by gabaston » Wed May 04, 2005 9:46 pm
No I don’t expect you to accept defeat. And had you deported us there would not be two communities living on Cyprus.
Your point about not accepting defeat is disturbing. We are not talking about a football match here. We are talking about not killing each other.
We as tcs do not talk of things like victory, but peace.
The troops prevent idiots like the one who has just started two threads (you know who I mean) from crossing the green line.
If they withdraw I doubt that you will stop him, and I cant help feeling that you might even follow him.
Like ive already said we don’t know which of you to trust, so with hindsight we prefer safety in numbers, and not to trust any of you.
Please don’t blame us for the mistakes that your administrations made, and the paths down which you were lead.
I know that you’ve been there for 3500 years but I too can claim that my forefathers were also there 3500 yrs ago, that does not give me the right to impose
My dictate on everyone on the island, and say if you don’t like it leave, or we’ll deport you.
What does give me the right to defend myself and wish to separate my people from yours is that after the Constitution, your people in their self-interests
Of making Cyprus an Hellenic state started killing my people. If I beat up your son or daughter over a given period, because my son wanted to control the entire playground, I wouldn’t expect you to stay passive.
Like you say this is a cease-fire not peace, if you want peace go to the UN or Eu and admit what we suffered, and why, explain your position truthfully, and tell us how you guarantee this will not happen again. We accepted the veto, and it didn’t work, what more is there that you expect us to accept?.
As long as people see Cyprus in terms of victory or defeat, there will always be losers.