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Property Protest London during President Christofias’ visit

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Postby pantheman » Thu May 22, 2008 9:27 am

vinu wrote:Oracle,

I have read your comments in this topic and have not made any comments myself so far. You make defamatory comments against Conor, but do not have the guts to provide the actual facts, written or otherwise to back up what you are saying. How stupid are you? I say
to you either put up or shut up. Conor has provided actual facts in terms
of paperwork, audio and video to backup what he is saying. I have actually come across some of the problems Conor and many others have faced, so I can talk with experience. If ever a developer assaulted a buyer here in UK he would go to jail straightaway.

err, bollocks to that statement.

They will be taken in given 3 squares a day, video games to play, extra dole money and a licence to go home and shag the wife.

You may have had some experience with a developer, but please spare us the "... In the UK it is done like this ...... bullshit "

In the UK you can get away with murder, especially now that the prisons are busting at the seams. The Home secratary has given instructions to judges not to give custodial sentences easily. Go check the state of affairs and then come back and justify your statement.

Whatever conors issue is I am sure he is ontop of it, but little shits like you who just jump on the band wagon really piss me off.

In the least as a first post you could have said "Hi"
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Postby Eliko » Thu May 22, 2008 5:18 pm

pantheman wrote:
vinu wrote:Oracle,

I have read your comments in this topic and have not made any comments myself so far. You make defamatory comments against Conor, but do not have the guts to provide the actual facts, written or otherwise to back up what you are saying. How stupid are you? I say
to you either put up or shut up. Conor has provided actual facts in terms
of paperwork, audio and video to backup what he is saying. I have actually come across some of the problems Conor and many others have faced, so I can talk with experience. If ever a developer assaulted a buyer here in UK he would go to jail straightaway.

err, bollocks to that statement.

They will be taken in given 3 squares a day, video games to play, extra dole money and a licence to go home and shag the wife.

You may have had some experience with a developer, but please spare us the "... In the UK it is done like this ...... bullshit "

In the UK you can get away with murder, especially now that the prisons are busting at the seams. The Home secratary has given instructions to judges not to give custodial sentences easily. Go check the state of affairs and then come back and justify your statement.

Whatever conors issue is I am sure he is ontop of it, but little shits like you who just jump on the band wagon really piss me off.

In the least as a first post you could have said "Hi"

pantheman, well spoken mate, true Scorpionic response, love the first line !!. :lol:

Best Wishes. Eliko. :wink:
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Postby JoJo » Thu May 22, 2008 7:04 pm

Pantheman.... you are cheeky on this forum! heheh
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Postby pantheman » Thu May 22, 2008 7:56 pm

JoJo wrote:Pantheman.... you are cheecky on this forum! heheh

Hey, do I know you ????

My I must have a stalker :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby JoJo » Thu May 22, 2008 7:58 pm

I observe on the Eastern Cyprus Forum....
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Postby di-di » Fri May 23, 2008 5:06 pm

Hi, erm can i comment on this please., This protest was not just about Conor's case as is implied, it was about several of us with differing issues.

I was there as i have a case in question and indeed am just awaiting a date for a court hearing.

My husband and myself are not extortionists, are just pensioners trying to get our property in which we invested 49 years savings. We tried speaking to the landowner and even offering to clear his [hidden] debts for him. We were then phoned and told "they know there is a profit in your property now and they want it". Then they added "we are willing to give you c£5,000 profit". I tried to explain they were not entitled to this profit as it was OUR money which built it some 2-3 years ago. I also explained there is only a profit if we are going to sell and as it is our home we are not going to sell it either. Nice people yeah??????

Meanwhile we are left floundering in a rental and they really don't care.

OK Oracle let us see what your one-sided comments can do now!! Do you really support people who behave in this fashion, if so then i am so happy you are not in my circle of friends or even an acquaintance.

With Conor's help i was left with some way of bringing it to the Presidents attention, this has been followed up with a personal letter to the powers that be and i intend to send yet another letter to the powers that be over here.

This problem, certainly ours, is not going to go away believe me, i will fight to my grave to see these thieves get their just desserts.

The Cypriots in London WERE sympathetic to my cause as well as to the others and like us they MUST be heard in high places. This attitude affects ALL Cypriots, they are ashamed and embarrassed at the treatment shown to us.

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Postby di-di » Fri May 23, 2008 5:11 pm

Before i forget Jo-Jo, i WAS a member of Cyprus Eastern Forum and was suspended for a private e-mail sent to one of the moderators. Surely what is said privately cannot cause a suspension when the argument was not even on the Board. The crime, i apparently committed, now seems to be rife and no action taken on that very Site was the subject of the e-mails.

Seems that that Site is very selective and if you have an honest opinion then its suspension and bans galore that await you.

Just this past fortnight to my knowledge two have been suspended, oh dear naughty people.

Pity they don't tell you about these that have fallen by the wayside.

i know that if still a member i would have suffered a ban simply for speaking out about my problems on what should be an open forum.

Oh well their loss your gain eh???

Many people [silently] from their Board support me in my quest for my property as they do with Conor. The moderators should remember what is said on the Board is not necessarily what is said privately.

We have support and really don't need their at all.

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Postby Oracle » Fri May 23, 2008 9:40 pm

Yes, yes! Oracle can sort out all your problems ... that's what I am here for ... free advice when you've all screwed up! :roll:

Alternatively just use me as a punchbag when your builders / lawyers / accountants / friends have had enough of you and done a runner. :arrow:
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Postby Feisty » Sat May 24, 2008 9:07 pm

Oracle it seems to me from what I've read that you are your own punchbag.
Your language and attitude is disgusting.

I too am a person with developer and funnily enough, the same solicitor problems as many others so was at the protest last week which seemed to me to be an ideal action to take. Cyprus has always had my every support in what happened to it's people and it's stolen land but it would seem that SOME of it's very own people perpetuate that theft and violence by visiting it on investors in the country. It needs changing and lobbying those with the power to do that changing is the correct path to take and if, as has been said, Gordon Brown were to be in discussion regarding the problem I would love him to ask why Cyprus authorities are allowing it to happen to others.

I am also somewhat disturbed that developers use cheap Turkish workers to build these developments and then refuse to fix their shoddy workmanship and expect us to take delivery of second rate standards. Smacks of sheer hypocrisy to me.
Last edited by Feisty on Sat May 24, 2008 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Feisty » Sat May 24, 2008 9:37 pm

And just for your information Oracle there was absolutely no disruption to the President's visit and, as Conor stated all along, it was a peaceful protest as was our right, to bring attention to the problems encountered by us and others.
There was only one raised voice, by a Cypriot man, who mistakenly thought we had bought in the occupied north. He was moved on by the police but later, after the President's visit, came back and apologised for his actions, stating that he had misunderstood the situation and now that the matter had been discussed inside he understood the problems and that he was very sorry for some of his countrymen's actions and wished us well in our quest. His apology was very gratefully received.
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