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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Poll ended at Sun May 18, 2008 8:19 pm

Get Real
Total votes : 36

Postby Simon » Tue May 13, 2008 2:27 am

[quote]Simon , honestly mate , do you think GR voted for himself ??
I think he did the slimy little sod !!
Goodnight mate , sleep well , GR wont !![/quote]

I am sure he did Miltiades knowing GR!

Good night.
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Postby Big Al » Tue May 13, 2008 4:10 am

Get Real! wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:the noise, the noise, gentleman and ladies, animals too, can't we have a decent convention of ideas, reasoned and made clear, (about war), for a change. It is a good time for miltiades and GR to restate their positions at this point, if I may be so demanding.

You've been with us way too long not to have figured out by now that Miltiades’ mental state is a bizarre combination of American imperialism, Turkish cock sucking, spineless and treasonous blabbering, and a mediocre education, all shaken with a few bottles of the finest $2.00 wine…to produce the foulest bacteria-infested vomit ever served in the history of this forum.

GR i have only this to say to you....Just bring it!!!
You are suffering serious illusions on grandure which im sure the TSK will be more than happy to rid you of.
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Postby Big Al » Tue May 13, 2008 4:20 am

Get Real! wrote:
Big Al wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:the noise, the noise, gentleman and ladies, animals too, can't we have a decent convention of ideas, reasoned and made clear, (about war), for a change. It is a good time for miltiades and GR to restate their positions at this point, if I may be so demanding.

You've been with us way too long not to have figured out by now that Miltiades’ mental state is a bizarre combination of American imperialism, Turkish cock sucking, spineless and treasonous blabbering, and a mediocre education, all shaken with a few bottles of the finest $2.00 wine…to produce the foulest bacteria-infested vomit ever served in the history of this forum.

GR i have only this to say to you....Just bring it!!!
You are suffering serious illusions on grandure which im sure the TSK will be more than happy to rid you of.

Why did you vote you little clown??? Vote #12 was yours... I saw that!

Are you Greek Cypriot bozo?

i voted to piss you off :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Tue May 13, 2008 4:24 am

Big Al wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Big Al wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:the noise, the noise, gentleman and ladies, animals too, can't we have a decent convention of ideas, reasoned and made clear, (about war), for a change. It is a good time for miltiades and GR to restate their positions at this point, if I may be so demanding.

You've been with us way too long not to have figured out by now that Miltiades’ mental state is a bizarre combination of American imperialism, Turkish cock sucking, spineless and treasonous blabbering, and a mediocre education, all shaken with a few bottles of the finest $2.00 wine…to produce the foulest bacteria-infested vomit ever served in the history of this forum.

GR i have only this to say to you....Just bring it!!!
You are suffering serious illusions on grandure which im sure the TSK will be more than happy to rid you of.

Why did you vote you little clown??? Vote #12 was yours... I saw that!

Are you Greek Cypriot bozo?

i voted to piss you off :wink:

You were caught with your pants down and shamed your community once again with dishonesty. If you were smart you'd want to have a GENUINE vote count so that you and others could see a REALISTIC picture instead of your emotional perverted outbursts, but such is your immaturity and that of any other TC who may have voted here, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there were/are more of you.
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Postby Big Al » Tue May 13, 2008 4:30 am

GR, i couldnt give a flying fuck about your silly poll, infact i wish you all vote for war against turks because i can guarantee you this time we'll make the whole of Cyprus are smoking some really toxic weed mate.
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Postby Big Al » Tue May 13, 2008 4:42 am

Get Real! wrote:
Big Al wrote:GR, i couldnt give a flying fuck about your silly poll, infact i wish you all vote for war against turks because i can guarantee you this time we'll make the whole of Cyprus are smoking some really toxic weed mate.

Do you honestly think that by hiding the Greek Cypriot anger at your illegalities is going to help the problem you fool?

You have shamed your family and your people with your dishonesty and it’s a reflection of the kind of immoral and corrupt dwellers one would find in the illegal “TRNC”. I refer to you as a dweller because there is nothing Cypriot about you, in your avatar, in your allegiance, or in your behavior on this forum.

Garbage you were born and garbage you will die.

Calm down GR you're going to give yourself a heart attack...if im garbage, im garbage that was strong enough to take northern cyprus from taking candy from a baby.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue May 13, 2008 4:48 am

Big Al wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Big Al wrote:GR, i couldnt give a flying fuck about your silly poll, infact i wish you all vote for war against turks because i can guarantee you this time we'll make the whole of Cyprus are smoking some really toxic weed mate.

Do you honestly think that by hiding the Greek Cypriot anger at your illegalities is going to help the problem you fool?

You have shamed your family and your people with your dishonesty and it’s a reflection of the kind of immoral and corrupt dwellers one would find in the illegal “TRNC”. I refer to you as a dweller because there is nothing Cypriot about you, in your avatar, in your allegiance, or in your behavior on this forum.

Garbage you were born and garbage you will die.

Calm down GR you're going to give yourself a heart attack...if im garbage, im garbage that was strong enough to take northern cyprus from taking candy from a baby.

You did nothing of the sort you pitiful clowns so quit giving YOURSELVES credit for someone else's military actions. Once again you are caught with your pants down being DISHONEST!

Now get out of my sight you pitiful fool! :evil:
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Postby Big Al » Tue May 13, 2008 5:34 am

Get Real! wrote:
Big Al wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Big Al wrote:GR, i couldnt give a flying fuck about your silly poll, infact i wish you all vote for war against turks because i can guarantee you this time we'll make the whole of Cyprus are smoking some really toxic weed mate.

Do you honestly think that by hiding the Greek Cypriot anger at your illegalities is going to help the problem you fool?

You have shamed your family and your people with your dishonesty and it’s a reflection of the kind of immoral and corrupt dwellers one would find in the illegal “TRNC”. I refer to you as a dweller because there is nothing Cypriot about you, in your avatar, in your allegiance, or in your behavior on this forum.

Garbage you were born and garbage you will die.

Calm down GR you're going to give yourself a heart attack...if im garbage, im garbage that was strong enough to take northern cyprus from taking candy from a baby.

You did nothing of the sort you pitiful clowns so quit giving YOURSELVES credit for someone else's military actions. Once again you are caught with your pants down being DISHONEST!

Now get out of my sight you pitiful fool! :evil:

GR you're a mouse wanting to be a cat
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 13, 2008 7:12 am

Comical Ali wrote :

""""You've been with us way too long not to have figured out by now that Miltiades’ mental state is a bizarre combination of American imperialism, Turkish cock sucking, spineless and treasonous blabbering, and a mediocre education, all shaken with a few bottles of the finest $2.00 wine…to produce the foulest bacteria-infested vomit ever served in the history of this forum ""

Notice what a refined and well educated is our Ali , his vocabulary and arrogant expressiveness puts to shame even the most foul mouthed hooligans. He is fuming because he has been exposed for what he really is , an insignificant arm chair General hell bent on destroying Cyprus , just as those he no doubt admires did way back in 1974. I stand for peace and negotiations I do not wish to see our youngsters go through a devastating war that would achieve not only absolutely nothing but would damage Cyprus beyond repair.
Notice this man's colourful language , now I know I also use the odd fuck here and there but never the vulgarities that this Plonker uses .
"""""""""foulest bacteria-infested vomit ever served in the history of this forum "" He writes also """Turkish cock sucking "" Was he referring to himself when he wrote foulest......

This from a man in his early forties abusing verbally a 62 year old decent family Cypriot man that is well respected by those that know him. A shame on you mate .
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Postby Big Al » Tue May 13, 2008 7:30 am

I didnt write what you are saying i wrote, please re-read the thread and apologies i said nothing of the sort.
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