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Don't tarnish Turkey’s image!

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Don't tarnish Turkey’s image!

Postby RAFAELLA » Fri May 02, 2008 6:10 pm

Avci said that the statements by Archbishop Chrysostomos II regarding the destruction of the holy places and churches in the occupied areas aimed at tarnishing Turkey’s image
Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris newspaper (02.05.08 ) reports that the self-styled foreign minister of the breakaway regime Turgay Avci , commenting on the statements made by Archbishop Chrysostomos II regarding the destruction of the holy places and churches in the occupied area, claimed that these accusations were unfounded and they are aimed at tarnishing Turkey’s image. He said: “This is part of a smearing campaign directed against Turkey.” Mr Avci further alleged that despite the fact that the Cyprus government precludes the Turkish side’s receiving financial assistance from international organizations, the occupation regime was doing its best to protect and maintain historic monuments in the Turkish occupied part in the Republic of Cyprus ... enDocument

What a clown!
Sometimes it's amazing of how they ridicule them selves, really amazing! But we must admit Trs are doing a great job exposing their country. Keep up the good work guys!
So, my dear Avci visit the following exhibition so you can get all the information you need:
Photo Exhibition on Northern Cyprus
Yiannakis Matsis MEP (Cyprus) is hosting a photo exhibition entitled "The Destruction of the Cultural Heritage in the Northern Occupied part of Cyprus" on Wednesday 9 May at 12.30pm in the European Parliament.
Reimer Böge MEP (Germany), Chairman of the Budgets Committee will open the exhibition in the ASP building on the ground floor corridor.

"Adding to the tragedy is the fact that, Sourp Magar is no isolated incident; numerous Greek Orthodox and Maronite churches too have been looted and desecrated. Newspaper reports from Northern Cyprus describe how the Church of Ayia Anastasia in Lapta / Lapithos has been stripped of all its icons and converted into a hotel and bar, while the Church of Panagia Tochniou near Mandres / Hamitkoy has been desecrated (Avrupa 25/4/1998). During my last visit to the island I was personally shocked to discover that the church of Kalecik / Gastria village near Bogaz now houses farm animals. I wonder how we would react if a mosque was treated in a similar way. " Alkan CHAGLAR ... _Main_News

The pillage by Turkey of the 12,000 year old cultural heritage of Cyprus. By Michael Jansen ... 1c6c5e22d3

Destruction of cultural heritage in occupied Cyprus ... enDocument

"We cannot turn a blind eye to the destruction of churches or other religious sites in some countries, as we see it happening in the northern (occupied) part of Cyprus"
German Chancellor Angela Merkel
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 02, 2008 7:03 pm

Will it include any pictures of destroyed mosques in destroyed TC villages in 1963, ho I forgot theres nothing left to take pictures of.
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Postby kurupetos » Fri May 02, 2008 7:07 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Will it include any pictures of destroyed mosques in destroyed TC villages in 1963, ho I forgot theres nothing left to take pictures of.

Rubbish :x
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Postby Oracle » Fri May 02, 2008 7:58 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Will it include any pictures of destroyed mosques in destroyed TC villages in 1963, ho I forgot theres nothing left to take pictures of.

Really .... are there no mosques left on Cyprus?

I see plenty around in the south, and in such fine condition, they do their job well of reminding us they were only built here to symbolise your invasion of our land.
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Postby miltiades » Fri May 02, 2008 8:14 pm

VP , you ought to take time off and visit the mosques in the ROC , you will see that not only are the mosques kept in good condition but also NONE have been converted into churches , stables or warehouses.You really ought to make that effort.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 02, 2008 8:18 pm

miltiades wrote:VP , you ought to take time off and visit the mosques in the ROC , you will see that not only are the mosques kept in good condition but also NONE have been converted into churches , stables or warehouses.You really ought to make that effort.

What about those that have been demolished? Would it have been better if we removed them completely? You GCs are more devious than us if there's nothing left than how can you say they were misused?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri May 02, 2008 8:30 pm

...if there are mosques in the south
that are no more... then allow them
to be included in the shame.

of course there is
no God, and in faith
there seems to be only
a Creed, and yet
your acts VP surprise me dogmatic.
it is tragic because the
wealth will be divided
with what you plea
what makes our island
rich will be broken.

are you a Cypriot?
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri May 02, 2008 8:33 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...if there are mosques in the south
that are no more... then allow them
to be included in the shame.

of course there is
no God, and in faith
there seems to be only
a Creed, and yet
your acts VP surprise me dogmatic.
it is tragic because the
wealth will be divided
with what you plea
what makes our island
rich will be broken.

are you a Cypriot?

Better less wealth than GC persecution and discrimination..I am a Turkish Cypriot 100%.
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Postby pantheman » Fri May 02, 2008 8:51 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Will it include any pictures of destroyed mosques in destroyed TC villages in 1963, ho I forgot theres nothing left to take pictures of.

Hey shit for brains, never mind your continued bullshit, just provide the same links that show us what you mean. You just full of shit mate. Even when the evidence is overwhelming and staring you in the face you still have the audacity to moan about 1963. Fuck ass hole.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri May 02, 2008 9:07 pm

viewpoint Turkish Cypriot or not
if there is no compassion
what do you call a man?
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