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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Sun May 18, 2008 12:43 pm

bilako22 wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Once again you are making a mistake and will fall into your own trap by saying, that those who did not benefit from the spoils of war, are now seeing things from the point of the GC view.!!

Does that then mean, that if one sees from the TC point of view, that they must have benefited from the spoils of war.!!

Learn to be careful in what you accuse others of, because in the end, your accusations will tell more about yourself than others in what they may or may not have committed.

Answer my question first before you want to move onto the "Haram" issues.

You have not answered my question . Ma question and your ambiguous answer leads to many other questions.Did your mother or father attempt to receive compensated land or not? Where do they live . Where do you live . What has happened to your land in the South?Have you been to the TRNC recently ? Have you done army service?
I suspect your logic is as sound as your definitions of haram and temporary.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just exactly which "comic book" did you arise from, because you are getting to be very funny. :lol:

Just admit it bilako22, that you have trapped your "nuts" in a vice and now can't go forward or backwards to get out of answer my questions put to you, because either way, you are "toast". :lol:

Your question was answered very directly without any complications, so I thought, and that is, NO we did not benefit from the "spoils of war" and you asking more questions as to WHY NOT, is not going to help you. The opportunities were there, but we chose not to act on them.

If you just want to ask questions and not answer the ones put to you, perhaps you can start posting with "unitedwestand", because he too likes to ask and not answer questions. That should be a very exhilarating discussion between the two of you...............not. :lol:

Anyway, I don't have time to waste with your groundless assumptions of me. Since you have not answered my questions put to you, and since we are not in a court room, then your silence is very deafening of your quilt with you benefiting from the "spoils of war", therefore you may now keep the "immoral awards" presented to you the other night, permanently.!!

It has been interesting in "not talking" with you. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Sun May 18, 2008 1:01 pm

bilako22 wrote: You cannot accept that the views of VP represents the majority of TCs and yours just represents the few that failed to benefit from the spoils of war.

yours just represents the few that failed to benefit from the spoils of war

I don't know whether VP appreciates your comments or looking for a place to hide in shame. :lol: :lol:

Take my word for it bilako22, you are not helping him. :lol:

So, what you are saying is, VP and the majority of the TC's all have benefited from the "spoils of war", and if that is the case, then no one should be offended if I use the words such as "morally corrupted" "corrupt society" "NeoPartitionist" "anti peace" "Animal Farm" and so on, because who would in their right minds would want to have peace and has to return all their ill gotten "spoils of war".??

I don't think you are helping the TC cause at all. I'm surprised you are not "whip lashed" yet for your comments. :lol: :lol:

Just out of interest, on what grounds to you assume that VP represents the majority, and I do not mean the majority living in the north, but majority True TC's. If you are talking about simple majority of the north, then I would agree with you, because that would be a no brainer.........thanks.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 18, 2008 4:33 pm

miltiades wrote:
bilako22 wrote:
boomerang wrote:In the UK
Code: Select all
He said he was sleeping rough at Finsbury Park but now has set up outside Apex House. He was told to move on by police on Monday evening and they said he would be re-housed in the following 48 hours.

In the RoC
Social Services said yesterday that Seifi receives a monthly allowance of €560, which includes rent and basic needs. Social Services officers said that the rent allowance of €170 cannot be increased.

According to Seifi, Social Services offered to place him in an Old People’s Home, which disturbed the 57-year-old man. “I can clean myself and can cook for myself - I am not going to an Old People’s Home at this age. All I want is a place to stay so I can live like a human being.”

:arrow: You missed these little comparison bits, huh?...

:idea: hello...better stick on the coke bottles next time you read articles...Also read out loud while sticking your left palm over your left ear just so the sound doesn't escape...This way you won't make an ass of your self...

You must be mad for using these two examples to compare the welfare state in the Uk to that of Cyprus. There are thousands of Greek and Turks in the UK living of benefits.

Greeks and Turks maybe mate but are there any Cypriots ??

probably more Cypriots in England, probably more around the globe.

and probably because they remember what was, and because they see much more than the island dwellers what could be, they do not foresake these roots. for the welfare of people everywhere, there is much shame for all of us to share. if there was this 'caring' by us, these minimal examples would not have their importance proscribed for the sympathy of others, in a topic such as this.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun May 18, 2008 5:00 pm

bilako22 wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...but you are not communicating to just them. there is the record, and there are the readers who will have to decide for themselves, many, most, who do not write posts....

there is Cyprus, even if it includes voices, unlike the ones you know, who reveer it being torn in two.

I would have thought that to most readers it is pretty obvious that the GC and Tc people of Cyprus need to be kept separate for their own good . it should also be pointed out the international community came to a fair and just solution in 2004 that the Greeks rejected.

...since the majority of people voted in the referendum, we can only conclude that they want unity in their democracy. and as a conclusion, that is good enough.

bilako, there is a difference between agreement and solution.

the Annan Plan failed to be the solution, (many parts remained unclear) and, as an agreement it was rejected as well.

nothing wrong with that, knowing the problem is complex, only our patience and our will, will sustain Humanity. so beside starting a 'country' from plunder, consider the 'international community' again, which does not after all these years support the efforts of these acts.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun May 18, 2008 6:37 pm

bilako22 wrote:I would have thought that to most readers it is pretty obvious that the GC and Tc people of Cyprus need to be kept separate for their own good .

I thought I was done pointing out errors with your "assumptions & assertions", but not quiet yet I guess.

TC's and GC's have lived as a mixed community for centuries. Some villages from majority to entirely were TC's and some villages from majority to entirely were GC's all over the map of Cyprus. Only less than 10% of the history between the two communities has there been a complete separation (in recent times), therefore your claim is not accurate to say the least.

You are now 0-4.!! :lol:

bilako22 wrote:it should also be pointed out the international community came to a fair and just solution in 2004 that the Greeks rejected.

And your false "assumptions & assertions" continues with the above statement. There was nothing fair and just solution in the AP 2004, since it was turned down. Had it been a fair and just solution, it would have passed.!!

You are now 0-5 .!! :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Sun May 18, 2008 6:46 pm

halil wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Halil, you mentioned yesterday that you are on your way to the USA soon. Which states are you going to and how long will you be staying.?? If you are going anywhere to the Western parts of the USA, I can give you lots of tips if you want in what to see and do. Specially for California, Arizona, Utah, Nevada to mention a few.

Have a nice trip Halil.

Thanks Kikapu,
İ will go to Quincy , Springfield and St. Louis and Chikago .

roots will be İstanbul,Frankfurt ,Chikago , Springfield and Quincy.

also we can stay 3 days at St.Louis .

We will do factory acceptance testes at Harris and BE electronics factories for our new Transmitting systems. 15 days we will stay . İt will be my third trip to these places . We have good quides from firms .Thanks for your offer .

You did mention last month that you were going to the states for additional training in your field.

You will be on the "wrong" side of the Mississippi River in that case, but there are several good Irish Bars in Chicago. I know, because after several drinks, I was dancing with a chair some time ago.!!

Please don't ask.!! :lol: :lol:

Have a safe trip Halil.
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Postby halil » Sun May 18, 2008 8:08 pm

Kikapu wrote:
halil wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Halil, you mentioned yesterday that you are on your way to the USA soon. Which states are you going to and how long will you be staying.?? If you are going anywhere to the Western parts of the USA, I can give you lots of tips if you want in what to see and do. Specially for California, Arizona, Utah, Nevada to mention a few.

Have a nice trip Halil.

Thanks Kikapu,
İ will go to Quincy , Springfield and St. Louis and Chikago .

roots will be İstanbul,Frankfurt ,Chikago , Springfield and Quincy.

also we can stay 3 days at St.Louis .

We will do factory acceptance testes at Harris and BE electronics factories for our new Transmitting systems. 15 days we will stay . İt will be my third trip to these places . We have good quides from firms .Thanks for your offer .

You did mention last month that you were going to the states for additional training in your field.

You will be on the "wrong" side of the Mississippi River in that case, but there are several good Irish Bars in Chicago. I know, because after several drinks, I was dancing with a chair some time ago.!!

Please don't ask.!! :lol: :lol:

Have a safe trip Halil.

i tell u Quincy, Illinois, city is much cheaper than Cyprus . Food , drinks are very big portions .People are very friendly but some how they don't know much about rest of the world . İ didn't like Chicago but i like Quincy and Saint louis .
Bars and girls are very good at Saint louis .

also i like Mississippi River . especially bars and gambling houses are very interesting inside the boats .
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Postby Kikapu » Sun May 18, 2008 11:24 pm

halil wrote:
i tell u Quincy, Illinois, city is much cheaper than Cyprus . Food , drinks are very big portions .People are very friendly but some how they don't know much about rest of the world . İ didn't like Chicago but i like Quincy and Saint louis .
Bars and girls are very good at Saint louis .

also i like Mississippi River . especially bars and gambling houses are very interesting inside the boats .

People are very friendly but some how they don't know much about rest of the world

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Most Americans does not think (or know) that there is a "rest of the world" to begin with, so there you are, but they are very nice and yes, the food portions are big, although with the recent rise in food prices, I've heard that they are reducing the portions to save money, rather than charge more.

However, there is a good chance that you will still put on extra few kilos despite "smaller" portions American style. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bars and girls are very good at Saint louis .

Now we know your real reasons for the trip. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon May 19, 2008 2:52 pm

Kikapu wrote:
bilako22 wrote:I would have thought that to most readers it is pretty obvious that the GC and Tc people of Cyprus need to be kept separate for their own good .

I thought I was done pointing out errors with your "assumptions & assertions", but not quiet yet I guess.

TC's and GC's have lived as a mixed community for centuries. Some villages from majority to entirely were TC's and some villages from majority to entirely were GC's all over the map of Cyprus. Only less than 10% of the history between the two communities has there been a complete separation (in recent times), therefore your claim is not accurate to say the least.

You are now 0-4.!! :lol:

bilako22 wrote:it should also be pointed out the international community came to a fair and just solution in 2004 that the Greeks rejected.

And your false "assumptions & assertions" continues with the above statement. There was nothing fair and just solution in the AP 2004, since it was turned down. Had it been a fair and just solution, it would have passed.!!

You are now 0-5 .!! :lol:

By just reading this page I counted a backgammon and a gammon. Congrats kikapu :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby alexISS » Mon May 19, 2008 3:06 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:By just reading this page I counted a backgammon and a gammon. Congrats kikapu :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey you're back!

You are back, right? :lol:
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