MicAtCyp , I totally agree that via a comprehensive solution as many GCs should get rights (not including right to settle at will) to their properties or compensaiton where rights are no longer possible. Can you envisage you living next door to me and my family and not saying "gunaydin" when our paths cross this maybe the European way which you have to subscribe to but not the Cypriot way which we still uphold and cherish.
Are you more cypriot than me????
why is that I dont want the property back that you have in your posession which belongs to me (and dont say its not worth anything made of mud or in the mountains so has no value believe me its prime property) but I am willing to exchange for compensation or even the extreme give it up for a final solution. I dont have the desire to move back however valuable the property is because I dont want to live amongst GCs and a culture and language I know nothing about. Why do you have this desire and not me? are you more Cypriot than me? do you love your country more than me? or do you have ulterior motives? which we always sense and cannot accept feeling untrusting of your true intentions towards our community.