miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:miltiades wrote:
Take which like a man , your nonsense !!! Or the fact that 12 voted for your war idea , I have deducted your vote and that of Eliko's since he is not a G/C .
miltiades, I must protest at your assumption that I am not entitled to vote on account of my nationality.
When you retire tonight, have one thing on your mind my old friend:-
You have in the past (and currently) levelled an enormous amount of insult to one of you own countrymen WITHOUT the slightest knowledge of whom you are addressing.
I was about to reveal certain facts to you regarding my family, it suits my purpose better to keep my own counsel at this time.
I am a man who has suffered many vicissitudes in my life and no doubt will face many more, miltiades, you have no right to abuse and insult a person simply because his perceptions of world events are contrary (or different) to your own.
If you wish to engage in a debate, you should be prepared to accept the fact that others may have differing opinions, if they have not, then the whole purpose of debate becomes meaningless and whatever problems existing and under discussion will remain so.
I am about to re-enter Cyprus in the early hours, it is with some trepidation that I will do so as it will be the 13th and I confess that I am something of a tridecaphobic (my ONLY weakness)![]()
I fear you may be wasting your time in insulting and lampooning me at every opportunity since my 'education' (which often has to bear the brunt of your verbal assaults) has taught me to 'Suffer Fools Gladly' and I consider it extremely foolish to level insult to a stranger, better you should adopt a similar philosophy for fear that you may overstep the bounds of acceptable behaviour among decent folk.
Still I can wish Good Health and Good Luck to you and your family, you are a man of advancing years and are therefore entitled to a certain amount of respect on account of such.
Best Wishes (from the target of your affront) Eliko.
Eliko , you have cheated !! The vote calls for G/Cs only , since you told us on many occasions that your family connections are Cuban and Irish , that means you are not a Greek Cypriot !!! Your a Bin Laden and suicide bomber supporter and so is the other one , you the General GR !!
miltiades, I am in despair of your apparent inability to interpet that which you read.
I have never stated that I am of Cuban descent, I have family connections there, I also have family connections in Australia, Ireland and Cyprus.
My family were standing firm in Cyprus when you departed, my Father was from Rizokarpaso and my Mother was from Eire.
I have many reasons to be extremely proud of them both and the bulk of my family connections are resident in Cyprus.
Thank you for addressing me as a cheat, you once again merely emphasize your own ignorance by so doing.
In my humble opinion. Eliko.![]()
I am currently snatching small opportunities of engagement in the forum, perhaps I will be able to spend a little more time soon (before departure in another month for another spell in the wilderness).
It's a great life !!.
In view of the fact that you never indicated that either of your parents was of Greek Cypriot descent I wrongly presumed that you were not a G/C.
I apologise unreservedly for questioning your credentials in voting and for calling you a cheat , only for this mind you .
miltiades, thank you for your kind consideration and may I say that I do not regard you as my enemy (as you seem to regard me as yours).
May I further state that I am not a supporter of Osama bin Laden, nor do I condone suicide bombers, I am not a supporter of Robert Mugabe (although I must confess I do admire the man's tenacity) nor am I particularly anti American (although my opinions of their foreign policy are unchanged) nor am I a Jew hater (although I do abhor the manner in which Israel is dealing with it's neighbours) nor do I favour President Ahmedinajab (although I do think he is entitled to his own defence policies) and so on.
You see miltiades, I am not such a bad chap really, if only you would take the time to read and UNDERSTAND my posts, you may even come to agree with me, most people DO when we engage in intelligent exchanges.