Oracle wrote:webbo wrote:Oracle wrote:bill cobbett wrote:Regretfully, the footballer formally known as "Becks" fell by the wayside, led away from the true path by the woman known a V so we are unable to offer you his services however Sir Alex F. Himself may be more suitable and he has a pensioner's bus pass.
Ok .... I'll pass, I have a Scottish one at home already, who will do very nicely
for now.
Does poor Hamish know he is expendable?
Angus The Bruce is truly expandable .....
I have to beg the question 'Are you suffering from depression or some psychotic illness?' Going through the change? Trouble at home
Just how can you be seemingly pleasant one hour and then a total bitch the next? You must be a nightmare to live with?
If you do need help, I am sure that our Forum Friends can direct you along the correct path?
BTW, if you are going to apologise to me as you did the last time you were a total bitch, please do so publicly this time and not via PM!