iceman wrote:Get Real! wrote:iceman wrote:I find this business of ROC taking Turkish army on very childish...They have the power to annihilate you over night...Don't ever give them the excuse to do so..
Thank god your leaders are not as stupid as you lot and attempt such a foolish suicide...
Iceman, which weapon in Turkey's inventory has such a capability?
Their mentality...

Not good enough. You're propagating misinformation

because Turkey has nothing of the sort I assure you.
It's a common TC tactic to try and scare GCs into submission so that their illegal hold on the occupied areas is preserved.
Turkey has what is called a “conventional army” Iceman, so there are no frills other than large numbers, most of which will be busy elsewhere…my estimates is that Turkey will not be prepared to assign/expend more than 60,000 for the “TRNC”.