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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Poll ended at Sun May 18, 2008 8:19 pm

Get Real
Total votes : 36

Postby Get Real! » Mon May 12, 2008 3:44 pm

Chara wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Chara wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Chara wrote:As a new comer...can i ask you both (GR and Miltiades) for ONE post stating your views then? No replying to eachother, no pointing fingers. Just sticking to the topic of your view.

Read the thread from the beginning and you'll get your answers early on.

From the begging...I'll be back to you all in a week! LOL....Thanks for the home work GR. LOL....will be back to you all in a week! LOL :lol:

You can't expect us to keep posting the same things over and over again... only Miltiades does that! :lol:

A summary? LOL...You can't blame a girl for trying tho! LOL :angel:

Yeah... that was sweet and I'm a sucker for that! :lol: Here you go...

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:My position is that a solution must be negotiated on the political arena using the EU and the International community and most certainly not war.

But you're not telling us anything new here Miltiades; its what I've been trying to tell you all along... you DON'T HAVE a plan to suggest to these bodies you mention!

Here's a plan that could've been suggested to the EU...
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Postby Paphitis » Mon May 12, 2008 3:47 pm

miltiades wrote:miltiades, thank you for your kind consideration and may I say that I do not regard you as my enemy (as you seem to regard me as yours).
""""May I further state that I am not a supporter of Osama bin Laden, nor do I condone suicide bombers, I am not a supporter of Robert Mugabe (although I must confess I do admire the man's tenacity) nor am I particularly anti American (although my opinions of their foreign policy are unchanged) nor am I a Jew hater (although I do abhor the manner in which Israel is dealing with it's neighbours) nor do I favour President Ahmedinajab (although I do think he is entitled to his own defence policies) and so on.

You see miltiades, I am not such a bad chap really, if only you would take the time to read and UNDERSTAND my posts, you may even come to agree with me, most people DO when we engage in intelligent exchanges. Wink

You are not a bad guy at all Eliko just a compete and utter bloody idiot since amongst the people you admire Mugabe is on your top list. You excuse the behaviour suicide killers , you understand stoning people to death , you also fully comprehend the need to mutilate young children in the name of God , you consider America to be the daemon , you support Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons and now just when I begun to calm down you throw bloody Mugabe at me , a man that has terrorised his people driven them to the ground robbed them of the electoral success and what does Eliko the brains says , he admires the man's testicles !!!
What a waste of an education !!

Miltiades, you support military action by the US in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. But you do not contemplate the fact that Cyprus does have every right and the capability to defend it's territory right up to Kyrenia and Apostolos Andreas. Why can't we consider military options if need be just like the USA does? Why do you have these 2 differing standards for Cyprus and USA?
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 12, 2008 3:50 pm

Paphitis wrote:Miltiades, you support military action by the US in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. But you do not contemplate the fact that Cyprus does have every right and the capability to defend it's territory right up to Kyrenia and Apostolos Andreas. Why can't we consider military options if need be just like the USA does? Why do you have these 2 differing standards for Cyprus and USA?

You can't blame Mr Testicles for liking his odds of a superpower taking on a third world country now can you? :roll:
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Postby Chara » Mon May 12, 2008 3:54 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Chara wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Chara wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Chara wrote:As a new comer...can i ask you both (GR and Miltiades) for ONE post stating your views then? No replying to eachother, no pointing fingers. Just sticking to the topic of your view.

Read the thread from the beginning and you'll get your answers early on.

From the begging...I'll be back to you all in a week! LOL....Thanks for the home work GR. LOL....will be back to you all in a week! LOL :lol:

You can't expect us to keep posting the same things over and over again... only Miltiades does that! :lol:

A summary? LOL...You can't blame a girl for trying tho! LOL :angel:

Yeah... that was sweet and I'm a sucker for that! :lol: Here you go...

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:My position is that a solution must be negotiated on the political arena using the EU and the International community and most certainly not war.

But you're not telling us anything new here Miltiades; its what I've been trying to tell you all along... you DON'T HAVE a plan to suggest to these bodies you mention!

Here's a plan that could've been suggested to the EU...

Thanks GR! :wink:
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Postby Eliko » Mon May 12, 2008 4:03 pm

miltiades, you DO have a sense of humour :lol: :lol: I must assert my absence of malicious intent in my postings and feel that you should consider this fact.

Robert Mugabe is undoubtedly a man to be reckoned with in his own country.

He kicked the white man out and THAT is the main reason for the bad publicity he receives from the Western (and other) media sources.

The fact that he had the temerity to tell the British government to 'Mind their own business', that he has described Gordon Brown as a 'Dot on the face of the earth' and has made a laughing stock of the 'Democratic' system of elections, has done little to improve his popularity.

What I find difficult to understand, bearing in mind that he has been (and is) branded as a monstrous and murderous dictator, is WHY do those Western powers that are so dismissive of him ALLOW him to continue with his (well publicised) atrocities.

Could it be that there is little to rob in Zimbabwe ?, is the blood of an African of less consequence than that of a white man ?.

Surely the clarion call of the West was sounded in order to 'Save' the population of Iraq, or was it WMD or was it OIL or was it (as it has been proven to be ) 'A pack of lies' ?.

You see miltiades, one should at least try to think about the possibilities that exist behind the scenes whenever there is a crisis.

My own view is that Robert Mugabe is defiantly resisting the policies of the West which seek to install yet another 'Puppet Democracy' on the face of the earth, that does not mean I support him and it does not mean I condone murder, it means I THINK. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Mon May 12, 2008 4:10 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:miltiades, thank you for your kind consideration and may I say that I do not regard you as my enemy (as you seem to regard me as yours).
""""May I further state that I am not a supporter of Osama bin Laden, nor do I condone suicide bombers, I am not a supporter of Robert Mugabe (although I must confess I do admire the man's tenacity) nor am I particularly anti American (although my opinions of their foreign policy are unchanged) nor am I a Jew hater (although I do abhor the manner in which Israel is dealing with it's neighbours) nor do I favour President Ahmedinajab (although I do think he is entitled to his own defence policies) and so on.

You see miltiades, I am not such a bad chap really, if only you would take the time to read and UNDERSTAND my posts, you may even come to agree with me, most people DO when we engage in intelligent exchanges. Wink

You are not a bad guy at all Eliko just a compete and utter bloody idiot since amongst the people you admire Mugabe is on your top list. You excuse the behaviour suicide killers , you understand stoning people to death , you also fully comprehend the need to mutilate young children in the name of God , you consider America to be the daemon , you support Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons and now just when I begun to calm down you throw bloody Mugabe at me , a man that has terrorised his people driven them to the ground robbed them of the electoral success and what does Eliko the brains says , he admires the man's testicles !!!
What a waste of an education !!

Miltiades, you support military action by the US in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran. But you do not contemplate the fact that Cyprus does have every right and the capability to defend it's territory right up to Kyrenia and Apostolos Andreas. Why can't we consider military options if need be just like the USA does? Why do you have these 2 differing standards for Cyprus and USA?

Afghanistan , Iraq and Iran are a totaly different matter . Turkey is occupying a part of Cyprus that the entire world refuses to recognise particularly the USA . I support the West in its efforts to rid the world of indiscriminate terrorism and the nations that sponsor and actively support terrorist acts are a viable target. Iran must never be allowed to acquire the means to threatened the West or its allies. Back to the Cyprus issue now.
I mentioned before that my own son in law is a regular in the National guard , he has been one for the last 10 or so years . Truly a patriot but also a very level headed young man who knows my views clearly.
I have never disputed the necessity for the ROC to possess the power to defend it self against a possible attack , the matter here however is much more complex than merely one of defending our nation. For the last 34 years part of our nation has been under the occupation of Turkey , we are not at military war with Turkey at the moment as Piratis says but we are involved in a political war which at the moment it is very much in our favour. No single nation has recognised the "TRNC" due mainly the the reluctance of the world leader to succumb to pressure by her staunch ally and offer recognition , an event that would surely be followed by every other nation. I'm advocating a peaceful resolution since I happen to believe that no other option is available , and if the war option was to be deployed it would not only solve NOTHING but will push Cyprus back to third world status , thousand will die many more thousands will suffer horrendous injuries , our economy would collapse , foreign investors will pull out , now to believe the nonsensical view that we can take on Turkey and win and obviously also achieve the liberation of our lands at the same time , and to also deal with the settlers and the indigenous T/Cs is a complete fallacy , a joke , a historical preposterous supposition initiated here by comical Ali GR !!
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Postby miltiades » Mon May 12, 2008 4:19 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, you DO have a sense of humour :lol: :lol: I must assert my absence of malicious intent in my postings and feel that you should consider this fact.

Robert Mugabe is undoubtedly a man to be reckoned with in his own country.

He kicked the white man out and THAT is the main reason for the bad publicity he receives from the Western (and other) media sources.

The fact that he had the temerity to tell the British government to 'Mind their own business', that he has described Gordon Brown as a 'Dot on the face of the earth' and has made a laughing stock of the 'Democratic' system of elections, has done little to improve his popularity.

What I find difficult to understand, bearing in mind that he has been (and is) branded as a monstrous and murderous dictator, is WHY do those Western powers that are so dismissive of him ALLOW him to continue with his (well publicised) atrocities.

Could it be that there is little to rob in Zimbabwe ?, is the blood of an African of less consequence than that of a white man ?.

Surely the clarion call of the West was sounded in order to 'Save' the population of Iraq, or was it WMD or was it OIL or was it (as it has been proven to be ) 'A pack of lies' ?.

You see miltiades, one should at least try to think about the possibilities that exist behind the scenes whenever there is a crisis.

My own view is that Robert Mugabe is defiantly resisting the policies of the West which seek to install yet another 'Puppet Democracy' on the face of the earth, that does not mean I support him and it does not mean I condone murder, it means I THINK. :wink:

YOUR SUCH AN ABSOLUTE WASTE . Mugabe has driven his people to starvation , has deprived them of their democratic rights and you admire him !!!
Eliko , I dont dislike you I just do not tolerate fools easily .
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Postby Eliko » Mon May 12, 2008 4:28 pm

miltiades wrote:
Eliko wrote:miltiades, you DO have a sense of humour :lol: :lol: I must assert my absence of malicious intent in my postings and feel that you should consider this fact.

Robert Mugabe is undoubtedly a man to be reckoned with in his own country.

He kicked the white man out and THAT is the main reason for the bad publicity he receives from the Western (and other) media sources.

The fact that he had the temerity to tell the British government to 'Mind their own business', that he has described Gordon Brown as a 'Dot on the face of the earth' and has made a laughing stock of the 'Democratic' system of elections, has done little to improve his popularity.

What I find difficult to understand, bearing in mind that he has been (and is) branded as a monstrous and murderous dictator, is WHY do those Western powers that are so dismissive of him ALLOW him to continue with his (well publicised) atrocities.

Could it be that there is little to rob in Zimbabwe ?, is the blood of an African of less consequence than that of a white man ?.

Surely the clarion call of the West was sounded in order to 'Save' the population of Iraq, or was it WMD or was it OIL or was it (as it has been proven to be ) 'A pack of lies' ?.

You see miltiades, one should at least try to think about the possibilities that exist behind the scenes whenever there is a crisis.

My own view is that Robert Mugabe is defiantly resisting the policies of the West which seek to install yet another 'Puppet Democracy' on the face of the earth, that does not mean I support him and it does not mean I condone murder, it means I THINK. :wink:

YOUR SUCH AN ABSOLUTE WASTE . Mugabe has driven his people to starvation , has deprived them of their democratic rights and you admire him !!!
Eliko , I dont dislike you I just do not tolerate fools easily .

miltiades, I take it then that you are unable to understand the basics of my comments and do not intend to consider the validity of them, such a shame.

Would you consider the possibility, or more likely (probability) that it was the influence of Western strategies which brought starvation to the people of Zimbabwe ?, or do you prefer to rely on what the gutter press allows you to read on the subject ?. :wink:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon May 12, 2008 4:33 pm

Poor TCs....If Turkey does not get them by assimilation,their GC compatriots will get them by annihilation... :( :(

Which reminds me of a scene from a book my Amin Maalouf...In Montpellier,a group of students are discussing the latest move of the Vichy government which had passed a law on the status of the Jews,specifiying,amongst other things,the activities,localities,and profesions from which they were to be excluded...One of the students had begun to explain how cleverly the law had been conceived...According to him the Germans had demanded access to the "Free Zone" to "take care" of the Jews who lived there,and Petain had circumvented them by passing such a law himself...

Happy with his reasoning,the student turned to Maalouf's main character,another young student of Turkish/Armenian extraction,and said,"What do you think,Ketabdar? You never say anything...Admit that it is a clever move."In the meekest voice Ketabdar answered,"If I've understood you correctly,it is as if a man came now into this place,armed with a club to knock you down...I see him approaching,and I take up this bottle and bring it down on your head. Seeing that he's got no business here any longer,the man simply shrugs and leaves. I have foiled him."

I have no idea why this scene came to my mind reading this thread,but it did... :( :(
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Postby Eliko » Mon May 12, 2008 4:34 pm

Get Real, my apologies for going off topic, I must close now as I have much to do in preparation for my trip.

miltiades, thank you for an interesting exchange, Best Wishes to all members. Eliko. :wink:
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