He was gifted with the ability to produce identical handwriting with both his right and left hand (relatively common you may think ) but this was but one of his gifts.
He was also gifted with the ability to write fascinating stories (also relatively common)
Now for his first affliction, 'Schizophrenia', but rather than allow his condition to distress him , he developed it and found he was able to write two different stories SIMULTANEOUSLY !!.(a novel with one hand a thriller with the other).
This is why I deem this man to be a genius .
Ah !, but fate can be cruel, a second affliction was cruelly imposed upon this unfortunate man, 'Dyslexia', he was unable to read that which he had written and as a result of that his handwriting deteriorated to such an extent that neither could anyone else read it.
He decided to relate his stories instead (in an effort to conquer his afflictions), but because of the fact that there were two stories, one a novel the other a thriller, all he could manage to produce were garbles and grunts in a variety of languages.
If ever you see a man waving his arms in frustration and babbling incoherently, do not dismiss him as an idiot or a drunk, he may well be a 'GENIUS' in the process of trying to tell you something.
After all, if you can spend time listening to the inane ravings of our politicians and gain nothing, how much better to spend time with this chap, at least you may be entertained.