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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby bilako22 » Sat May 17, 2008 1:09 am

kurupetos wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
...and yours just represents the few that failed to benefit from the spoils of war.


Exactly! Why bother to discuss with such people? :x I quit.

If you quit what happens to the solution?
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Postby Get Real! » Sat May 17, 2008 1:13 am

bilako22 wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...but you are not communicating to just them. there is the record, and there are the readers who will have to decide for themselves, many, most, who do not write posts....

there is Cyprus, even if it includes voices, unlike the ones you know, who reveer it being torn in two.

I would have thought that to most readers it is pretty obvious that the GC and Tc people of Cyprus need to be kept separate for their own good . it should also be pointed out the international community came to a fair and just solution in 2004 that the Greeks rejected.

Using common sense, those that should be separated are those that don't belong in Cyprus but in their respective Greece or Turkey. It's by no accident that they feel inclined to a country other than Cyprus... they quite simply don't belong here.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat May 17, 2008 1:15 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Excuses excuses, seeing its in the "RoC2 lots of excuses, the same situation in the TRNC and this traitor would be the first to put the knife in, bloody hypocrite.

I think the effects of your depression medication is wearing out, so perhaps it is time for the next dosage my little Fascist terrorist "son of a Hitler".

Do you think there are no GC's homeless in the RoC also, or TC's in the "TRNC".??

In any case, you must be hallucinating again, because I have not made any mention of homeless in the "TRNC", unless of course you are talking about the 200,000 made homeless to create the "TRNC".

Is that what you are talking about my little Fascist terrorist "son of a Hitler".

"Brutus" you traitor your attitude towards the TRNC and running it down at every opportunity yet raising or excusing whatever the GCs and the "RoC" is yet again a clear indication of your biased.

Then stop acting like a True Asshole and stop leading me on to be abusive to you. When you set the stage up, don't be surprised with the show you are going to get. It's very simple really. You egg someone on, you are going to get egg all over your face.
Simple enough for you.?

I care for all Cypriots, TC or GC, makes no difference to me. What I cant stand is Fascist people like you who care only for themselves, but pretend to care for the whole TC community. Talk about hypocrite. You get pissed off because you can't get pass me with your propaganda and those who are paying you to spread your hate poison around are upset with you, because you are not performing. Why don't you show your compassionate side for a change. Oh, I forgot, that's not what you get paid to do, to be a HUMAN BEING.

Then again, what the hell do you know about anything, unless it says PARTITION.

Look you are the one who's displaying a despot attitude as you seem to think no believe everything you put forward is correct and no one else can see things any different to you, if they do then they much be a fascist or the son of Hitler. Get a grip, solving the Cyprus problem is not that simple or it would have been resolved many years ago. The aspect of your whole argument that pisses me off is that you are so one sided to a degree of nausea that zeros out any positive points you may have to make. There are many examples of TCs who I do not see eye to eye with but they show something you have never done and that to put forward just a few arguments in favor of the TCs, I have on many occasions supported a few GC views, this is far more than you have ever done for TCs. Therefore you are 101% on the side of the GCs who according to you are right on every issues and you choose to support them all the time.

Its time you took a step backwards and showed some compassion towards the people you claim to come from namely TCs as to date you have only supported GCs making excuses not to put support TCs against GCs let read your comments as harsh and ridiculing as you use against TCs used against GCs, I truly believe you cannot do it and that will reveal to everyone even more of your one sided attitude and why you are a questionable contributor.
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Postby boomerang » Sat May 17, 2008 4:35 am

halil wrote:Limassol man faces life on the streets
By Anna Hassapi

A REPATRIATED Turkish Cypriot man Ismael Taner Seifi is facing homelessness for the second time in a year because he lacks the funds to pay rent.

Unable to find work, Seifi has been depending on a rent allowance of €170 from Social Services, but the temporary accommodation where he is presently staying is closing and he is faced with finding himself homeless once again on the streets of Limassol.

“I have tried everywhere, Social Services, District Administration, the previous Interior Minister. No-one could help me. If I end up homeless again, I will go on a hunger strike so people can see that there is a homelessness problem in Cyprus,” Seifi told the Cyprus Mail.

Seifi returned to Limassol from the UK in 2007 and initially got state housing at Arnaout Street in Limassol’s Turkish Quarter. “I was then made to leave that house by the authorities as they put someone else there. At that point I was homeless. For about a month I was sleeping on benches at the seafront,” he said.

In the UK Seifi was working as a taxi driver and tried to find similar work in Cyprus, but with no success. “I have chronic bronchitis and I get tired easily. The doctor told me I can only do light work, which includes driving a taxi. I went to the Labour Services and asked for a job, but they never got back to me.”

Seifi finally found a room at a low cost hotel in Limassol and Social Services offered to pay a monthly rent allowance of €170 for him to stay there. However, the hotel recently informed its occupants that it will be closing and that they need to vacate by the end of May. Since then, he has been searching for a flat, but cannot find anything in the range of €170, which is what Social Services are willing to provide.

“Rent prices have gone up, and I don’t know how anyone can afford them. There is no way I can find a place with these prices. The place I’m staying now is smelly and in a bad condition, but at least I have a bed. I am afraid of being homeless again,” he said.

Seifi does not believe that he is being targeted because of his ethnic origin. “It is not because I’m Turkish Cypriot. There are Greek Cypriots who are homeless because they have no money. The situation does not just affect me - there are many like me. There is one specific Greek Cypriot now living on benches at Heroes Square in Limassol.”

Social Services said yesterday that Seifi receives a monthly allowance of €560, which includes rent and basic needs. Social Services officers said that the rent allowance of €170 cannot be increased.

According to Seifi, Social Services offered to place him in an Old People’s Home, which disturbed the 57-year-old man. “I can clean myself and can cook for myself - I am not going to an Old People’s Home at this age. All I want is a place to stay so I can live like a human being.”

Copyright © Cyprus Mail 2008

Hey effendi from bayarak you missed this one...slipping buddy

Tossed out on the street
Homeless man with failing health condemns Haringey as heartless

Homeless man with failing health condemns Haringey as heartless

By Sanem Sahin

A TURKISH man with poor health has spent the last couple of weeks sleeping rough outside Haringey Council’s offices in North London after the Council said he was low priority for housing.

Ramazan Cihan (54) and originally from Adiyaman Golbasi in Turkey, has been camped outside Council offices at Apex House in Seven Sister’s Road Tottenham in protest at being refused accommodation.

Mr Cihan has medical certificates to prove he is blind in one eye, has restricted vision in the other, and has a host of other ailments including diabetes and prostrate problems. He was due to have an operation on 8 May but as he could not provide a proof of address, the operation was postponed.

Mr Cihan moved to London from Birmingham after he served a jail term which saw him unable to keep his home.

Following his release he came to London and was housed by Haringey after proving he had been resident in the borough for six months.

“In October, I was told I could stay in bed and breakfast accommodation,” said Mr Cihan, “but then in December I was told I had to leave. Following help from a solicitor, this was extended until 29 April. But a bailiff was sent to make me leave that day.”

Mr Cihan said Haringey were unable to offer up any alternative housing and said London Street Rescue would be in touch with him to help him find a hostel.

“They eventually came on Sunday night but did little more than take down my details.”
He was told that he should find accommodation by Haringey’s Provision Office, adding that he could get a place to stay and then get the Council to pay rent.

“But many places will not offer up accommodation without money up front, which I do not have.”
Mr Cihan produced doctors’ certificates, clearly showing his health problems and that he cannot work due to ill health.

He said he was sleeping rough at Finsbury Park but now has set up outside Apex House. He was told to move on by police on Monday evening and they said he would be re-housed in the following 48 hours.

A petition of support has now been started for Mr Cihan as he waits to hear if he will get alternative housing.

A spokesman for Haringey Council said:

“Mr Cihan was placed in temporary accommodation in November last year. Subsequently he was assessed as not being in priority need and this decision was upheld on review on April 22. He has been advised about getting hostel accommodation and it is hoped that a vacancy at a hostel will become available within the next fortnight.”

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At least the RoC is doing one helluva more than the UK...wouldn't you agree effendi from bayarak?
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Postby bilako22 » Sat May 17, 2008 8:47 am

boomerang wrote:
halil wrote:Limassol man faces life on the streets
By Anna Hassapi

A REPATRIATED Turkish Cypriot man Ismael Taner Seifi is facing homelessness for the second time in a year because he lacks the funds to pay rent.

Unable to find work, Seifi has been depending on a rent allowance of €170 from Social Services, but the temporary accommodation where he is presently staying is closing and he is faced with finding himself homeless once again on the streets of Limassol.

“I have tried everywhere, Social Services, District Administration, the previous Interior Minister. No-one could help me. If I end up homeless again, I will go on a hunger strike so people can see that there is a homelessness problem in Cyprus,” Seifi told the Cyprus Mail.

Seifi returned to Limassol from the UK in 2007 and initially got state housing at Arnaout Street in Limassol’s Turkish Quarter. “I was then made to leave that house by the authorities as they put someone else there. At that point I was homeless. For about a month I was sleeping on benches at the seafront,” he said.

In the UK Seifi was working as a taxi driver and tried to find similar work in Cyprus, but with no success. “I have chronic bronchitis and I get tired easily. The doctor told me I can only do light work, which includes driving a taxi. I went to the Labour Services and asked for a job, but they never got back to me.”

Seifi finally found a room at a low cost hotel in Limassol and Social Services offered to pay a monthly rent allowance of €170 for him to stay there. However, the hotel recently informed its occupants that it will be closing and that they need to vacate by the end of May. Since then, he has been searching for a flat, but cannot find anything in the range of €170, which is what Social Services are willing to provide.

“Rent prices have gone up, and I don’t know how anyone can afford them. There is no way I can find a place with these prices. The place I’m staying now is smelly and in a bad condition, but at least I have a bed. I am afraid of being homeless again,” he said.

Seifi does not believe that he is being targeted because of his ethnic origin. “It is not because I’m Turkish Cypriot. There are Greek Cypriots who are homeless because they have no money. The situation does not just affect me - there are many like me. There is one specific Greek Cypriot now living on benches at Heroes Square in Limassol.”

Social Services said yesterday that Seifi receives a monthly allowance of €560, which includes rent and basic needs. Social Services officers said that the rent allowance of €170 cannot be increased.

According to Seifi, Social Services offered to place him in an Old People’s Home, which disturbed the 57-year-old man. “I can clean myself and can cook for myself - I am not going to an Old People’s Home at this age. All I want is a place to stay so I can live like a human being.”

Copyright © Cyprus Mail 2008

Hey effendi from bayarak you missed this one...slipping buddy

Tossed out on the street
Homeless man with failing health condemns Haringey as heartless

Homeless man with failing health condemns Haringey as heartless

By Sanem Sahin

A TURKISH man with poor health has spent the last couple of weeks sleeping rough outside Haringey Council’s offices in North London after the Council said he was low priority for housing.

Ramazan Cihan (54) and originally from Adiyaman Golbasi in Turkey, has been camped outside Council offices at Apex House in Seven Sister’s Road Tottenham in protest at being refused accommodation.

Mr Cihan has medical certificates to prove he is blind in one eye, has restricted vision in the other, and has a host of other ailments including diabetes and prostrate problems. He was due to have an operation on 8 May but as he could not provide a proof of address, the operation was postponed.

Mr Cihan moved to London from Birmingham after he served a jail term which saw him unable to keep his home.

Following his release he came to London and was housed by Haringey after proving he had been resident in the borough for six months.

“In October, I was told I could stay in bed and breakfast accommodation,” said Mr Cihan, “but then in December I was told I had to leave. Following help from a solicitor, this was extended until 29 April. But a bailiff was sent to make me leave that day.”

Mr Cihan said Haringey were unable to offer up any alternative housing and said London Street Rescue would be in touch with him to help him find a hostel.

“They eventually came on Sunday night but did little more than take down my details.”
He was told that he should find accommodation by Haringey’s Provision Office, adding that he could get a place to stay and then get the Council to pay rent.

“But many places will not offer up accommodation without money up front, which I do not have.”
Mr Cihan produced doctors’ certificates, clearly showing his health problems and that he cannot work due to ill health.

He said he was sleeping rough at Finsbury Park but now has set up outside Apex House. He was told to move on by police on Monday evening and they said he would be re-housed in the following 48 hours.

A petition of support has now been started for Mr Cihan as he waits to hear if he will get alternative housing.

A spokesman for Haringey Council said:

“Mr Cihan was placed in temporary accommodation in November last year. Subsequently he was assessed as not being in priority need and this decision was upheld on review on April 22. He has been advised about getting hostel accommodation and it is hoped that a vacancy at a hostel will become available within the next fortnight.”

[url] ... berID=1002[/url]

At least the RoC is doing one helluva more than the UK...wouldn't you agree effendi from bayarak?

No they are not . The UK is far more compassionate and generous than ROC, and it does not educate its people to hate turks.
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Postby boomerang » Sat May 17, 2008 8:57 am

In the UK
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He said he was sleeping rough at Finsbury Park but now has set up outside Apex House. He was told to move on by police on Monday evening and they said he would be re-housed in the following 48 hours.

In the RoC
Social Services said yesterday that Seifi receives a monthly allowance of €560, which includes rent and basic needs. Social Services officers said that the rent allowance of €170 cannot be increased.

According to Seifi, Social Services offered to place him in an Old People’s Home, which disturbed the 57-year-old man. “I can clean myself and can cook for myself - I am not going to an Old People’s Home at this age. All I want is a place to stay so I can live like a human being.”

:arrow: You missed these little comparison bits, huh?...

:idea: hello...better stick on the coke bottles next time you read articles...Also read out loud while sticking your left palm over your left ear just so the sound doesn't escape...This way you won't make an ass of your self...
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat May 17, 2008 9:44 am

This happens all over the world the point is that if a similar issue happened in the north we would be the worst people on earth when it happens in the south everything's fine, this is called double standards and hypocrisy.
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Postby boomerang » Sat May 17, 2008 10:01 am

Viewpoint wrote:This happens all over the world the point is that if a similar issue happened in the north we would be the worst people on earth when it happens in the south everything's fine, this is called double standards and hypocrisy.

The above was a responce as to who looks after who better...learn to comprehend, what was discussed prior to you jumping in with your mouth wide open...

maybe you should take the same advice I gave vlaka22... :wink:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat May 17, 2008 10:49 am

boomerang wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:This happens all over the world the point is that if a similar issue happened in the north we would be the worst people on earth when it happens in the south everything's fine, this is called double standards and hypocrisy.

The above was a responce as to who looks after who better...learn to comprehend, what was discussed prior to you jumping in with your mouth wide open...

maybe you should take the same advice I gave vlaka22... :wink:

That's one angle but you have not comprehended the double standards that exists between the 2 states, the day you understand this is the day you will the wiser.
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Postby humanist » Sat May 17, 2008 11:07 am

VP grow up!
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