alexISS wrote:Get Real! wrote:KezziH2 wrote:thats alright then Kurupetos.
ive always been crap at maths.
That's ok, we're here to help you so here goes...
Let the number of men you can "pull" be represented by "NMP", and let the variable "Result" represent the Boolean outcome of our function, and given that your IQ = 25 then the calculations would be...
Result:= (IQ x NMP) >= 100
Inserting all known constants...
Result:= (25 x NMP) >= 100
After inserting the value for NMP you'll be able to determine if "Result" returns TRUE (probability is >=1) or FALSE (probability=0).
These are not mathematical equations, that's some crappy Pascal code. If you have to express yourself this way, at least be a man and write in C
I'm impressed you picked up the two tiny colons I included (I'm a Pascal expert and old habits die hard) even though I avoided using full blown Pascal syntax so good on you Alexis... the kalamaras is not as thick as I thought after all!