hey guys
the Greek Cypriot dialect (as are many Greek island dialects) is quite different from the official dialect of Greee (mainland). I've noticed most of the influences come from Turkish and maybe English (for example Greeks cannot pronounce the "sh" sound very well) .
This is almost same for TC dialect. Greek(the Greek dialect of Rums) has much influence on TC dialect. A similar sounding dialect can be seen in Aegean region where once mostly Greeks(Rum = Ottoman Greeks) were living.
The most evident influence of English on Tc dialect is the pronounciation of "ing". Most of the motherland Turks who have an average and average- level English cannot pronounce "ing" properly. For instance they pronounce coming as comink.
TCs can properly pronounce "ing" and made this suffix a peculiarity for their dialect. Here's some example:
TC dialect
Geling = It has two meanings depends on how you accentuate it
a) Come on.
b) Are you coming?
Turkish dialect
Gelin = Come on.
Officially though Greek is used (writing obviously and also in the media and politics from what ive noticed) even though you can spot a GC no matter how he talks.
This is also same for TCs. Although TCs read and write Turkish with a an accent and style very similar with mainland Turkish; a TC can easily identify him/her whether he/she is a TC or not. However a mainland Turk that knows nothing or less about TC dialect; generally thinks that he/she is from eastern regions of Turkey. In some multi-national places of Istanbul; such as Laleli, Aksaray, Sultanahmet etc., when a TC enters a shop and ask something to the shop assistant; mostly gets an irrelevant response in English, Yugoslavian or Russian.

Because of TC dialect is too unfamiliar to the ears of most of the mainland Turks, they think the TC is one of the foreign tourist who they frequently meet in their district.
I was wondering what is the case with Turkish (mainland vs Cyprus). Aside from vocabular are there ways in which words are pronounced colloquially and is the "official" language different from the spoken one the way it is in Cyprus?
I can say that the colloqquial TC Turkish(particularly in villages) is pronounced %80 different from official Turkish language. In Turkey, there are some regions that people who lives there pronounce the words %99 different than the official language.
Some examples:
Korkmuyorum ( I don't afraid) = Gorkmuyorum
Black Sea:
East Anatolia: