love, Forgiveness, Gentleness, Peace, Self-Control, Goodness, Joy ect.... Obviously the people who don't follow to Jesus, they have Hatred, Anger, Jealous and Envies (Which i have it now he..he..), selfishness, look-down on one religion to another religion, look down on one person to another person, full of greedy, full of narrow minded and doubt. All the people are sinners, so what's the different between the people who follow to Jesus and who don't follow to Jesus? Only one thing is, the people who follow to Jesus are trying to improve the fruits of spirit and try to terminate the fruits of Evil. In other words, follower of Jesus think what would Jesus think, follower of Jesus say what would Jesus say and follower of Jesus do what would Jesus do or if God is right here what i would say to him, if God is right here what i would think of him , if God is right here what i would do to him. God doesn't live in the Church nor in the Bible. He lives in our Heart. Nothing can be hidden in his eyes. God loves who has love. Not only the Christians, not only the Buddhist, not only the Muslims. According to the Scripture of Buddha, God loves all the being in the universe. The way we treat to the people is the way we treat to God. All the people are keep showing our spiritual standard to the people and to God at the same time in every single moment. How? the way we think, the way we talk, the way we take the action. That's all i understand about the Christianity. Oh sorry i am preaching. I need some advice from the people that how to overcome the jealously and envies. i need help. i want to love to the people and help to the people but my heart is so much empty. if anybody can give me the advice, that would be nice for me . thanks
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Postby Gabira » Thu May 15, 2008 1:27 pm

I think it's time for you to revert to Islam...a place where "jealously and envies" would not be such a dilema for you :D
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Postby cyprusgrump » Thu May 15, 2008 1:33 pm

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Postby Simon » Thu May 15, 2008 1:36 pm

Jesus said:

[quote]Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you. Blessed are you when they say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice, be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven![/quote]

Keep your faith. God is with you.
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Postby Bill » Thu May 15, 2008 7:11 pm

Oh god ~ joker san is at it again :roll:
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Postby Niki » Thu May 15, 2008 7:40 pm

It sounds like religion has done you no service. Just be yourself, don't rely on any religion to find out who you are. You can still be a very good person. The problem is religion can make people feel inadequate but in reality religion needs people to feel inadequate to make them comply.

Be yourself first and believe you are 'good enough'. The jealousy and envy will miraculously disappear.
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