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Don't tarnish Turkey’s image!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby bilako22 » Sun May 04, 2008 10:45 am

miltiades wrote:
bilako22 wrote:
Nikitas wrote:I can understand the desecration, even the stealing of icons and selling them. What really is beyond my ability to understand is the conversion of an already desecrated church into a Mosque. What does that say about those that do it? What do they say about themselves by doing it?

Why destroy a building that is no longer used when it came become a much-used Mosque? Ayo Sophia is a lovely example , until it became a popular museum.

I'm pleased the likes of with such views are in the minority amongst the T/Cs.
If a mosque in the ROC was converted into a church there would be an outcry from the civilized world. No Cypriot would EVER accept such desecration , but you Bilako thinks is perfectly acceptable !!!

How many mosques are there in Athens? It seems that Greeks prefer to prevent the construction of mosques in areas of need . What is worse , converting unused mosques into churches or preventing mosques being built in areas of large Moslem populations?
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun May 04, 2008 10:47 am

bilako22 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Will it include any pictures of destroyed mosques in destroyed TC villages in 1963, ho I forgot theres nothing left to take pictures of.

Someone would expect a serious answer to this topic but the above answer coming from you VP it's no surprise.
Instead of condemning this huge destruction you prefer to hide behind your little finger.

Isn't it a blessing that you come from a country with a history of thousands of years? Doesn't this make you proud? ...but how proud are you when your own history and culture is being destroyed?

The fact that you live in a place where history and culture is systematically destroyed by the blessings of your leaders it only can cause sadness. Sadness due to the fact that you failed as human beings to respect the history and culture of your own country and the religion of your own compatriots.
Your systematic attempts to annihilate anything Greek or Christian it only makes you liable to the whole world. And we are not the ones who are exposing themselves but you ...and I must say you are doing a great job, unfortunately.

bilako22 wrote:Why destroy a building that is no longer used when it came become a much-used Mosque? Ayo Sophia is a lovely example , until it became a popular museum.

Yes, why not?! Good idea bilako.
Gcs should start turning the mosques in the free areas into churches, mortuaries, stables etc.
Don't you thing they'll be more usefull?

Answer the question Rafella, any desecration of religious buildings is abominable but what I am trying to say is if you live in glass houses you should not throw stones, if we are guilty then you much share this guilt as you carried such abominable acts well before us, but ho no you choose to ignore these facts as it does not suit your aim to expose the evil TCs.

Better to convert mosques inti churches which are also houses of worship to God and then have the option to convert them back than have them destroyed, removes from the face of the earth leaving no evidence to be accused of such barbaric acts.

It seems that the main difference between the TCs and GCs is that the former adapts buildings so that they can be used productively whilst the latter prefers to either destroy or let them become derelict.

Known policy throughout the world kill someone get rid of the body therefore no body no crime. The buildings have been erased from the face of the earth therefore according to GCs there is no crime therefore they feel they are innocent and we are guilty for converting buildings or not having the financial strength to renovate churches.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Mon May 05, 2008 6:22 am

VP, there is more emotion in the clerk that serves you at a government office. Sorry for you mate, because to ere is human, but to deny is no lower cowardice than Ignorance. To kill a living thing, such as a Church, because you kill a community, and then to say, it is dead let us use it, is not Human, although it represents some practicality, it does not represent a Principal which I have hopes we can agree, at least exists. And I will say the Greek community and the Turkish community of Cyprus continue to suffer from the exclusivity of those who are dogmatic in their politics, by selfishly bringing harm to others for their own aim through violence without shame.

(It doesn't matter that the "Greeks" tried and failed (because there is someone to remember), or if Turkey, and the Turkish Army can be successful in denying their acts as illegal)

Here is a symptom, just churches (and mosques), acts of Inhuman behaviour, because they were destroyed toward anothers suffering, which if denied, brings infarction and a pathology which becomes even more harmful, not just to the organs they define, but to their hosts, and us all as a whole as well, because we are not "Christian" or "Moslem" in the end, but the same as People.

...won't you agree that all these wrongs about churches and mosques are Criminal, and the same?
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Postby DT. » Mon May 05, 2008 8:22 am

The main difference being that GC's are the more religious of the 2 communities and subsequently the most god fearing. It would take a braveGC to vandalise a mosque. TC's being the secular people that they are, are not so bothered with tampering with other people's holy sites. Add to that the mania to erase evrything Greek from the north and you have yourself a former church present mosque/ stable/ museum/ office/ mortuary.
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Postby humanist » Mon May 05, 2008 9:18 am

Don't tarnish Turkey’s image!
Why Not?

VP you need to take a travel to Larnaca, Lemesos and Lefkosia and you'll find that mosques have been restored.
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Postby RAFAELLA » Mon May 05, 2008 10:38 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Will it include any pictures of destroyed mosques in destroyed TC villages in 1963, ho I forgot theres nothing left to take pictures of.

Someone would expect a serious answer to this topic but the above answer coming from you VP it's no surprise.
Instead of condemning this huge destruction you prefer to hide behind your little finger.

Isn't it a blessing that you come from a country with a history of thousands of years? Doesn't this make you proud? ...but how proud are you when your own history and culture is being destroyed?

The fact that you live in a place where history and culture is systematically destroyed by the blessings of your leaders it only can cause sadness. Sadness due to the fact that you failed as human beings to respect the history and culture of your own country and the religion of your own compatriots.
Your systematic attempts to annihilate anything Greek or Christian it only makes you liable to the whole world. And we are not the ones who are exposing themselves but you ...and I must say you are doing a great job, unfortunately.

bilako22 wrote:Why destroy a building that is no longer used when it came become a much-used Mosque? Ayo Sophia is a lovely example , until it became a popular museum.

Yes, why not?! Good idea bilako.
Gcs should start turning the mosques in the free areas into churches, mortuaries, stables etc.
Don't you thing they'll be more usefull?

Answer the question Rafella, any desecration of religious buildings is abominable but what I am trying to say is if you live in glass houses you should not throw stones, if we are guilty then you much share this guilt as you carried such abominable acts well before us, but ho no you choose to ignore these facts as it does not suit your aim to expose the evil TCs.

Better to convert mosques inti churches which are also houses of worship to God and then have the option to convert them back than have them destroyed, removes from the face of the earth leaving no evidence to be accused of such barbaric acts.

I do not hide behind my little finger VP and I do not feel that I live in a glass house.

Any destruction of holy places and disrespect to someone’s religion is unacceptable for me. The fact that mosques were destroyed during intercommunal troubles is again unacceptable but I believe at that time, under those circumstances, things were out of control and a lot of destructions happened from both sides.
But I didn’t see you criticizing your own acts. Your systematic attempt to show your ruthless hate and disrespect to our churches has no limits. And you say that Gcs destroyed mosques back in the 60’s right? and as a result of what happen in the 60’s you took the decision to use a church as a mortuary in 2008! How civilized, isn’t it VP?!
And, what about the Armenian monastery Sourp Magar?, what about Maronite churches? Why they’ve been looted and vandalized VP?

..and are you serious VP? Why convert mosques into churches and then have the option to convert them back? Why would we do that? We are not playing the mosque–church game here VP, we have our own churches and we respect your mosques which we have them well preserved since the CyR gov is looking after them …but you, what have you done to preserve our churches? Our ancestors’ graves? Do you feel comfortable as a human being to see a holy place turned into a mortuary? Do you feel comfortable as a human being to see the bones of our ancestors out of the graves thrown here and there in the cemeteries?

…Don’t ask me to share your quilt with you VP, the quilt is all yours. On the contrary, I feel proud that we respected and preserved your holy places after ‘74. It shows that we do respect your religion and our country’s history and culture.

So, finally, from your sayings you agree to what is happening our churches, correct? You agree to have our churches used as mortuaries, stables etc, right?
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon May 05, 2008 10:39 am

repulsewarrior wrote:VP, there is more emotion in the clerk that serves you at a government office. Sorry for you mate, because to ere is human, but to deny is no lower cowardice than Ignorance. To kill a living thing, such as a Church, because you kill a community, and then to say, it is dead let us use it, is not Human, although it represents some practicality, it does not represent a Principal which I have hopes we can agree, at least exists. And I will say the Greek community and the Turkish community of Cyprus continue to suffer from the exclusivity of those who are dogmatic in their politics, by selfishly bringing harm to others for their own aim through violence without shame.

(It doesn't matter that the "Greeks" tried and failed (because there is someone to remember), or if Turkey, and the Turkish Army can be successful in denying their acts as illegal)

Here is a symptom, just churches (and mosques), acts of Inhuman behaviour, because they were destroyed toward anothers suffering, which if denied, brings infarction and a pathology which becomes even more harmful, not just to the organs they define, but to their hosts, and us all as a whole as well, because we are not "Christian" or "Moslem" in the end, but the same as People.

...won't you agree that all these wrongs about churches and mosques are Criminal, and the same?

We have only mistreated your churches which imo can easily be restored to its former glory but you demolished my mosques, you can surely workout for yourself the more devious and guilty side. Yet you lay the blame clearly at my door when you are more guilty than me, you should start by telling the whole truth and not those parts that suit your goal of creating a GC state with us as a minority.
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Postby RAFAELLA » Mon May 05, 2008 10:55 am

bilako22 wrote:It seems that the main difference between the TCs and GCs is that the former adapts buildings so that they can be used productively whilst the latter prefers to either destroy or let them become derelict.

Well, it seems that you show no respect at all.
Anyhow, I do not have to repeat my self, read the answer/post to VP.
Regarding the mosques in the free areas, i would suggest before taking your tongue out for a walk better do some research first.

Due to the 1974 forcible division of Cyprus and the Turkish military occupation of its northern part, the Government has not been able to provide protection to Muslim places of worship throughout the island. However, a significant number of mosques in the government controlled area, which were left unattended, have been placed, since 1974 under the protection of the Government. Therefore, the Turkish Cypriot Properties Management Service, under the auspices of the Minister of Interior has assumed responsibility for the maintenance of these mosques, which number 101 and undertakes restoration works where necessary.

Following a decision of the Council of Ministers, the Government of Cyprus during the period 1989-1990 proceeded with general restoration works of 83 mosques all over the government controlled area. These projects, which cost €206,120, were completed in 1990 and since then, a considerable amount of money has been provided for the cleaning and preservation of mosques, cemeteries and other Muslim monuments. The following table for the years 2000-2006 is indicative of the consistent interest for the preservation of the Muslim places of worship on behalf of the Cyprus Government: ... enDocument
Total amount spent by CyR so far for restoration etc, €2,612.500.00
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Postby bilako22 » Mon May 05, 2008 11:09 am

pantheman wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Will it include any pictures of destroyed mosques in destroyed TC villages in 1963, ho I forgot theres nothing left to take pictures of.

Hey shit for brains, never mind your continued bullshit, just provide the same links that show us what you mean. You just full of shit mate. Even when the evidence is overwhelming and staring you in the face you still have the audacity to moan about 1963. Fuck ass hole.

You have a savoury vocabulary for someone with a pillock of a brain.
We know how keen you Greeks are on fooling the international community on your lovely and fair nature towards TCs. Unfortunately for you there are enough of us TCs still around that can remember the days when your true nature of racist sons of bitches.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 06, 2008 6:45 am

...if we are talking about churches and mosques, visit teke if you love beauty and myth, it lives today as it has been from so long ago and we are all the better for it. never mind Athens, or do you mean to say that the closure of monestaries in Turkey is the blame? lacking the honesty VP i expect from you, you come at me like a tame book. needless to say that some churches would be respectfully used in praise to our same God. and there is no sin in giving shelter to the sheep in the cold winter storm...but what it seems to me that you are saying is that it is ok to tear down mosques, and it is ok as well for churches to be torn down too.

i am not asking you to be the whole Turkish Population, or even the representative of some Turkish Cypriot population, while i reread your post to figure an answer i can only say you read alot into what you think i'm thinking...the words we have written speak for themselves.

i think camus would be appalled at you, but you could be a hero in his book. ..extistential, but still dogmatic.
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