Get Real! wrote:miltiades wrote:You also have to apologise for the filthy language you used against my person and the accusations levied at me , ie traitor and coward .
You are full of shit aren't you . WHERE DID I STATE THAT " our leadership will never consider the defense of our land, you are in fact undermining this deterrence " ARSEHOLE WHERE ??
As for this again WHERE ?
Now mate , fucking read what I say don't come back with your own stupid interpretation of my clearly defined views , which are that the political war
and negotiations are the road towards finding a solution not a fucking war that WILL COST THE LIVES OF THOUSANDS AND ACHIEVE SWEET FA.
You describe me as a coward , Plonker how did you arrive at this because I find the views of Rambo as fucking stupid , supported by even more stupid twats like you, tell YOU WHAT wanker can you copy and post MY VIEWS not your perverted interpretation of where I stand. Let me tell you without even knowing you , but knowing my self , I have more guts on my dick than you in your entire body.
I'm happy that the voices of wisdom and common sense agree with my views to name just a couple , Bir and Kikapu , and dont fucking say its because they are T/Cs , no its because they have a brain !
Plonker let me tell you another thing , do you ever have sex , and if you do does it make a fucking sex maniac , well I drink wine and it does not make me a drunk.
Oops... I did it again!

I have never denied calling anyone fucking stupid , if need be I shall do so again , you however Rambo have used filthy language which I will not bother to post again.
Here is a general synopsis of where we stand:
I stand for one united Cyprus where all Cypriots are equal , where Bir and Kikapu have exactly the same rights that I have. I stand continued political negotiations contacted fairly and within the framework of the UN and the EU . I have never recognised the "TRNC" (every one on this forum is aware of this ) and have referred to Greece and Turkey as the two nations that caused more harm to our island than any other in our history.
I'm a Greek Cypriot but above all a Cypriot , I believe in a peaceful resolution because I'm convinced that not only war would solve absolutely nothing but it will cause immense damage to our island as well as to all combatants, Turkish , Turkish Cypriots , Greeks and Greek Cypriots as well as to all other Cypriots . Following a war , regardless of its duration , peace and seize fire will still have to be put in place. Our economy will suffer beyond our imagination , our people will feel the pain of losing loved ones and the end result could be and would a total disaster for Cyprus.
The RoC , quite sensibly , follows a policy of negotiations , embargoes , lobbying the International community and continually highlighting the plight of the 200 or so thousand displaced Cypriots.
A war against Turkey is not only anathema it is pure lunacy. This does not mean that I approach the matter from a pacifist angle , on the contrary , have never doubted the need of our armed forces to be alert , well trained and well equipped in order to defend any incursions into the RoC free areas from Turkey or from anyone else for that matter. Preparing for defence however is very different to preparing for war against a nation of 70 million with the support of the USA and Brittain.
The suggestion of employing the services of mercenaries is indicative of the pathetic view held by a self regarding rather pompous and rather arrogant individual . He stands for WAR not as a last option but as the ONLY Option , and what do we see , Paphitis in full support calling me a traitor for refusing to take these shit seriously .
May I suggest you wash the shit out of your face , particularly out of your ears and listen to reason . Accusations are cheap , foundations for accusations come a little harder. On this forum I have challenged vigorously the extremists , before you it was Eric the Plonker , naturally you followed . Surely others will come and , having been blessed with the GR treatment !!! I shall be ready .