miltiades wrote:Get Real! wrote:miltiades wrote:Get Real! wrote:DT. wrote:I haven't voted yet.
I believe the 2 options given to us are too limited.
You've got some explaining to do in the sports section...
As for the vote forget it it's over...
TC corruption and dishonesty reigns supreme! And then they talk about getting involved with these dishonest criminals in a BBF or other partensrship! They can all got to hell where they belong as far as I'm concerned.

Not quite mate , this thread is very much much alive , at the beginning when your support was 10 against the 1 for me you were enjoying it , let the game finish don't be a spoilt sport.
By the way I forgive you for the nasty things you wrote about me , please spare me of any further GR treatment !!!!
It’s not the first time we’ve seen a poll tally unfold and nobody makes sudden “comebacks” like what we are seeing happening here. You were clearly defeated in this poll by a landslide, but
TC corruption and dishonesty can’t help itself from interfering. (The poll here gives us a small taste of what must've been happening in 1960s RoC)
What you initially set out to prove fell flat on its face so admit defeat and cut the crap... it’s over.
Can you not see that T/Cs extremists have voted for you so they can then use this for propaganda purposes to point out that the G/Cs want war?
Why did you vote for yourself ?
Those voted for your war , not option , but war were mislead by you. You were not advocating that war is an option but were stating clearly that IT IS the ONLY option.
Do you think is time now to repent and admit that you are wrong ??
Miltiades, I can not believe how unintelligent your comments are. You keep insisting on taking our point of view out of context by labelling us as war mongers which is defamatory to our character, just because we have a differing point of view on this particular subject matter. And to top it all off, your views are hypocritical as you support military intervention by the USA and yet you find it unnaceptable for Cyprus to use it's military to liberate it's territory as a final resort after all diplomatic avenues have been exhausted. What do you suggest we do when it becomes apparent that no diplomatic solution is possible? Just sit back and allow the occupation to continue unabated in perpetuity? I certainly hope that you do not.
Spineless points of view such as yours only damage the peace process as it sends the message to the TCs that we are unwilling to fight for what is rightfully ours, and this further encourages them to maintain the current status quo. You would do well to realise that your point of view indicates a weakness in our resolve to fight for our country when required. And people who are weak in their resolve end up losing, as it further encourages the occupier to maintain the current status quo, since we give her the impression that we are unwilling to do anything, and that we are spineless cowards!
You should also be grateful that the TCs on this forum have opted to vote for you and thus contaminating the result.