Murataga wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:It is difficult for non-Turkish people to understand the Army's place in the heart of the Turkish people...Turkey itself is the creation of the Military led by one man,who is treated as semi-God...To criticise the army is to criticise Ataturk,and that is sacrilege for 99% of the Turkish people...
Please stop this war talk...And the talk which ends with the threat to pulverise the entire North of our Country...That is not the way to make friends and influence people,in this day and age...Only a nuclear war can bring Turkey to her knees,and as a member of NATO I'd say she is well protected from that eventuality...
War mongering only helps drive the partition nails further into our homeland's bossom...If that is the motivation,there are easier ways to achieve it than a senseless and suicidal conflict from which Cyprus will come out as the biggest loser...![]()
At the moment both sides are negotiating. Therefore, lets just wait and see what happens. Personally, I beleive there is as much chance of a negotiated settlement as Paris Hilton still being a virgin.
After all avenues for a peacefull settlement are exhausted, then military action can never be ruled out. The borders of Cyprus end at Kyrenia and Apostolos Andreas and not at Ayios Dometios or Ledra. Cyprus would be well within it's rights in attempting to liberate it's own territory from occupation. The only thing that is required is the perfect timing and opportunism. And Turkey is certainly not undefeatable. This is especially true if Cyprus was to receive assistance from other third parties with the ever changing geopolitical landscape.
I am no war monger. And I would not wish it upon Cyprus and it's people. However, there is only so much that can be tolerated. And having one's country under occupation, can never be tolerated for ever.
Bir, I know you are a very nice man, and I take my hat off to you for being a very intelligent, fair, and honorable man. I think you can understand that we as Cypriots can not tolerate the current impasse and the recalcitrance of Turkey and it's numerous violations of international law, human rights and war crimes which continue today. Cypriots have their dignity and honor, and this is worth fighting for.
Thank you for your kind words,Paphitis...I know that you are a very decent man,and it is your desperation and frustration which make you consider war as a possibility. As far as I am concerned that option would only intensify and prolong the suffering...Turkey is not in Cyprus just for her own interests...If we consider the events which brought the occupation about we see that Turkey is primarily looking after NATO's interests. I cannot believe that The British could not have totally destroyed the EOKA back in 1955,had they wanted to...EOKA served the purpose of fueling Greek nationalism,as TMT which was also sanctioned by the British fueled Turkish nationalism...Cypriots had to be divided by this virus,to stop them from becoming one people,one nation,lest they chose to turn to communism with AKEL leading the way...There is no doubt about this,Turkey is in Cyprus with the blessing of the USA and most Western European powers. The solution to our problem lies in making all Cypriots see how we were played against each other,and became pawns in the international cold war at the time. Once most people realise this,and wake up from their nationalism stupor,the solution will follow smoothly...Cyprus is the homeland of all Cypriots...We must love every inch of it...And we must never talk about fighting each other again...We must unite as one people and make the world realise there is no longer any need for Turkey to be in Cyprus...But we have to convince the TCs first of all...And we can't do it by threats of annihilation...![]()
We, the TCs, are as one with the GCs, as a resident of Edirne is one with a resident of Thessaloniki – historically, ethnically, sociologically, culturally, linguistically, and religiously. Denying this is either illiteracy or indecency and trying to enforce otherwise is fatal on all levels.
Greek nationalism in Cyprus was well and alive way before EOKA was officially launched. Nationalism, be it GC or TC, was not fueled by EOKA or TMT. Nationalism is a by-product of industrialization and it was effectively spread around the world with the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789. As a consequence, almost all major Empires eventually came to an end and numerous countries got established along (essentially) ethnic lines. The borders of these newly developed countries, with very minor exceptions, have been drawn as a consequence of some armed conflict along the way. The fact of the matter is that today these borders are the recognized borders of dozens of U.N. member countries – including Greece and Turkey. The TCs and GCs came to brink of this conflict numerous times because the situation was not different for them from a historical, sociological, cultural and ethnic standpoint. However, instead of carrying out the battle we made an agreement - an agreement that allowed each side to self-govern its affairs without the other interfering, an agreement that barred any and all union with the motherlands. A careful observer will come to the indisputable conclusion that this agreement was in essence what the member countries of the EU have among themselves today, but with the only major difference in that there were no borders controlled per community. The GC side wanted to change this agreement to their advantage. We refused and the rest is history.
In summary, there is no legitimate historical, moral, democratic or humane argument that can justify the TCs to hand over their self-governing rights over to the GCs in any way on this island. Because we have refused to hand these rights over to the GCs we have been attacked and enclaved for years. Union can not and will not mean becoming a part of some synthetically generated identity that is numerically dominated by peoples of Hellenic ambitions, life-style, policies, culture, religion, and language. That is not democracy, that is tyranny and it is not much different than asking Greece to unite with Turkey so that the Aegean can become a more democratic place. As acknowledged by the U.N.: there are TWO COMMUNITIES in Cyprus, one GC and the other TC. Union can only be realized when the GCs accept (by heart) that they are not the nation but only a COMMUNITY of Cyprus.
The trouble is,Murataga,if we insist on keeping the division along ethnic lines,we will set in concrete the animosity which exist today between the two communities....Not to mention the suspicion,bitterness,and the sense of injustice...This is not a good recipe for the future. The coming generations will pay the price for our stubbornness to let go of our ethnic affiliations,and our blind nationalism.I am totally convinced we need to get past all this ethnic fixation,majority/minority fears,divisions and double standards,and reach the point where what really matters is our commitment to Cyprus as a whole,and the struggle to build one nation of Cypriots,albeit multilingual and multireligious....This won't happen in one step of course,i understand that...But the interm solution must leave the road open for real reunification...Then with time,goodwill,and lot of effort,we will get there...I promise to come back and lend a hand...