Paphitis wrote:Get Real! wrote:Talisker wrote:Get Real! wrote:They don't always sell to the "right" countries though... ... 2-voa9.cfm
Wow, interesting, I'd always assumed Japan wouldn't touch nuclear. Another myth (in my mind at least) busted...........
Notice that the West refers to them as... “Illegal Exports” …because they are headed for “undesirables” like Libya, Iran and North Korea, but if the materials were to head for the US, UK, or Australia then it would be an “anti-terrorist” transaction!
To say that this world disgusts me is an understatement…
Now C'mon GR. Tell me the truth. Who would you prefer to have this type of technology? Iran or Australia?
I could tell you for a fact that Australia will never use this technology to anihilate another country. Now consider a world where Iran suddenly has nuclear weapons. If this eventuates, you should consider moving your family from Cyprus as you guys will not be immune to the nuclear fallout of Isreal's and Iran's anihilation!
Preferably none, but given that the US is the ONLY country in the history of mankind to have used WMDs on another country, and on TWO separate occasions I might add, then my logic concludes that the US should NEVER EVER have them! This much I can easily conclude.
On the other hand, Iran has been a peaceful country throughout its history with the only conflict tarnishing its all-white record being against Iraq in their border disputes.
Given all the evidence, my logic MUST conclude that Iran is a peaceful country unlike the US, UK, or Israel.
If history and logic is anything to go by then the evidence is stacked up AGAINST the West I'm afraid.