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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Poll ended at Sun May 18, 2008 8:19 pm

Get Real
Total votes : 36

Postby miltiades » Tue May 13, 2008 1:30 am

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Where’s that spineless drunkard gone? Little does he realize that his posts and “views” are as interesting as dog shit stuck on one’s sole…

Here’s a REAL challenge for you treasonous fool, let’s see you survive my psychological onslaught…

Piss off stupid , little shits like you I flashed down the loo many times. Plonker , go and become a bloody suicide killer moron , or better why not join Blackwater !!

Re agramadi maimouna enna se bospaso thabano... :lol:

Ostou horkati shini tsie na kremasti , kolopedo !!
Bet you think your also good looking not just stupid !!
Want to meet up boy I whip your arse any time sunshine !

Boson enna antexis? thkio meres, tris meres? Ospou enna bais nomizis?

Ela pappo mou na sou dixo tambelia sou ! Re malaka , irta mestin Aglian otan imoun 15 hronon , MONOS MOU ,I survived the onslaught of life's worst nightmares . You think that a little pompous arsehole will intimidate me . GET REAL !! What a Plonker !!
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 13, 2008 1:51 am

You war mongers are out of order, you are attacking miltiades in the vilest way possible and are showing your true colours, you are all scum for thinking that the Cyprus problem can be resolved by having another war, this time you will loose 100% of the island you morons, some people never learn that's why TCs should not be fooled into thinking that GCs have changed the packaging may be different but the mentality is still the same.
Last edited by Viewpoint on Tue May 13, 2008 2:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 13, 2008 1:54 am

VP scores his points anyway he can...

he's a warmonger, we are war mongers, they are war mongers, you are a war monger,
what's the difference, so long as you have Your turn at tearing the island in two.
Unlike the Kurds today, it seems, our extremists have less to fight about, EOKA fighters (hundreds if not
thousands) exist we can conjecture because of some talk of the prospect of war.
and if these few are still orgamised and fit out, all the better because they choose to remain silent so well,
perhaps to remain deadly like the Grey Wolves. But, as True revolutionaries,
who shed blood for this soil they would join against any subjugating force, if
it came to that, their work would be for this land's Sovereignty, not for Greeks or Turks but
for the dwellers who call themselves Cypriot
first. VP, call me a warmonger
because I know a bit about war. My life too
is an effort to find some reward from war. Yesterday
I learned the smell of death, and its craving;
Today i strive to bury the dead with dignity
and with Grace, while i remain living.
It boils down to action.

Provocation is not dialog,
generalisations and labeling does not help this dialog either.
we all have this weakness, I think we get it from "TV", it is so easy
what are you becoming if nothing but a provacateur., VP, i have called you a crow (it is a great compliment)

like what happened

you are wily
are you
a storybook

the devil
wise old bird

redeem yourself,
because we can all stand
to improve our lives
...or as OP says,
take a pill.
Last edited by repulsewarrior on Tue May 13, 2008 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 13, 2008 1:57 am

Get Real! wrote:It is safe to assume that Miltiades has cast his vote... Image

Hey kid , have YOU cast your vote yet ? I will cast mine when you do yours ??
ps. Can you play poker ?
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Postby Simon » Tue May 13, 2008 1:58 am

[quote]Simon who that might be mate ?[/quote]

The ViPer (VP). Who else?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 13, 2008 2:10 am

LOL!!! i took too long to make my post and it reads so badly, surrounded by this chatter out of context.

the noise, the noise, gentleman and ladies, animals too, can't we have a decent convention of ideas, reasoned and made clear, (about war), for a change. It is a good time for miltiades and GR to restate their positions at this point, if I may be so demanding.
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Postby miltiades » Tue May 13, 2008 2:12 am

Simon wrote:
Simon who that might be mate ?

The ViPer (VP). Who else?

Simon , honestly mate , do you think GR voted for himself ??
I think he did the slimy little sod !!
Goodnight mate , sleep well , GR wont !!
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue May 13, 2008 2:13 am

repulsewarrior wrote:VP scores his points anyway he can...

he's a warmonger, we are war mongers, they are war mongers, you are a war monger,
what's the difference, so long as you have Your turn at tearing the island in two.
Unlike the Kurds today, it seems, our extremists have less to fight about, EOKA fighters (hundreds if not
thousands) exist we can conjecture because of some talk of the prospect of war.
and if these few are still orgamised and fit out, all the better because they choose to remain silent so well,
perhaps to remain deadly like the Grey Wolves. But, as True revolutionaries,
who shed blood for this soil they would join against any subjugating force, if
it came to that, their work would be for this land's Sovereignty, not for Greeks or Turks but
for the dwellers who call themselves Cypriot
first. VP, call me a warmonger
because I know a bit about war. My life too
is an effort to find some reward from war. Yesterday
I learned the smell of death, and its craving;
Today i strive to bury the dead with dignity
and with Grace, while i remain living.
It boils down to action.

Provocation is not dialog,
generalisations and labeling does not help this dialog either.
we all have this weakness, I think we get it from "TV", it is so easy
what are you becoming if nothing but a provacateur., VP, i have called you a crow (it is a great compliment)

like what happened

you are wily
are you
a storybook

the devil
wise old bird

redeem yourself,
because we can all stand
to improve our lives
...or as OP says,
take a pill.

what are you on repulse yet again I cant understand your rantings.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Tue May 13, 2008 2:19 am

Simon wrote:Stop being so emotionally dramatic Bir.

Nobody is talking about wanting to annihilate the TCs. Removing the Turkish Army is what GCs want. If TCs fight us in that aim, then that is their prerogotive.

Not according to your El Commandante,Simon...

His manifesto calls for "the pulverisation" of the North,or something along those lines. But I don't know,perhaps you guys have Really Smart Weapons which will tell the settlers apart from the TCs apart from the Turkish soldiers...

Dear Miltiades,you can feel vindicated that at least 11 of our fellow compatriots on this forum think like you do...There will never be another hot conflict in Cyprus because it would be a mindless act of stupidity even greater than the one in 1974 and the one in 1963/64...
And Cypriots are no longer stupid,they have learned their lessons from the at peace with yourself,and lots of joy and happiness to you and your loved ones...Bir
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Postby Simon » Tue May 13, 2008 2:23 am

Maybe we have smart brains instead that can tell the ones who are running towards us armed from the ones who are not! :roll:
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