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The Divisions of Cyprus!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby miltiades » Tue May 13, 2008 3:14 pm

Kikapu wrote:
DT. wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
DT. wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:This is one of those times Observer, that size does not matter , but rather what it can be done with it. :wink: :wink:

Well that should bring relief to Miltiades who was wondering where to hang his pots and pans... [url=][img][/img][/url]

Kikapu bragging again about a different sort of Size !!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It is unfair for me to "blow my own horn", but others have done it for me many times. :lol: :lol:

They all agree with your assumptions, my dear friend Miltiades. :lol:

there goes breakfast

Did you miss lunch again DT. :lol:

Can't risk havng lunch when you old fogies start reminiscing on a piece of action you got back in 1938... :lol:

You are now talking about Miltiades, Bananiot and BirKibrisli. :lol:

As for me, well, it must have been '69.!! :lol:

Born 1946 , had a few lost a few now found a few don't know what to do.
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Postby DT. » Tue May 13, 2008 3:16 pm

miltiades wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
DT. wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
DT. wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:This is one of those times Observer, that size does not matter , but rather what it can be done with it. :wink: :wink:

Well that should bring relief to Miltiades who was wondering where to hang his pots and pans... [url=][img][/img][/url]

Kikapu bragging again about a different sort of Size !!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It is unfair for me to "blow my own horn", but others have done it for me many times. :lol: :lol:

They all agree with your assumptions, my dear friend Miltiades. :lol:

there goes breakfast

Did you miss lunch again DT. :lol:

Can't risk havng lunch when you old fogies start reminiscing on a piece of action you got back in 1938... :lol:

You are now talking about Miltiades, Bananiot and BirKibrisli. :lol:

As for me, well, it must have been '69.!! :lol:

Born 1946 , had a few lost a few now found a few don't know what to do.

All right Boys put your fake teeth back in...leave it alone.!

Looks like Kiks the hippy has you all licked.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Tue May 13, 2008 3:24 pm

DT. wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
DT. wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
DT. wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:This is one of those times Observer, that size does not matter , but rather what it can be done with it. :wink: :wink:

Well that should bring relief to Miltiades who was wondering where to hang his pots and pans... [url=][img][/img][/url]

Kikapu bragging again about a different sort of Size !!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It is unfair for me to "blow my own horn", but others have done it for me many times. :lol: :lol:

They all agree with your assumptions, my dear friend Miltiades. :lol:

there goes breakfast

Did you miss lunch again DT. :lol:

Can't risk havng lunch when you old fogies start reminiscing on a piece of action you got back in 1938... :lol:

You are now talking about Miltiades, Bananiot and BirKibrisli. :lol:

As for me, well, it must have been '69.!! :lol:

Born 1946 , had a few lost a few now found a few don't know what to do.

All right Boys put your fake teeth back in...leave it alone.!

Looks like Kiks the hippy has you all licked.

I must've slept through it all.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 13, 2008 3:25 pm

DT. wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
DT. wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
DT. wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:This is one of those times Observer, that size does not matter , but rather what it can be done with it. :wink: :wink:

Well that should bring relief to Miltiades who was wondering where to hang his pots and pans... [url=][img][/img][/url]

Kikapu bragging again about a different sort of Size !!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It is unfair for me to "blow my own horn", but others have done it for me many times. :lol: :lol:

They all agree with your assumptions, my dear friend Miltiades. :lol:

there goes breakfast

Did you miss lunch again DT. :lol:

Can't risk havng lunch when you old fogies start reminiscing on a piece of action you got back in 1938... :lol:

You are now talking about Miltiades, Bananiot and BirKibrisli. :lol:

As for me, well, it must have been '69.!! :lol:

Born 1946 , had a few lost a few now found a few don't know what to do.

All right Boys put your fake teeth back in...leave it alone.!

Looks like Kiks the hippy has you all licked.

DT, could you please re-phrase the above. :lol: :lol:
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Postby bilako22 » Wed May 14, 2008 12:13 am

kafenes wrote:
observer wrote:
Cyprus possesses a veto over Turkish entry into the EU, and is in a position to force it to pull out its troops, on pain of exclusion.

So the 500 thousand or so GCs are going to dictate policy to the 500 million or so EU citizens. I think that someone has a lot to learn about real politics.

If 200 GCs pinned down 28,000 British troops, then anything is possible.

Yes , but 500,000 GCs have not been able to pin down not even one Turksish soldier.
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Postby Viewpoint » Wed May 14, 2008 12:42 am

VP, Cyprus being part of the Greek state was what the great majority of the Cypriot people wanted. How could it be fine for Cyprus to be under Turks or British against the will of Cypriots, but not fine for Cyprus to be part of a free Greek state which is what the great majority of Cypriots themselves wanted?

According to the resolution for decolonization "integration into an independent State" is one of the three legitimate options for the people of a territory to democratically choose. ... ration.htm

We have been slaves under foreign rule and the only thing we asked for was for our rights and absolutely nothing more.

What you have the right to do was to vote against enosis if you didn't like it. Then we would see how many Cypriots voted in favor and how many against, and a decision would be taken peacefully and democratically. Just because you didn't agree it doesn't give you the right to start killing people in order to impose your own will by force.

So the rule of the Turks and Brits you oppose yet you have no problem putting us in the same position of being ruled by Greece, aren't you being the worst type of hypocrite there is with no regard for the TCs even after agreeing to an independent state. What you expected us to do was vote for nothing as the impact of our votes would not change a thing as 99.9% of GCs wanted to gift Cyprus to Greece. Does everyone have the right to fight back in order to survive, we saw the risk and fought back full stop.

Union with Greece was how Cypriots wanted to exercise their right for self-determination after being ruled by British, Turks and many other foreigners for so long. It did not involve any harm against the human or other rights of TCs, neither we ever demanded that TCs should be harmed in any way. We simply fought against the colonialists for our freedom.

Well forgive us for want to live and not wanting to become part of Greece, feeling threatened by a nation that had dealt with Crete and Corfu, the feeling was one of being sentenced to death which any sane man would fight with everything they have to survive.

On the other hand, your reaction, which was obviously planed and coordinated by London and Ankara, was that of aggression against us along with criminal demands of "taksim", that we should be ethnically cleansed from half of our island (where we are the overwhelming majority for 1000s of years) so you can have some artificially created Turkish state on it.

So how can you tell me that your crimes against us can be justified because of our 100% legitimate straggle for our rights????

As I said many times in this forum, and as the article says also, what happened in Cyprus is exclusively due to the interests of foreign powers, particularly the UK and Turkey.

The British did not want to loose Cyprus because they considered it the most important overseas base they had, so in order to balance out and defeat the liberation struggle of Cypriots they involved Turkey in the Cyprus affairs, and they turned TCs against the rest of Cypriots by promising to them huge gains on our loss if they help them to defeat our revolution.

If the British did not have such interests in Cyprus, then Cyprus could be decolonized in a peaceful and democratic way, by means of a referendum where Cypriots would choose one of the legitimate options for decolonization.

You played the wrong card and disregarded a large part of your population and now we all pay the price, faced with being given as a sacrificial people to Greece we could not sit around accept the majorities will waiting for our fate we had to fight back with goals of our own which don't forget allowed you to survive and prosper on this island, you saw fit for us to given to Greece where we would be left to their mercy and possible annihilation.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed May 14, 2008 3:17 am

You played the wrong card and disregarded a large part of your population and now we all pay the price, faced with being given as a sacrificial people to Greece we could not sit around accept the majorities will waiting for our fate we had to fight back with goals of our own which don't forget allowed you to survive and prosper on this island, you saw fit for us to given to Greece where we would be left to their mercy and possible annihilation.

what does this have to do with supporting the unity of the dwellers as this island's dwellers.

...when does two wrongs make anything right? Takism is ok because the Enosis tried, but failed...???

...who is the you: me?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed May 14, 2008 4:13 am

Kikapu wrote:
observer wrote:
Cyprus possesses a veto over Turkish entry into the EU, and is in a position to force it to pull out its troops, on pain of exclusion.

So the 500 thousand or so GCs are going to dictate policy to the 500 million or so EU citizens. I think that someone has a lot to learn about real politics.

Turkey seems to take it seriously Observer, so why don't you.??

The veto vote on Kosovo's recognition was the will of the citizens of Cyprus over the will of most other EU members. As a result, there is no formal recognition of Kosovo by the EU as a block.

Don't you think for a moment that present negotiations for a settlement has nothing to do with Cyprus's veto power options in the EU. That's why the dynamics have changed a great deal on the ground in search for peace since the entry into the EU by Cyprus in 2004. Peace cannot be ignored any longer as it was for the last 40+ years. It leveled the playing field so that a fair solution for both the communities can be found with a bit of compromise.

This is one of those times Observer, that size does not matter , but rather what it can be done with it. :wink: :wink:

...i like this posting, too.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed May 14, 2008 4:21 am

Piratis wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:So we the TCs had no right to fight against what we knew would lead to union with Greece, we did not want to become a Greek island like Corfu and Crete, we wanted to stay independent but without strength we would not stand a chance so to counteract the GCs fight for enosis we had to counter plan with Taksim, the division of Cyprus which gave both communities the opportunity to survive on the island without gifting the country to another. Can no one see the difference, the GCs were trying to push us into the hands of Greece who track record against the Turkish was shit and meant we would face near enough annihilation and the counter struggle to allow the TCs to survive in a safe haven of their own far away from GC desires of which we had 11 years of experience.

VP, Cyprus being part of the Greek state was what the great majority of the Cypriot people wanted. How could it be fine for Cyprus to be under Turks or British against the will of Cypriots, but not fine for Cyprus to be part of a free Greek state which is what the great majority of Cypriots themselves wanted?

According to the resolution for decolonization "integration into an independent State" is one of the three legitimate options for the people of a territory to democratically choose. ... ration.htm

We have been slaves under foreign rule and the only thing we asked for was for our rights and absolutely nothing more.

What you have the right to do was to vote against enosis if you didn't like it. Then we would see how many Cypriots voted in favor and how many against, and a decision would be taken peacefully and democratically. Just because you didn't agree it doesn't give you the right to start killing people in order to impose your own will by force.

Union with Greece was how Cypriots wanted to exercise their right for self-determination after being ruled by British, Turks and many other foreigners for so long. It did not involve any harm against the human or other rights of TCs, neither we ever demanded that TCs should be harmed in any way. We simply fought against the colonialists for our freedom.

On the other hand, your reaction, which was obviously planed and coordinated by London and Ankara, was that of aggression against us along with criminal demands of "taksim", that we should be ethnically cleansed from half of our island (where we are the overwhelming majority for 1000s of years) so you can have some artificially created Turkish state on it.

So how can you tell me that your crimes against us can be justified because of our 100% legitimate straggle for our rights????

As I said many times in this forum, and as the article says also, what happened in Cyprus is exclusively due to the interests of foreign powers, particularly the UK and Turkey.

The British did not want to loose Cyprus because they considered it the most important overseas base they had, so in order to balance out and defeat the liberation struggle of Cypriots they involved Turkey in the Cyprus affairs, and they turned TCs against the rest of Cypriots by promising to them huge gains on our loss if they help them to defeat our revolution.

If the British did not have such interests in Cyprus, then Cyprus could be decolonized in a peaceful and democratic way, by means of a referendum where Cypriots would choose one of the legitimate options for decolonization.

Furthermore VP, you should remember that it was Makarios who proposed independence as an alternative solution. But even then you continued to collaborate with Ankara and London in order to serve the interests of those 2 countries in Cyprus and as a reward to be given by them unfair and disproportional gains on our loss. So what was behind your criminal actions was not any fears, but your greed to take on our loss what those foreigners where promising to you.

The same is true today. Cyprus is a modern EU state but still the Turks demand huge undemocratic gains of power and land on our loss claiming that they need them supposedly for their protection!! And I ask you again, why the 18% of TC minority need 30% of land for its "protection"? This alone, without even looking at the other outrageous demands for gains against us, shows that whats behind your actions is simply your greed for disproportionately large amounts of land and power, just like Turkey and the UK continue to promise to you in order to maintain the division of Cyprus and their grip over our island.

...strong argument.
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Postby DT. » Wed May 14, 2008 8:14 am

bilako22 wrote:
kafenes wrote:
observer wrote:
Cyprus possesses a veto over Turkish entry into the EU, and is in a position to force it to pull out its troops, on pain of exclusion.

So the 500 thousand or so GCs are going to dictate policy to the 500 million or so EU citizens. I think that someone has a lot to learn about real politics.

If 200 GCs pinned down 28,000 British troops, then anything is possible.

Yes , but 500,000 GCs have not been able to pin down not even one Turksish soldier.

Actually we've managed to pin down 40,000 Turkish troops for the past 34 years, at great cost to Turkey. Thats how paranoid Turkey is of us.
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