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Poll ended at Sun May 18, 2008 8:19 pm

Get Real
Total votes : 36

Postby alexISS » Thu May 15, 2008 10:26 am

denizaksulu wrote:
alexISS wrote:
denizaksulu wrote: Whatever way he meant, I have returned the 'complement'

Is this what "Bilmukabil" means then?

Yes. When one is complimented, it is a term used. Very useful even though a bit archaic. Useful in the sense that if you are not sure of a pesons sincerity, the use of this formula is appropriate, without resorting to GRs language. :lol:

Very useful indeed. Thanks :D
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 15, 2008 10:36 am

alexISS wrote:"ftousou" can be used as an insult too, its the tone of the voice that shows in what manner it's used. I'm sure GR did not mean to say "ftousou na min avaskatheis" or "ftousou matia (or is it mathkia?) mou" :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are correct Alexiss , my recollection is that ftousou when used as an insult generally is accompanied by an expletive or two , as in ftousou re malaka , or ftousou re gamo to keraton sou and such other colloquially used intellectual words !!
More often than not when used as an insult it begins with " na sou ftiso re !!!! Strange is isn't
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Postby alexISS » Thu May 15, 2008 10:39 am

miltiades wrote:You are correct Alexiss , my recollection is that ftousou when used as an insult generally is accompanied by an expletive or two

That's right. Add some actual spit to that and you've got the perfect fight starter :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu May 15, 2008 11:07 am

alexISS wrote:
miltiades wrote:You are correct Alexiss , my recollection is that ftousou when used as an insult generally is accompanied by an expletive or two

That's right. Add some actual spit to that and you've got the perfect fight starter :lol:

That is GRs secret weapon. 'Germ Warfare'. aaak, bless his pretty socks. :lol:
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Postby Eliko » Thu May 15, 2008 11:11 am

miltiades wrote:miltiades, thank you for your kind consideration and may I say that I do not regard you as my enemy (as you seem to regard me as yours).
""""May I further state that I am not a supporter of Osama bin Laden, nor do I condone suicide bombers, I am not a supporter of Robert Mugabe (although I must confess I do admire the man's tenacity) nor am I particularly anti American (although my opinions of their foreign policy are unchanged) nor am I a Jew hater (although I do abhor the manner in which Israel is dealing with it's neighbours) nor do I favour President Ahmedinajab (although I do think he is entitled to his own defence policies) and so on.

You see miltiades, I am not such a bad chap really, if only you would take the time to read and UNDERSTAND my posts, you may even come to agree with me, most people DO when we engage in intelligent exchanges. Wink

You are not a bad guy at all Eliko just a compete and utter bloody idiot since amongst the people you admire Mugabe is on your top list. You excuse the behaviour suicide killers , you understand stoning people to death , you also fully comprehend the need to mutilate young children in the name of God , you consider America to be the daemon , you support Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons and now just when I begun to calm down you throw bloody Mugabe at me , a man that has terrorised his people driven them to the ground robbed them of the electoral success and what does Eliko the brains says , he admires the man's testicles !!!
What a waste of an education !!

miltiades, I really must take you to task on your assumptions that I am an admirer of Robert Mugabe and a supporter of others of his ilk.

I have severally clearly stated that I am NOT and can only conclude that you are unable to interpret that which I submit.

I stated that I admire Robert Mugabe's tenacity, that does not mean that I admire HIM, it means what it says and I defend my comment.

YOU have a certain tenacity, the ability to withstand verbal abuse and contradiction (as you do) (as I do) is an indication of it, it is an attribute that deserves to be admired since the lack of it denotes weakness and neither YOU, I, Robert Mugabe or many other members of this forum and in multitudinous other capacities would be contented with such a description.

Whether you approve or disapprove, YOU (by the very nature of your attitude) are akin to the man you so vehemently condemn. (in that sense).

I would like to add (in closing) that I find your constant reference to my 'wasted education' grossly offensive and I do wish you would desist, if you are seeking a weakness in my armour, try proving me wrong in a civilized exchange of views without insult, I am sure you are tenacious enough to do so. :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 15, 2008 12:30 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Unfortunately, the English language doesn't have the equivalent of the very unique "ftousou". It's basically a spoken spit that mimics a spit with no saliva or actual spit involved... pretty neat eh? 8)

All together now... Ftousou re! :P

GR got wrong again , along with Paphitis who kept warding off evil spirits when replying to my posts , I thought they were being polite !!
For those of us who finished secondary school in Cyprus this cultural oddity is well known , but I can understand GRs' ignorance of another aspect of the Cypriot way of life as I believe he gained his early ""indoctrination " in a foreign country !! Just to keep him happy here is another example of the affect of the GR treatment on me , :lol:
It works !! here is another :2guns:

It's YOUR ignorance I'm worried about not mine... :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 15, 2008 12:49 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Unfortunately, the English language doesn't have the equivalent of the very unique "ftousou". It's basically a spoken spit that mimics a spit with no saliva or actual spit involved... pretty neat eh? 8)

All together now... Ftousou re! :P

GR got wrong again , along with Paphitis who kept warding off evil spirits when replying to my posts , I thought they were being polite !!
For those of us who finished secondary school in Cyprus this cultural oddity is well known , but I can understand GRs' ignorance of another aspect of the Cypriot way of life as I believe he gained his early ""indoctrination " in a foreign country !! Just to keep him happy here is another example of the affect of the GR treatment on me , :lol:
It works !! here is another :2guns:

It's YOUR ignorance I'm worried about not mine... :lol:

You really like me GR admit it , at least as much as I do , and I do sincerely like your naivety on certain matters , but I know that you are a family man with children and would never insult you in any way whatsoever , I called you a few names yes , but nasty horrible insults NO.
I offer you my hand as a gesture of my genuineness to revert back to some civil sort of interaction. I'm even sorry for calling you a wanker and I apologise for that , see what the GR treatment has achieved :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 15, 2008 12:59 pm

Eliko wrote:
miltiades wrote:miltiades, thank you for your kind consideration and may I say that I do not regard you as my enemy (as you seem to regard me as yours).
""""May I further state that I am not a supporter of Osama bin Laden, nor do I condone suicide bombers, I am not a supporter of Robert Mugabe (although I must confess I do admire the man's tenacity) nor am I particularly anti American (although my opinions of their foreign policy are unchanged) nor am I a Jew hater (although I do abhor the manner in which Israel is dealing with it's neighbours) nor do I favour President Ahmedinajab (although I do think he is entitled to his own defence policies) and so on.

You see miltiades, I am not such a bad chap really, if only you would take the time to read and UNDERSTAND my posts, you may even come to agree with me, most people DO when we engage in intelligent exchanges. Wink

You are not a bad guy at all Eliko just a compete and utter bloody idiot since amongst the people you admire Mugabe is on your top list. You excuse the behaviour suicide killers , you understand stoning people to death , you also fully comprehend the need to mutilate young children in the name of God , you consider America to be the daemon , you support Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons and now just when I begun to calm down you throw bloody Mugabe at me , a man that has terrorised his people driven them to the ground robbed them of the electoral success and what does Eliko the brains says , he admires the man's testicles !!!
What a waste of an education !!

miltiades, I really must take you to task on your assumptions that I am an admirer of Robert Mugabe and a supporter of others of his ilk.

I have severally clearly stated that I am NOT and can only conclude that you are unable to interpret that which I submit.

I stated that I admire Robert Mugabe's tenacity, that does not mean that I admire HIM, it means what it says and I defend my comment.

YOU have a certain tenacity, the ability to withstand verbal abuse and contradiction (as you do) (as I do) is an indication of it, it is an attribute that deserves to be admired since the lack of it denotes weakness and neither YOU, I, Robert Mugabe or many other members of this forum and in multitudinous other capacities would be contented with such a description.

Whether you approve or disapprove, YOU (by the very nature of your attitude) are akin to the man you so vehemently condemn. (in that sense).

I would like to add (in closing) that I find your constant reference to my 'wasted education' grossly offensive and I do wish you would desist, if you are seeking a weakness in my armour, try proving me wrong in a civilized exchange of views without insult, I am sure you are tenacious enough to do so. :wink:

Now just hold on a minute Eliko , you either admire Mugabe or some traits of his personality or not. Its like saying I admire Hitler's tenacity in his efforts to wipe out the Jewish people !! This tin pot little vicious dictator has brought terror and death to his own people , he should be hanged by his balls and made to eat his own vomit , he is a ruthless bastard and no one in their right mind should admire any part of his personality.
Eliko , I find you a well educated and a very nice person but utterly naive , and if you please excuse the phrase rather stupid at times. Here was GR excelling the virtues of war , having said that war was now the only option , and here we have you in full support !!
However the "war" matter is now dead and buried I will not prolong ate the discussion so as to allow some sort of civil behavior to resurface.
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Postby Paphitis » Thu May 15, 2008 1:28 pm

miltiades wrote:
Eliko wrote:
miltiades wrote:miltiades, thank you for your kind consideration and may I say that I do not regard you as my enemy (as you seem to regard me as yours).
""""May I further state that I am not a supporter of Osama bin Laden, nor do I condone suicide bombers, I am not a supporter of Robert Mugabe (although I must confess I do admire the man's tenacity) nor am I particularly anti American (although my opinions of their foreign policy are unchanged) nor am I a Jew hater (although I do abhor the manner in which Israel is dealing with it's neighbours) nor do I favour President Ahmedinajab (although I do think he is entitled to his own defence policies) and so on.

You see miltiades, I am not such a bad chap really, if only you would take the time to read and UNDERSTAND my posts, you may even come to agree with me, most people DO when we engage in intelligent exchanges. Wink

You are not a bad guy at all Eliko just a compete and utter bloody idiot since amongst the people you admire Mugabe is on your top list. You excuse the behaviour suicide killers , you understand stoning people to death , you also fully comprehend the need to mutilate young children in the name of God , you consider America to be the daemon , you support Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons and now just when I begun to calm down you throw bloody Mugabe at me , a man that has terrorised his people driven them to the ground robbed them of the electoral success and what does Eliko the brains says , he admires the man's testicles !!!
What a waste of an education !!

miltiades, I really must take you to task on your assumptions that I am an admirer of Robert Mugabe and a supporter of others of his ilk.

I have severally clearly stated that I am NOT and can only conclude that you are unable to interpret that which I submit.

I stated that I admire Robert Mugabe's tenacity, that does not mean that I admire HIM, it means what it says and I defend my comment.

YOU have a certain tenacity, the ability to withstand verbal abuse and contradiction (as you do) (as I do) is an indication of it, it is an attribute that deserves to be admired since the lack of it denotes weakness and neither YOU, I, Robert Mugabe or many other members of this forum and in multitudinous other capacities would be contented with such a description.

Whether you approve or disapprove, YOU (by the very nature of your attitude) are akin to the man you so vehemently condemn. (in that sense).

I would like to add (in closing) that I find your constant reference to my 'wasted education' grossly offensive and I do wish you would desist, if you are seeking a weakness in my armour, try proving me wrong in a civilized exchange of views without insult, I am sure you are tenacious enough to do so. :wink:

Now just hold on a minute Eliko , you either admire Mugabe or some traits of his personality or not. Its like saying I admire Hitler's tenacity in his efforts to wipe out the Jewish people !! This tin pot little vicious dictator has brought terror and death to his own people , he should be hanged by his balls and made to eat his own vomit , he is a ruthless bastard and no one in their right mind should admire any part of his personality.
Eliko , I find you a well educated and a very nice person but utterly naive , and if you please excuse the phrase rather stupid at times. Here was GR excelling the virtues of war , having said that war was now the only option , and here we have you in full support !!
However the "war" matter is now dead and buried I will not prolong ate the discussion so as to allow some sort of civil behavior to resurface.

As long as there is humanity, the WAR issue will never be dead and buried especially when one's country is under occupation.

When Turkey leaves Cyprus, then WAR will be at last dead and buried but not before.

And no one in their right mind considers WAR as virtuous, but to fight for your country and to potentially make the ultimate sacrifice, is virtuous.
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Postby Eliko » Thu May 15, 2008 1:33 pm

miltiades, I think I explained perfectly well just what my comment on Robert Mugabe's tenacity implied.

One could quite easily admire Adolf Hitler's moustache or Osama bin Laden's beard WITHOUT being an admirer or supporter of the man himself.

If Osama bin Laden is still alive, I admire the fact that he has been able to avoid capture for so long, such wiliness is worthy of respect, George Grivas was famed for it, where is the difference ?. :wink:
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