Judge Mental wrote:.
1. We have a large dog (German Shepherd) which we adore, but reading some posts suggest he will be the target of poisonings etc.
As long as it is not a stray, no one will do anything to your dog. Dogs are quite common, as hunting is quite big in Cyprus.
2. If we see any animal cruelty we will have to keep our mouths shut because if we say anything someone will attack us sooner or later
There is a more liberal approach to animal cruelty in Cyprus than in the UK, which is a terrible thing, but believe me, not all Cypriots are cruel to animals, nor will you get lynched for speaking out against some cruel bastard who is picking on a stray cat. In fact there are a societies in Cyprus who aim to help protect animals on the island whether cat, donkey or bats. So if you are an animal lover- like me, I suggest you get in touch with one of these organisations once you are in Cyprus to see how you can help.
3. Greek Cypriots (and presumably Turkish Cypriots) can't wait to see the back of all foreign troops, and hate those that are based on the island (I am British by the way)
4. Cypriots hate all foreigners who go to live in Cyprus
Everyone wants foreign troops to leave Cyprus, but the same is not true for foreigners. I take it you have enjoyed Cypriot hospitality in the past, nothing will change once you become a permanent resident, in fact you may make a lot more friends.
5. The Banking System is archaic
Not necessarily true, you will enjoy much better interest rates in Cyprus, and a far more personal experience, as you get to talk to someone who knows you when you have a problem, rather than an overworked Indian in a call centre in Bombay. With Banks like Alpha, Laiki etc... you will enjoy all the same services you currently enjoy in the UK.
6. The availability of Broadband is almost non-existent, and use of the Internet is a joke as no-one uses it (I know for a fact that if I email anyone in Cyprus it won't get an answer)
Actually Cyprus will soon become one of the most connected nations on the planet, as one of the most up to date networks has already been laid. You will find Broadband connection almost everywhere on the island. Its just that most Cypriots still have not been tempted to go to broadband. The prices are also very competative, and probably better than UK prices.
http://www.i-choice.cyta.com.cy/english/map.php7. The cost of vehicles is ludicrously expensive
Used to be true, not anymore (bar certain cars that still qualify for luxuary tax- which will be phased out by 2007 due to the EU. You can now buy lots of cars for a pretty similar price to the UK.
8. If I have serious medical problem I would be better off going off-island for treatment
They have good facilities on the island to cover most medical problems, although it really depends, if you need a double lung transplant you may be better off in the UK. But remember, waiting times in hospitals and doctors clinics will become a thing of the distant past if you move to Cyprus.
Someone PLEASE tell me I have got this all wrong?????
Not wrong, mor elike last minute nerves
