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United Cyprus demands termination of settling in occupied..

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Eric dayi » Wed May 07, 2008 4:33 pm

Kikapu wrote:
pantheman wrote:
It puts people like VP, Eric, Big AL, Zan, and other to shame.

Sorry Pantheman, but the one's you have mentioned above have NO SHAME at all . They and their NeoPartitionist comrades are truly morally corrupted and are in for it for themselves. They are not interested in the welfare of the average True Cypriots, be they be Turkish or Greek. No my friend, they are only interested in how much money they can gain from the present situation all the while trying to build a "corrupt society" in the north, so that they would feel more at home. They are the rotten core of the apple and trying very hard to rot the rest of the basket of apples. But they will not get away with it. The moment there is peace in Cyprus, all these morally corrupted individuals will leave Cyprus for good. True Democracy will not serve their purpose at all, so why hang around.

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH.......listen to the little belly dancing monkey who decided to live in a foreign country and sell his own people out instead of staying in the so-called "RoC" and his paymasters whom he loves so much and who love him for his belly dancing. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby halil » Wed May 07, 2008 4:36 pm

TC kökenli KKTC vatandaşları konusu

TRNC citizens from Turkey.

Ankette “Kıbrıs sorununun çözümü durumunda sizi endişelendiren bir durum var mı?” şeklindeki soruya katılımcıların %47’sinin “evet, “%44’ünün “hayır” ve %9’unun da “bilmiyorum/yanıtlamıyorum” cevabını verdiğini belirten gazete; “başlıca” endişe verici konunun, %9 ile TC kökenli KKTC vatandaşları olduğunu yazdı.

During the solution of the Cyprus problem do you have any worries ?
47 % said yes , 44 % no , 9 % not know or not answer

Ankete göre diğer endişe verici noktalar; yine %9 ile “Kıbrıslı Türklerle yaşamak”, %8 ile “Türkiye’nin garantörlük ve müdahale hakkı”, %6 ile “ekonomi ve toplum”, %5 ile “güvenlik”, %5 ile “Türk askerinin adada kalması” ve %11 ile “diğerleri” şeklinde ifade edildi.

according to survey other worrid subjuct is . 9 % is living with TC's ,
8 % Turkey's guarantor and operational gain , 65 economy and community, 5% security,5% Turkish Troops ,11 5 0thers.

Gazete; ankette katılımcılara ayrıca; “gelecekte Türkiye’nin özgür bölgelere askeri bir saldırı gerçekleştirmeye çalışma ihtimalinin olduğuna inanıp inanmadıklarının” sorulduğunu ve %71 gibi büyük bir çoğunluğun, Türkiye’nin böyle bir girişimde bulunacağına “inanmadıklarını” belirttiklerini yazdı.

Are you thinking at future Turkey will do military action , do u belive ?
71% said they dont think that Turkey will attact.

Bu soruya “evet inanıyorum” yanıtını verenlerin sayısı %21 olurken, “bilmiyorum/yanıtlamıyorum” yanıtını verenler ise %8 oranında kaldı.

to above question 21% said yes ,
8 % not know or not answer.
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Postby halil » Wed May 07, 2008 4:42 pm

KKTC’yi ziyaret eden Rumların oranı %60

60% of the GC's visited TRNC

Kıbrıslı Rumların KKTC’yi ziyaret etmelerine ilişkin bilgilere de yer verilen ankette; sınır kapılarının açılmasının ardından KKTC’yi ziyaret eden Kıbrıslı Rumların oranının %60, KKTC’ye gelmeyenlerinkinin ise %40 olduğu belirtildi.
40% not visited.

Ankete göre KKTC’yi ziyaret edenlerin %46’sı yalnızca bir kez, %27’si iki kez, %19’u üç-dokuz kez ve %8’i de on defadan fazla KKTC’ye geldiklerini vurguladılar.

46 % only one time.27 % twice
%19 3-9 times
8% more than 10 times.
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Postby bilako22 » Wed May 07, 2008 5:46 pm

miltiades wrote:
bilako22 wrote:
pantheman wrote:Miltiades,

Co-incidentally, I was talking about TC to my mother-in-law last night (and this is the first time i have ever heard her say anything about TC) and she mentioned when she was younger and worked in Famagusta that the TC ladies were really lovely and hospitable people. That they were close and family orientated and this got me thinking.
I have been faced with too much hatred here to see clearly the real goings on and now that I heard from 2 indepenent sources I feel some relief that the situation is not as dire as some here would make it.

It puts people like VP, Eric, Big AL, Zan, and other to shame. they tarnish the good TC people with their poison and they should stop for the sake of giving Cyprus a chance to be free for all Cypriots.

Light at the end of that tunnel is now visible

For poison look at yourself and your beloved GC community. It amazes me that you seem to be suprised that TC ladies were "really lovely and hospitable "

Bilako , No mate , you take a good look at your self , just ask yourself one honest question and give an honest answer .From the few posts that have come from you , is there any conciliatory , peace orientated , forgiving and above all pro Cypriot views ??The answer of course is the stark reality of NO. You have in every post shown your true colours. Hate and more hate !! Grow up mate the world has moved on and the ROC has also moved on , not so though for the "TRNC" !!!

What do you think of his patronizing comments about Turkish ladies?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed May 07, 2008 11:14 pm

i find it surprising how much Intolerance can rule over reason. some see their place in the world, with its Heritance which they persue to keep alive. some find joy in the diversity. some think that any other is for their plunder, none worth more than if it is their own. it is a contradiction in terms to consider that the great history of this little island needs no consideration from us. "Greek" or "Turk" is nothing to this land, if we are quite simply, this island's dwellers, and we are quite simply this island's dwellers.

i choose. I love this land because of its legacy. i am not a "Greek" or a "Turk", i am a village dweller and i am a Cypriot, Cyprus is an island. if you don't know a tree two thousand years old, they exist, and the feeling you get from knowing who planted it made this lsland's people the most socialised in the world. now, with the Modern Age we are no longer this close to the land, our Freedom is measured in mobility from this center. My dignity rests with my trees, you? I seek my betterment, by providing with my acts the giving which serves a higher purpose, and i respect that in the order of things their is harmony.

even in the diaspora the stories do not fade. and for us it may be the way of the Jews, or the Armenians, very close, a larger population over the globe than in our homeland, yet I know, like my brethren and the citizens in the countries where we live now, Justice must be seen to be Just; we have not forgotten.
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Postby bilako22 » Wed May 07, 2008 11:22 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:i find it surprising how much Intolerance can rule over reason. some see their place in the world, with its Heritance which they persue to keep alive. some find joy in the diversity. some think that any other is for their plunder, none worth more than if it is their own. it is a contradiction in terms to consider that the great history of this little island needs no consideration from us. "Greek" or "Turk" is nothing to this land, if we are quite simply, this island's dwellers, and we are quite simply this island's dwellers.

i choose. I love this land because of its legacy. i am not a "Greek" or a "Turk", i am a village dweller and i am a Cypriot, Cyprus is an island. if you don't know a tree two thousand years old, they exist, and the feeling you get from knowing who planted it made this lsland's people the most socialised in the world. now, with the Modern Age we are no longer this close to the land, our Freedom is measured in mobility from this center. My dignity rests with my trees, you? I seek my betterment, by providing with my acts the giving which serves a higher purpose, and i respect that in the order of things their is harmony.

even in the diaspora the stories do not fade. and for us it may be the way of the Jews, or the Armenians, very close, a larger population over the globe than in our homeland, yet I know, like my brethren and the citizens in the countries where we live now, Justice must be seen to be Just; we have not forgotten.

Well spoken Warrior . I am also a Cypriot. Lets set up the bloody federation , compensate those that lost land and start to show the rest of the world how civilized we can be.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 08, 2008 12:08 am

bilako22 wrote:I am also a Cypriot. Lets set up the bloody federation , compensate those that lost land and start to show the rest of the world how civilized we can be.

According to a popular dictionary at…

The second meaning of the word “civilized” besides… “Having a highly developed society and culture” is:

“Showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement; humane, ethical, and reasonable”

Now tell me how you see yourselves as “civilized” when so many of you are having problems reading, comprehending, and evaluating, the evidence on so many important aspects of the Cyprus problem that we so often challenge you with?

You’d better think again because “civilized” isn’t about covering your arse and immersing yourselves in crime, such as the PROSTITUTION of Greek Cypriot property, the ransacking of Greek Cypriot churches, the selling off of priceless historical artifacts, the desecration of mountain ranges with gigantic Turkish graffiti, the utter ignorance and violations of UN resolutions, and so forth...

Are you REALLY civilized or just fooling yourselves?
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Postby unitedwestand » Thu May 08, 2008 12:14 am

Get Real! wrote:
bilako22 wrote:I am also a Cypriot. Lets set up the bloody federation , compensate those that lost land and start to show the rest of the world how civilized we can be.

According to a popular dictionary at…

The second meaning of the word “civilized” besides… “Having a highly developed society and culture” is:

“Showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement; humane, ethical, and reasonable”

Now tell me how you see yourselves as “civilized” when so many of you are having problems reading, comprehending, and evaluating, the evidence on so many important aspects of the Cyprus problem that we so often challenge you with?

You’d better think again because “civilized” isn’t about covering your arse and immersing yourselves in crime, such as the PROSTITUTION of Greek Cypriot property, the ransacking of Greek Cypriot churches, the selling off of priceless historical artifacts, the desecration of mountain ranges with gigantic Turkish graffiti, the utter ignorance and violations of UN resolutions, and so forth...

Are you REALLY civilized or just fooling yourselves?

Were you guys a little less "civilised" back in 63? Now that you are in the EU does that make you mega "civilised".

Once a peasant always a peasant I'd say, but than again I'm an uncivilized Turk.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 08, 2008 1:05 am

unitedwestand wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
bilako22 wrote:I am also a Cypriot. Lets set up the bloody federation , compensate those that lost land and start to show the rest of the world how civilized we can be.

According to a popular dictionary at…

The second meaning of the word “civilized” besides… “Having a highly developed society and culture” is:

“Showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement; humane, ethical, and reasonable”

Now tell me how you see yourselves as “civilized” when so many of you are having problems reading, comprehending, and evaluating, the evidence on so many important aspects of the Cyprus problem that we so often challenge you with?

You’d better think again because “civilized” isn’t about covering your arse and immersing yourselves in crime, such as the PROSTITUTION of Greek Cypriot property, the ransacking of Greek Cypriot churches, the selling off of priceless historical artifacts, the desecration of mountain ranges with gigantic Turkish graffiti, the utter ignorance and violations of UN resolutions, and so forth...

Are you REALLY civilized or just fooling yourselves?

Were you guys a little less "civilised" back in 63? Now that you are in the EU does that make you mega "civilised".

Once a peasant always a peasant I'd say, but than again I'm an uncivilized Turk.

This is 2008 in case you haven’t realized so now tell me… are the Turkish Cypriot people "civilized" according to the dictionary's description above?
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu May 08, 2008 2:27 am

Get Real! wrote:
unitedwestand wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
bilako22 wrote:I am also a Cypriot. Lets set up the bloody federation , compensate those that lost land and start to show the rest of the world how civilized we can be.

According to a popular dictionary at…

The second meaning of the word “civilized” besides… “Having a highly developed society and culture” is:

“Showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement; humane, ethical, and reasonable”

Now tell me how you see yourselves as “civilized” when so many of you are having problems reading, comprehending, and evaluating, the evidence on so many important aspects of the Cyprus problem that we so often challenge you with?

You’d better think again because “civilized” isn’t about covering your arse and immersing yourselves in crime, such as the PROSTITUTION of Greek Cypriot property, the ransacking of Greek Cypriot churches, the selling off of priceless historical artifacts, the desecration of mountain ranges with gigantic Turkish graffiti, the utter ignorance and violations of UN resolutions, and so forth...

Are you REALLY civilized or just fooling yourselves?

Were you guys a little less "civilised" back in 63? Now that you are in the EU does that make you mega "civilised".

Once a peasant always a peasant I'd say, but than again I'm an uncivilized Turk.

This is 2008 in case you haven’t realized so now tell me… are the Turkish Cypriot people "civilized" according to the dictionary's description above?

You GCs are just as uncivilized today as you have ever been, placing a saddle on a donkey doesnt make it a race horse.
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