In USA, we have wedding at church, followed by a sit down meal at a really nice hall, with a band or a DJ. classy wedding might have a cocktail hour before the meal.
average wedding has between 150 - 250 guests.
(my wedding had about 25)
the bride throws the bouquet, the groom throws the garter belt, and the recipient puts the gater on the leg of the gal who caught the bouquet.
there is tradition first dance, only the bride and groom, followed by everyone getting up to dance,each couple represents a year of happiness together.
the wedding toast with champaign and cutting of the cake where the bride and the groom feed each other.
the couple then goes on honeymoon, usually for 2 weeks.
when the return to the house for the first time, the groom carried the bride over the threshold.
do orthodox cypriots do it similary?
i would really be interested in your customs, and thank anyone who will respond to shed some light on this.