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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Poll ended at Sun May 18, 2008 8:19 pm

Get Real
Total votes : 36

Postby Paphitis » Thu May 22, 2008 2:04 pm

Eliko , may I once again utter the inevitable veracity .What a bloody waste of an education.
Scientists never give up in their continued efforts to discover new ways in treating human deceases such as cancer and other dilapidating deceases , they strive and strive till they are successful.
You and other like minded misguided individuals that can not see further than your noses have given up on negotiations and are convinced that WAR ON TURKEY WILL BRING THE SOLUTION REQUIRED !!!
Poor short sighted dreamers , you can not see how dangerous your views are , I'm glad our government does that's why they are carrying on with negotiations.
May I also state that with the exception of perhaps Paphitis all of you war mongers are anti American , anti West and Bin Laden disciples, its no bloody wonder you are all , 18 of you , a loss cause to a peaceful resolution of the Cyprus problem . Once again , shame on you , you have sent entirely the wrong message .[/quote] - Miltiades quote

The above post is the offending one which has forced me to post in reply in order to express that I do not share the same narrow minded views that you have on world affairs. I am a little bit more objective than what you are on complicated issues and can see both sides of the coin which you unfortunately fail miserably.

Also, if your understanding is what you say, then I do not blame you as English is your second language. Either that or you would ideally make the perfect politician with your uncanny ability to manipulate the context of other peoples arguments to suit your very narrow sighted point of view.

I am done talking with you now, as I have gotten everything that I wish to say off my chest, and also due to the fact that communicating with you is pointless as I would get better satisfaction in talking with my cat!
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 22, 2008 2:16 pm

Paphitis wrote:

Eliko , may I once again utter the inevitable veracity .What a bloody waste of an education.
Scientists never give up in their continued efforts to discover new ways in treating human deceases such as cancer and other dilapidating deceases , they strive and strive till they are successful.
You and other like minded misguided individuals that can not see further than your noses have given up on negotiations and are convinced that WAR ON TURKEY WILL BRING THE SOLUTION REQUIRED !!!
Poor short sighted dreamers , you can not see how dangerous your views are , I'm glad our government does that's why they are carrying on with negotiations.
May I also state that with the exception of perhaps Paphitis all of you war mongers are anti American , anti West and Bin Laden disciples, its no bloody wonder you are all , 18 of you , a loss cause to a peaceful resolution of the Cyprus problem . Once again , shame on you , you have sent entirely the wrong message .[/quote] - Miltiades quote

The above post is the offending one which has forced me to post in reply in order to express that I do not share the same narrow minded views that you have on world affairs. I am a little bit more objective than what you are on complicated issues and can see both sides of the coin which you unfortunately fail miserably.

Also, if your understanding is what you say, then I do not blame you as English is your second language. Either that or you would ideally make the perfect politician with your uncanny ability to manipulate the context of other peoples arguments to suit your very narrow sighted point of view.

I am done talking with you now, as I have gotten everything that I wish to say off my chest, and also due to the fact that communicating with you is pointless as I would get better satisfaction in talking with my cat![/quote]
Ditto !
Just make sure that you make it to Cyprus when GRs war starts !!!
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Postby Paphitis » Thu May 22, 2008 2:27 pm

Put it this way. It would be my honor to wear the CNG uniform if such a war starts. National service is something I am very accustomed to, and quite frankly I would feel more at ease serving Cyprus and contributing to it's defence as opposed to being sent to Iraq and serving US interests. I find the former much more honorable than the latter. Thanks.
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 22, 2008 3:09 pm

Paphitis wrote:Put it this way. It would be my honor to wear the CNG uniform if such a war starts. National service is something I am very accustomed to, and quite frankly I would feel more at ease serving Cyprus and contributing to it's defence as opposed to being sent to Iraq and serving US interests. I find the former much more honorable than the latter. Thanks.

Lets hope that for the sake of peace and the future of our people such a scenario never materializes . It would lead to a destruction beyond imagination and it will solve NOTHING AT ALL .
The way forward is our political strength not our militarily perceived might .
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Postby Nikitas » Thu May 22, 2008 3:25 pm

Being peaceful means not taking the fight to others. Being wise means being ready in case others bring the fight to you.
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 22, 2008 3:43 pm

Nikitas wrote:Being peaceful means not taking the fight to others. Being wise means being ready in case others bring the fight to you.

Spot on Nikitas !
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Postby Paphitis » Thu May 22, 2008 3:45 pm

miltiades wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Being peaceful means not taking the fight to others. Being wise means being ready in case others bring the fight to you.

Spot on Nikitas !

I would of thought Turkey DID bring the fight to us in 74. :? :? :?

So if we wake up and decide to defend ourselves we are within our rights.
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 22, 2008 4:22 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Being peaceful means not taking the fight to others. Being wise means being ready in case others bring the fight to you.

Spot on Nikitas !

I would of thought Turkey DID bring the fight to us in 74. :? :? :?

So if we wake up and decide to defend ourselves we are within our rights.

Does it then mean that we attack Turkey right now and at the same time deal with the 40 thousand Turkish troops as well as re enforcements and of course dealing with the settlers , around 140 thousand or perhaps more . Let us presume that we do so and that we defeat the Turkish army in Cyprus while at the same time penetrating deep into Southern Turkey . We win the war , Turkey is then forced to surrender , and we then still have to deal with not only some of the forty thousand Turkish troops that supposedly have surrender to our superior military power but also the settlers and of course the Turkish Cypriots , while at the same time we ground all of our flying Pigs !

:lol: :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Thu May 22, 2008 4:29 pm

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Being peaceful means not taking the fight to others. Being wise means being ready in case others bring the fight to you.

Spot on Nikitas !

I would of thought Turkey DID bring the fight to us in 74. :? :? :?

So if we wake up and decide to defend ourselves we are within our rights.

Does it then mean that we attack Turkey right now and at the same time deal with the 40 thousand Turkish troops as well as re enforcements and of course dealing with the settlers , around 140 thousand or perhaps more . Let us presume that we do so and that we defeat the Turkish army in Cyprus while at the same time penetrating deep into Southern Turkey . We win the war , Turkey is then forced to surrender , and we then still have to deal with not only some of the forty thousand Turkish troops that supposedly have surrender to our superior military power but also the settlers and of course the Turkish Cypriots , while at the same time we ground all of our flying Pigs !

:lol: :lol:

I do not feel the need to answer your stupid questions.

Come again with something intelligent and I will give you an intelligent answer.

You have now descended to lunacy!
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Postby repulsewarrior » Thu May 22, 2008 4:56 pm

...what this thread proves is that wording is very important.

any resolution, therefore will be successful if it is clear, and easy to understand. anything which is open to interpretation, or assumes Goodwill, most likely will end in acrimony.
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