Get Real! wrote:Stout wrote:Get Real, a little magnanimity might be appropriate under the circumstances, do remember that you are dealing with a senior citizen.

(bows head in shame)
The Military Option: Turkey Vs Cyprus
Any illusions of a complex inter-communal political arrangement being implemented in Cyprus is now history, Turkey’s EU make-believe journey is over, and it is now a race to get the upper hand in technology, political influence, and in the overall balance of power because unfortunately it’s become apparent that Cyprus can only be liberated in the same way it was enslaved… through bloodshed!
The RoC is very much aware of Turkey's size, manpower, and military expenditure, etc, so when push goes to shove it will be Turkey that will have the most surprises as she is the one that underestimates the Republic of Cyprus and not the other way round.
Unfortunately, Cyprus will have to sacrifice some of her young generations so that future generations of Cypriots will live free on their liberated island from the Turkic curse that began in 1571.
In the event of a war there is little doubt that the geopolitical repercussions will be severe for Turkey win or lose. Realistically, most wars don't last longer than a month and it is with strategic maneuvers with respect to time that cause the other side to panic, make errors, and then offer concessions on the negotiating table. The Republic of Cyprus can muster around 100,000 men, have stockpiles of modern firepower and equipment…
…including the ability to strike deep into southern Turkey with ballistic missiles so all southern Turkish naval ports that can be used to provide further reinforcements can be leveled. The Turkish air force can be countered by the newly acquired French Mistral S2A technology (this is actually the world’s finest S2A)… """"
Very interesting observation here that we also have the capacity to strike deep into Turkey !!!!
God help you all who believe these nonsense.