boomerang wrote:
huh?...I got kicked out of Cyprus and the only thing I got was a silly hat
Tommy Cooper had one "Just Like That"

boomerang wrote:Eliko wrote:boomerang wrote:
huh?...I got kicked out of Cyprus and the only thing I got was a silly hat
Tommy Cooper had one "Just Like That"![]()
The thieving bastards..they gave everyone one
boomerang wrote:Eliko wrote:boomerang wrote:
huh?...I got kicked out of Cyprus and the only thing I got was a silly hat
Tommy Cooper had one "Just Like That"![]()
The thieving bastards..they gave everyone one
bilako22 wrote:boomerang wrote:Eliko wrote:boomerang wrote:
huh?...I got kicked out of Cyprus and the only thing I got was a silly hat
Tommy Cooper had one "Just Like That"![]()
The thieving bastards..they gave everyone one
Look who is talking about thieving .
miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:Eliko wrote:miltiades, I do think you need to consider the opinions of others with a little more flexibility, you have apparently concluded that the issue is a clear cut choice between 'WAR' and 'PEACE' and I think you are misguided in reaching that conclusion.
I am sure Get Real (along with every other member) would prefer a just and peaceful settlement and that is where you seem to be having difficulty in understanding the support Get Real is receiving.
My own views (in the previous poll) were quite clear and brief, there would be little point in adopting your approach to a settlement since, quite frankly, I considered your proposals mere murmurings of what any of us may read in the gutter press, totally ineffective political claptrap.
Get Real, on the other hand, approaches the issue from a position which rallies the support of those who have a less myopic view of the situation in Cyprus, he is not suggesting that we should all march out and declare war on our own people, he is highlighting the option of military action should the negotiating capabilities of those who represent Cyprus should fail.
The ultimate objectives of both you and Get Real are very similar, they are in tandem with the majority of the members I am sure, the difference is that your proposals emanate from your weakness and willingness to follow the failed policies of the gullible, whereas Get Real declares his own opinions, THAT is why paphitis found it so easy to make his choice and the same reasons apply to my own.
In my humble opinion of course.
miltiades, 27 pages later, you are still failing to understand the significance of the comments made by members.
Please read AGAIN.
Bearing in mind that if option 1 had not failed, it would have succeeded (which it has not) therefore it should be confined to history.
Eliko , may I once again utter the inevitable veracity .What a bloody waste of an education.
Scientists never give up in their continued efforts to discover new ways in treating human deceases such as cancer and other dilapidating deceases , they strive and strive till they are successful.
You and other like minded misguided individuals that can not see further than your noses have given up on negotiations and are convinced that WAR ON TURKEY WILL BRING THE SOLUTION REQUIRED !!!
Poor short sighted dreamers , you can not see how dangerous your views are , I'm glad our government does that's why they are carrying on with negotiations.
May I also state that with the exception of perhaps Paphitis all of you war mongers are anti American , anti West and Bin Laden disciples, its no bloody wonder you are all , 18 of you , a loss cause to a peaceful resolution of the Cyprus problem . Once again , shame on you , you have sent entirely the wrong message .
Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:Eliko wrote:miltiades, I do think you need to consider the opinions of others with a little more flexibility, you have apparently concluded that the issue is a clear cut choice between 'WAR' and 'PEACE' and I think you are misguided in reaching that conclusion.
I am sure Get Real (along with every other member) would prefer a just and peaceful settlement and that is where you seem to be having difficulty in understanding the support Get Real is receiving.
My own views (in the previous poll) were quite clear and brief, there would be little point in adopting your approach to a settlement since, quite frankly, I considered your proposals mere murmurings of what any of us may read in the gutter press, totally ineffective political claptrap.
Get Real, on the other hand, approaches the issue from a position which rallies the support of those who have a less myopic view of the situation in Cyprus, he is not suggesting that we should all march out and declare war on our own people, he is highlighting the option of military action should the negotiating capabilities of those who represent Cyprus should fail.
The ultimate objectives of both you and Get Real are very similar, they are in tandem with the majority of the members I am sure, the difference is that your proposals emanate from your weakness and willingness to follow the failed policies of the gullible, whereas Get Real declares his own opinions, THAT is why paphitis found it so easy to make his choice and the same reasons apply to my own.
In my humble opinion of course.
miltiades, 27 pages later, you are still failing to understand the significance of the comments made by members.
Please read AGAIN.
Bearing in mind that if option 1 had not failed, it would have succeeded (which it has not) therefore it should be confined to history.
Eliko , may I once again utter the inevitable veracity .What a bloody waste of an education.
Scientists never give up in their continued efforts to discover new ways in treating human deceases such as cancer and other dilapidating deceases , they strive and strive till they are successful.
You and other like minded misguided individuals that can not see further than your noses have given up on negotiations and are convinced that WAR ON TURKEY WILL BRING THE SOLUTION REQUIRED !!!
Poor short sighted dreamers , you can not see how dangerous your views are , I'm glad our government does that's why they are carrying on with negotiations.
May I also state that with the exception of perhaps Paphitis all of you war mongers are anti American , anti West and Bin Laden disciples, its no bloody wonder you are all , 18 of you , a loss cause to a peaceful resolution of the Cyprus problem . Once again , shame on you , you have sent entirely the wrong message .
After the above post from Miltiades, I feel the need to clear my name and prevent any damage to my reputation. First of all, I would like to point out that Miltiades is correct in stating that I am not anti- American, anti west, and I am certainly not a Bin Laden disciple. I do however wish to reiterate that I certainly do not agree with every little bit of US foreign policy as he does, and I would appreciate if Miltiades does not give people the impression that I am a blind US supporter as I acknowledge basic moral fundamentals, including being anti war even though Miltiades wrongly ascerts that I am a war monger.
Please Miltiades, do not compare your ideals with mine as I consider this to be defamatory to my reputation and persona. And please do not confuse my support for my country Australia, as being blindly pro American in all respects. In time you too will realise when history condemns George W Bush as the worst President in American history, that American foreign policy is far from ideal.
As for you ascerting that I am a war monger, well I can assure you that I am not. But I do support the fundamental right of Cyprus to defend it's territory currently under occupation, using any means at it's disposal when the conditions are right and as a last resort when all negotiating avenues have ceased. We are nearly at that point already, if not already there, where we must realise that a negotiated fair and viable settlement is just not possible due to Turkish recalcitrance, which leaves only one other avenue and you know full well what this is.
I feel the above is necessary to dissasociate myself from any blind and warped ideals that Miltiades has about US foreign policy and his cowardly and spineless ideals that he has over the Cyprus Problem, as it is these latter views that I believe are very damaging to Cyprus and it's ability to negotiate a fair settlement.
miltiades wrote:PAPHITIS WROTE :
""""As for you ascerting that I am a war monger, well I can assure you that I am not. But I do support the fundamental right of Cyprus to defend it's territory currently under occupation, using any means at it's disposal when the conditions are right and as a last resort when all negotiating avenues have ceased. We are nearly at that point already, if not already there, where we must realise that a negotiated fair and viable settlement is just not possible due to Turkish recalcitrance, which leaves only one other avenue and you know full well what this is. """
I shall respond on the other matters , ie my support for the USA , but first let me say how infuriating it is to read what you posted above :
The vote was based on GRs " war views "and my " negotiating views " It was not , as you continually infer that it was based on "" as a last resort when all negotiating avenues have ceased."" Cant you see that you supported GRs views that NEGOTIATIONS ARE DEAD AND BURRIED , HISTORY HE SAID. He NEVER said "as a last resort when all negotiating avenues have ceased.""
Understand now that you made an error of judgement dont try to rephrase what the poll was all about, which was
" all has failed war is the only option"
As far as my blind faith for America , well also your wrong here . I support America in its effort to rid the world of the fanatics who are hell bent on destroying the Western world , I have never been a supporter of every American foreign policy , but I do support their policy in not recognising the "trnc"
You have to bear in mind that the overwhelming majority of Cypriots are anti American , this goes back to the days of Makarios , the Arab mentality exists very prominently in Cyprus , traditionally Cyprus has supported the weak , intellectual and non aligned nations. Wrong in my opinion in the opinion of many who believe that had Cyprus allowed American basis when requested , Turkey would not have invaded, but of course we were told that by allowing the USA to have a base in Cyprus , prostitution and drugs would be rampant !!!
Paphitis , you must realise that the likes of GR , Eliko and a few others are COMITTED anti USA , not because of George Bush but because of America. Eliko will highlight any bit of news that depicts what is bad with America, he understands , and so does GR , the disgusting and barbaric act of indiscriminate suicide attacks something which I find barbaric and abhorent , yet they attack me because I have strong views on these savages who kill innocents in markets , mosques , cemetaries , weddings and public places .
May I suggest that you go back to the question posed regarding GRs view and mine, here is a snippet.
It doesn't match your interpretation does it mate ???
""""""""""Any illusions of a complex inter-communal political arrangement being implemented in Cyprus is now history, Turkey’s EU make-believe journey is over, and it is now a race to get the upper hand in technology, political influence, and in the overall balance of power because unfortunately it’s become apparent that Cyprus can only be liberated in the same way it was enslaved… through bloodshed! """"
So where is your """" all negotiating avenues have ceased """
As you can see you clearly misinterpreted the contents and the purpose of the poll .
Let me now deal with this masterpoece of yourslease Miltiades, do not compare your ideals with mine as I consider this to be defamatory to my reputation and persona """
Are you simply posting just to impress someone with your philosophy or have you decided that any rubbish will do.
Which of my IDEALS compare with yours , and which one in particular do you consider as defamatory to your reputation ?? Is it the fact that I support the same possition as the overwhelming majority of Cypriots that negotiations should persist and should form the ONLY basis of finding a solution , remenmebering of course that our government supports fully this position ??
Or is it Mr Paphitis that you are not able to comprehend very basic information.Stop talking crap , point me to where my ideals are "defamatory " to yours , so put up or shut up !!
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