Oracle wrote:Sega wrote:The guesture is intended as an insult and is not normally taken any other way. It makes the other person feel humiliated and stupid. It's not a nice thing to do to somebody, and I don't feel it can be done as a joke. People in Cyprus do this guesture, but like I say, it's offensive, so people only do it when somebody is an arsehole.Oracle wrote:Does it mean "in your face" .... "sta moutra sou" ..... or is that something else altogether. Confused
.... also what does "stravalle" mean ... (I don't want to ask anyone that I know).
Emm.. do you live in Cyprus?
Yes ... I have seen it performed (never been at the receiving end yet) ... but it's not the sort of thing you bring up during the morning coffee chat session
Tell me please!
You should never feel embrarassed to explain something.
My mum uses the word. She says it when I do something wrong. I am not sure what she means though, I am not born in Cyprus and have only been living here for a short while, so sorry I could not help.