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Who are, Pro rata, the best Armed Forces in the world

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Who has the best Armed Forces on a pro rata basis?

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Total votes : 39

Postby denizaksulu » Mon May 12, 2008 4:44 pm

purdey wrote:A fun question, but proof of who is better has no real significance.
Armies ar made up of brave men and women who are prepared to sacrifice their lives for what they believe.
Technology has still not replaced the face to face combat that is still needed for an overall victory, and these men and women although ridiculed in some quarters as lacking intelligence or been misguided in their beliefs still stand fast regardless of thought for life.
I like to think of all armies and their soldiers as brave individuals who have taken it upon themselves to stand up and be counted. I respect all those who have fought, lived or died for others to live in peace.
I am not a fan of war films, media reports, war games, or the opinions of armchair warriors. If they want to experience war put on a uniform...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Who are, Pro rata, the best Armed Forces in the world

Postby denizaksulu » Mon May 12, 2008 4:48 pm

BOF wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Simon wrote:After constantly hearing about how invincible Turkey is, I am interested in seeing who forumers believe has the best military on a pro rata basis. This is not just about difference in numbers. It is about technology, training, bravery, experience etc etc.

I cannot reconcile bravery with military technology.

Remember the 'Brave' USA navy shelling Beirut from 100's of miles away?

Wrong poll.

Go back to the Korean war, and excluding the USAF, the ground forces were the brave ones. Among the bravest and the most heroic were the (numerically small) contingents from Turkey and Greece. (not from Turkish sources). Nowadays who can tell. How far away are the 'commanders' from the battlefield?

But then again what about the stand of the gloucester regiment in Korea?
Now forever known as the glorious Gloucesters..their bravery in fighting when surrounded should not be forgotten.
Forget Americans as ground forces - they simply rely on firepower and as history has shown everytime they encounter a well armed organised enemy they are in trouble. And forget the USAF. in the first iraq war those bloody cowboys killed more British troops that the enemy did, and tried just as hard in the second...a fact that has never been forgotten in the UK.


'Surrounded' is an understatement. 'Swarmed' or 'flooded' perhaps more apt in Korea.
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Postby Simon » Mon May 12, 2008 5:56 pm

Looks like the person who voted for Turkey does not have the balls to own up to it. Big brave Turks eh? :lol:

Looks like Turkey's "invincible" armed forces do not have such a reputation after all judging by this Poll. 1 vote from a person who will not disclose himself. :lol:
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Postby Mills Chapman » Mon May 12, 2008 6:32 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Mills Chapman wrote:I think either the Fijians or Tongans are supposed to be some of the best fighters. And, pound for pound (regardless of the military training), Thais - from Thailand and not Taiwan - have won numerous world fighting titles.

:? In what Kickboxing?

In "anything goes as long as it is your own body" - the choice is up to each fighter. Thais have beaten up wrestlers, boxers, tae kwan do people, Chinese and Japanese karate people, you name it.
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Postby umit07 » Mon May 12, 2008 6:38 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Gabira wrote:Why didn't you include the Turkish Cypriot Army in the poll ?

They alone could annihilate the ROC with their eyes closed even with the mainland Turkish army removed.

The mainland Turkish army is only there as a mediator to ensure that the Greeks play it fair if the North and South went to war again ;)

Because they are not a recognised army. Vigilante group is probably more accurate! :lol:

...and because they have a Teletubbie for a leader. :lol:

Comander in Chief Umit! God save our souls! :lol:

The Turkish Cypriot Elite Teletubbie forces during training...

...while General Umit looks ahead...

I see that I have left quite an impression on you two.

General Umit in uniform! :lol:

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Postby paul1978 » Mon May 12, 2008 6:52 pm

no one mentioned the taliban they seem to do some damage.....................
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 12, 2008 6:58 pm

Mills Chapman wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Mills Chapman wrote:I think either the Fijians or Tongans are supposed to be some of the best fighters. And, pound for pound (regardless of the military training), Thais - from Thailand and not Taiwan - have won numerous world fighting titles.

:? In what Kickboxing?

In "anything goes as long as it is your own body" - the choice is up to each fighter. Thais have beaten up wrestlers, boxers, tae kwan do people, Chinese and Japanese karate people, you name it.

Mills, when it comes to "anything goes" fighting, or MMA (mixed martial arts) to be more formal, the Russian Fedor Emelianenko can beat the living crap out of anybody in the world.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 12, 2008 6:59 pm

umit07 wrote:General Umit in uniform! :lol:


Is that you as a kid? :lol:

That's a great photo... :)
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Postby umit07 » Mon May 12, 2008 7:03 pm

Yes GR. You calling me a General reminded me of it.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 12, 2008 7:23 pm

umit07 wrote:Yes GR. You calling me a General reminded me of it.

You look just like grandpa Ataturk! 8)

We'll have to place this one in our baby photos thread too... err someone find it please... :?
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