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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Poll ended at Sun May 18, 2008 8:19 pm

Get Real
Total votes : 36

Postby miltiades » Tue May 13, 2008 7:43 am

Big Al wrote:Miltiades,
I didnt write what you are saying i wrote, please re-read the thread and apologies i said nothing of the sort.

You have it wrong , Comical Ali is our GR ,he was given this name by Southerner I believe some time back , I think all on the forum know that I was referring to him not you.
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Postby Big Al » Tue May 13, 2008 7:44 am

miltiades wrote:Comical Ali wrote :

""""You've been with us way too long not to have figured out by now that Miltiades’ mental state is a bizarre combination of American imperialism, Turkish cock sucking, spineless and treasonous blabbering, and a mediocre education, all shaken with a few bottles of the finest $2.00 wine…to produce the foulest bacteria-infested vomit ever served in the history of this forum ""

Notice what a refined and well educated is our Ali , his vocabulary and arrogant expressiveness puts to shame even the most foul mouthed hooligans. He is fuming because he has been exposed for what he really is , an insignificant arm chair General hell bent on destroying Cyprus , just as those he no doubt admires did way back in 1974. I stand for peace and negotiations I do not wish to see our youngsters go through a devastating war that would achieve not only absolutely nothing but would damage Cyprus beyond repair.
Notice this man's colourful language , now I know I also use the odd fuck here and there but never the vulgarities that this Plonker uses .
"""""""""foulest bacteria-infested vomit ever served in the history of this forum "" He writes also """Turkish cock sucking "" Was he referring to himself when he wrote foulest......

This from a man in his early forties abusing verbally a 62 year old decent family Cypriot man that is well respected by those that know him. A shame on you mate .

Where is my apology comical miltiades???
Get your facts right before you accuse me of saying something, i think you will find it was GR that was talking about you not me!!
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue May 13, 2008 9:08 am

Jerry wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:I stand for reconciliation , for negotiation because I believe a war would be anathema for all Cypriots and should such an event Take place Cyprus will perhaps never recover.

You are nothing but a spineless coward who stands for lies, deception, hypocrisy, and utter stupidity. You have the IQ of a porcupine and smell like a hog... now get lost!

That's very rude and unneccesary, you lose what little credibility you ever had by such abuse. I can't believe that I'm even bothering to post on this ridiculous thread.

Deniz, I'm sorry to hear that 21st May holds such bad memories for you. In spite of the loss of your home you, surprisingly, don't seem to bear a grudge against your fellow Cypriots. I would imagine the short-sighted fools who drove you from your village aren't unlike the warmongering fools who post here.

Thanks for that Jerry.
I have got over it, but the date will remain in my memory. There are others who have lost more than I, GC and TC. I cannot begrudge anyone who wish to free their own country. I am able to put myself in their shoes. I would have felt the same. I just hope that we can all put the past behind us and try seriously to redress the wrongs, by both sides.
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Postby Big Al » Tue May 13, 2008 9:14 am

miltiades wrote:
Big Al wrote:Miltiades,
I didnt write what you are saying i wrote, please re-read the thread and apologies i said nothing of the sort.

You have it wrong , Comical Ali is our GR ,he was given this name by Southerner I believe some time back , I think all on the forum know that I was referring to him not you.

Well then please accept my apologies, i havent heard anyone refer to GR by those names.
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 13, 2008 9:29 am

Big Al wrote:
miltiades wrote:Comical Ali wrote :

""""You've been with us way too long not to have figured out by now that Miltiades’ mental state is a bizarre combination of American imperialism, Turkish cock sucking, spineless and treasonous blabbering, and a mediocre education, all shaken with a few bottles of the finest $2.00 wine…to produce the foulest bacteria-infested vomit ever served in the history of this forum ""

Notice what a refined and well educated is our Ali , his vocabulary and arrogant expressiveness puts to shame even the most foul mouthed hooligans. He is fuming because he has been exposed for what he really is , an insignificant arm chair General hell bent on destroying Cyprus , just as those he no doubt admires did way back in 1974. I stand for peace and negotiations I do not wish to see our youngsters go through a devastating war that would achieve not only absolutely nothing but would damage Cyprus beyond repair.
Notice this man's colourful language , now I know I also use the odd fuck here and there but never the vulgarities that this Plonker uses .
"""""""""foulest bacteria-infested vomit ever served in the history of this forum "" He writes also """Turkish cock sucking "" Was he referring to himself when he wrote foulest......

This from a man in his early forties abusing verbally a 62 year old decent family Cypriot man that is well respected by those that know him. A shame on you mate .

Where is my apology comical miltiades???
Get your facts right before you accuse me of saying something, i think you will find it was GR that was talking about you not me!!

Big Al , read what I said mate , you were never mentioned , the entire post was directed at GR . ARE YOU IN YOUR EARLY FORTIES ?
The confusion here might be the usage of the word Ali , you remember chemical Ali in Saddam's days , well this what GR was named by Southerner , unless you are claiming that any mention of the name Ali means you !!!!
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 13, 2008 9:34 am

I hereby renounce the use of all insults and disassociate my self completely from those Plonkers , not that I have ever been associated with any , whose verbal abuse is so horrendously crude it would embarrass an 80 year old whore !!!
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Postby DT. » Tue May 13, 2008 11:40 am

I haven't voted yet.

I believe the 2 options given to us are too limited.
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 13, 2008 12:07 pm

DT. wrote:I haven't voted yet.

I believe the 2 options given to us are too limited.

Straight forward I would have said.One option is to consider war as the only remaining option , the other to continue negotiations under the eyes of the UN , EU and the International community.
Since war will not solve anything other than bring more hardship blood and tears to our people , then the current efforts of the ROC must continue.
Simple would you not agree .
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Postby Get Real! » Tue May 13, 2008 12:29 pm

DT. wrote:I haven't voted yet.

I believe the 2 options given to us are too limited.

You've got some explaining to do in the sports section... :lol:

As for the vote forget it it's over... TC corruption and dishonesty reigns supreme! And then they talk about getting involved with these dishonest criminals in a BBF or other partensrship! They can all got to hell where they belong as far as I'm concerned.

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Postby miltiades » Tue May 13, 2008 12:36 pm

Get Real! wrote:
DT. wrote:I haven't voted yet.

I believe the 2 options given to us are too limited.

You've got some explaining to do in the sports section... :lol:

As for the vote forget it it's over... TC corruption and dishonesty reigns supreme! And then they talk about getting involved with these dishonest criminals in a BBF or other partensrship! They can all got to hell where they belong as far as I'm concerned.


Not quite mate , this thread is very much much alive , at the beginning when your support was 10 against the 1 for me you were enjoying it , let the game finish don't be a spoilt sport.
By the way I forgive you for the nasty things you wrote about me , please spare me of any further GR treatment !!!!
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