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Poll ended at Sun May 18, 2008 8:19 pm

Get Real
Total votes : 36

Postby denizaksulu » Tue May 13, 2008 11:46 pm

miltiades wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Eliko wrote:"IF" (as Get Real is asserting) miltiades has resorted to vote rigging in an attempt to secure the advantage over his rival, one may begin to wonder whether miltiades is attempting to emulate the tactics of Robert Mugabe.

I sincerely hope not since I do believe miltiades is not particularly fond of that gentleman. :lol: :wink:

Criminals don't usually get along because they see each other as competition!

So far we have compiled the following list of known criminals that participated in the infamous…

Cyprus Forum 2008 Vote Rigging Fiasco…

Miltiades (Ringleader)

Deniz (Master Rigger)

BigAl (Junior Rigger)

Halil (Crime Jester)

…there are more criminals expected to be uncovered as the investigation continues.

I am saddened that I do not share top spot with Miltiades. But hey there is still hope. After all I thought that I was following official RoC policy. You sorry lot need your heads examined by advocating another war on the people of Cyprus where negotiation would and could achieve the same result. Yet GRs Great Rambo brigade decide to play games with the lives of their children. Shame on you all. As if the innocents have not suffered enough you wish more bloodshed. What future you wish for your offspring. This is a sad day for humanity.

Brilliant post by a true Cypriot , and yes you are following official RoC policy based on political negotiations and wisdom unlike , and I like this , the G...reat R..ambo !!! Can I use it to Deniz , on second thoughts I better not he might come at me with some more obscenities , not that I cant take them , but I might just retaliate , something that I want to avoid as I know that my little grandson , who I believe shares the same IQ as GR might be tuning in , that's if he isn't sucking his milk , he is only 6 weeks old !!

Feel free my friend. It is a free country and we cannot and will not be railroaded by the warmongers.. I hope the future for the young one will be peaceful and without war.

BTW, where was your dog today? Off duty? Is it trained to sniff out any would be Rambo's? :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 13, 2008 11:59 pm

Day off for Max today , he stayed home cause he can sit in the garden and sunbathe , a bit too hot for him in the shop !! I dont think that that G...reat ....Rambos treatment would impress Max he will just piss all over him !!!
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed May 14, 2008 12:03 am

miltiades wrote:Day off for Max today , he stayed home cause he can sit in the garden and sunbathe , a bit too hot for him in the shop !! I dont think that that G...reat ....Rambos treatment would impress Max he will just piss all over him !!!

Well, a dog will do what a dog must do. Good night Miltiades and the rest :lol:
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Postby halil » Wed May 14, 2008 7:02 am

Get Real! wrote:
Eliko wrote:"IF" (as Get Real is asserting) miltiades has resorted to vote rigging in an attempt to secure the advantage over his rival, one may begin to wonder whether miltiades is attempting to emulate the tactics of Robert Mugabe.

I sincerely hope not since I do believe miltiades is not particularly fond of that gentleman. :lol: :wink:

Criminals don't usually get along because they see each other as competition!

So far we have compiled the following list of known criminals that participated in the infamous…

Cyprus Forum 2008 Vote Rigging Fiasco…

Miltiades (Ringleader)

Deniz (Master Rigger)

BigAl (Junior Rigger)

Halil (Crime Jester)

…there are more criminals expected to be uncovered as the investigation continues.

You see GR , u are still in shock ..........u are trying how u can clear your name ......... as long as your heart does not with you , you can not clear your dreams , haa don't forget your brain ............

every tread you open is fiasco general GR............ every time u sunk in big muddle ..............
How can you get out :?: ............... :idea: ................ :?: :?: :?:
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Postby miltiades » Wed May 14, 2008 7:32 am

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:[quote=" quote]

GR has never stated to dismiss negotiations. He simply stated that Cyprus has the undeniable right to defend and liberate it's territory when all avenues have been exhausted. It is a right that all sovereign nations have.

And I fail to see how the negotiations have swung in our favour. Turkey has not made any compromise in the last 34 years, and the way I see it, the current engagement in negotiations by Turkey is a feable attempt in legitimising what she has stolen by attempting to arrange for an unfair solution which does not follow basic democratic principles of one man one vote and a united Cyprus that is not based on complex community structures. Most feel that this will once again not bode well for the future of Cyprus.[/quote]

Paphitis , once again disputing what GR posted and adding his own ingredients !
I m afraid , once again I will paste GRs article that infuriated me and I requested a poll , now Paphitis , here is a challenge to your above post as to GR never posting that war is our only option . Here is what you wrote ""GR has never stated to dismiss negotiations. He simply stated that Cyprus has the undeniable right to defend and liberate it's territory when all avenues have been exhausted. It is a right that all sovereign nations have. """
Ok let us see his post responsible for my asking for a poll and let us see where GR said what you are implying :

The Military Option: Turkey Vs Cyprus

Any illusions of a complex inter-communal political arrangement being implemented in Cyprus is now history, Turkey’s EU make-believe journey is over, and it is now a race to get the upper hand in technology, political influence, and in the overall balance of power because unfortunately it’s become apparent that Cyprus can only be liberated in the same way it was enslaved… through bloodshed!

The RoC is very much aware of Turkey's size, manpower, and military expenditure, etc, so when push goes to shove it will be Turkey that will have the most surprises as she is the one that underestimates the Republic of Cyprus and not the other way round.

Unfortunately, Cyprus will have to sacrifice some of her young generations so that future generations of Cypriots will live free on their liberated island from the Turkic curse that began in 1571.

In the event of a war there is little doubt that the geopolitical repercussions will be severe for Turkey win or lose. Realistically, most wars don't last longer than a month and it is with strategic maneuvers with respect to time that cause the other side to panic, make errors, and then offer concessions on the negotiating table. The Republic of Cyprus can muster around 100,000 men, have stockpiles of modern firepower and equipment…

…including the ability to strike deep into southern Turkey with ballistic missiles so all southern Turkish naval ports that can be used to provide further reinforcements can be leveled. The Turkish air force can be countered by the newly acquired French Mistral S2A technology (this is actually the world’s finest S2A)… """"

Now Sir tell me where this bit is and I promise you that I will cast my vote right now for GR ( I still have a vote incidentally.)

""GR has never stated to dismiss negotiations. He simply stated that Cyprus has the undeniable right to defend and liberate it's territory when all avenues have been exhausted."""

So when all avenues have been exhausted ......, did you get this out of a cracker cause crack shot GR never said this , and furthermore even now he is highly unlikely to say so.[/quote]

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Postby denizaksulu » Wed May 14, 2008 8:47 am

miltiades wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:[quote=" quote]

GR has never stated to dismiss negotiations. He simply stated that Cyprus has the undeniable right to defend and liberate it's territory when all avenues have been exhausted. It is a right that all sovereign nations have.

And I fail to see how the negotiations have swung in our favour. Turkey has not made any compromise in the last 34 years, and the way I see it, the current engagement in negotiations by Turkey is a feable attempt in legitimising what she has stolen by attempting to arrange for an unfair solution which does not follow basic democratic principles of one man one vote and a united Cyprus that is not based on complex community structures. Most feel that this will once again not bode well for the future of Cyprus.[/quote]

Paphitis , once again disputing what GR posted and adding his own ingredients !
I m afraid , once again I will paste GRs article that infuriated me and I requested a poll , now Paphitis , here is a challenge to your above post as to GR never posting that war is our only option . Here is what you wrote ""GR has never stated to dismiss negotiations. He simply stated that Cyprus has the undeniable right to defend and liberate it's territory when all avenues have been exhausted. It is a right that all sovereign nations have. """
Ok let us see his post responsible for my asking for a poll and let us see where GR said what you are implying :

The Military Option: Turkey Vs Cyprus

Any illusions of a complex inter-communal political arrangement being implemented in Cyprus is now history, Turkey’s EU make-believe journey is over, and it is now a race to get the upper hand in technology, political influence, and in the overall balance of power because unfortunately it’s become apparent that Cyprus can only be liberated in the same way it was enslaved… through bloodshed!

The RoC is very much aware of Turkey's size, manpower, and military expenditure, etc, so when push goes to shove it will be Turkey that will have the most surprises as she is the one that underestimates the Republic of Cyprus and not the other way round.

Unfortunately, Cyprus will have to sacrifice some of her young generations so that future generations of Cypriots will live free on their liberated island from the Turkic curse that began in 1571.

In the event of a war there is little doubt that the geopolitical repercussions will be severe for Turkey win or lose. Realistically, most wars don't last longer than a month and it is with strategic maneuvers with respect to time that cause the other side to panic, make errors, and then offer concessions on the negotiating table. The Republic of Cyprus can muster around 100,000 men, have stockpiles of modern firepower and equipment…

…including the ability to strike deep into southern Turkey with ballistic missiles so all southern Turkish naval ports that can be used to provide further reinforcements can be leveled. The Turkish air force can be countered by the newly acquired French Mistral S2A technology (this is actually the world’s finest S2A)… """"

Now Sir tell me where this bit is and I promise you that I will cast my vote right now for GR ( I still have a vote incidentally.)

""GR has never stated to dismiss negotiations. He simply stated that Cyprus has the undeniable right to defend and liberate it's territory when all avenues have been exhausted."""

So when all avenues have been exhausted ......, did you get this out of a cracker cause crack shot GR never said this , and furthermore even now he is highly unlikely to say so.[/quote]

In somebodys' famous words 'Calm down' Miltiades. GR is only ' Rattling his Sabre' . Toys 'R' Us have a new range of rattles coming out for next Christmas. We must ensure he has the full range. :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Wed May 14, 2008 1:08 pm

Jerry wrote:Miltiades has not voted.

Thanks for that Jerry , of all the people on this forum you were the only one that knew I had not voted since the 1 vote I had at that time came from you .
I still haven't , unlike GR , because I believe that the poll requested others to vote and NOT THE TWO PARTICIPANTS.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 14, 2008 1:46 pm

miltiades wrote:
Jerry wrote:Miltiades has not voted.

Thanks for that Jerry , of all the people on this forum you were the only one that knew I had not voted since the 1 vote I had at that time came from you .
I still haven't , unlike GR , because I believe that the poll requested others to vote and NOT THE TWO PARTICIPANTS.

Quit sobbing and take it like a man! You just DO NOT have the support you anticipated and are clearly out of touch with the true feelings of the RoC and her people so get over it!
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed May 14, 2008 2:03 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Jerry wrote:Miltiades has not voted.

Thanks for that Jerry , of all the people on this forum you were the only one that knew I had not voted since the 1 vote I had at that time came from you .
I still haven't , unlike GR , because I believe that the poll requested others to vote and NOT THE TWO PARTICIPANTS.

Quit sobbing and take it like a man! You just DO NOT have the support you anticipated and are clearly out of touch with the true feelings of the RoC and her people so get over it!

GR, how can a dozen or two votes be an indication of the total people of Cyprus. I doubt if any statsticians on this forum would agree with you. A much larger sample, then one would certainly take account of it.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed May 14, 2008 2:13 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Jerry wrote:Miltiades has not voted.

Thanks for that Jerry , of all the people on this forum you were the only one that knew I had not voted since the 1 vote I had at that time came from you .
I still haven't , unlike GR , because I believe that the poll requested others to vote and NOT THE TWO PARTICIPANTS.

Quit sobbing and take it like a man! You just DO NOT have the support you anticipated and are clearly out of touch with the true feelings of the RoC and her people so get over it!

GR, how can a dozen or two votes be an indication of the total people of Cyprus. I doubt if any statsticians on this forum would agree with you. A much larger sample, then one would certainly take account of it.

It’s those of us that live here, pay taxes, serve the NG, follow the internal politics, and study the geopolitical scene, that know what the hell is going on, and not some sobbing fool in white socks and sandals sipping a Martini on a Paphos beach four times year! :roll:
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