Oracle wrote:(For God's sake Kezzi go and read a book and learn something ... anything ... you brainless worthless waster ... or you will end up like that other pathetic Irish Ignoramus tess and marry some barbaric Turk and live in an illegal set-up selling tea and coffee all day! ... and what is worse is she thinks she's done well for herself and has not ended up like her drug-taking, glue-sniffing, graffiti-spraying peers!)
GorillaGal wrote:Oracle wrote:(For God's sake Kezzi go and read a book and learn something ... anything ... you brainless worthless waster ... or you will end up like that other pathetic Irish Ignoramus tess and marry some barbaric Turk and live in an illegal set-up selling tea and coffee all day! ... and what is worse is she thinks she's done well for herself and has not ended up like her drug-taking, glue-sniffing, graffiti-spraying peers!)
Oracle, i don't understand why you are so upset at Kezzi. i don't see that she has done anything wrong.
Oracle wrote:GorillaGal wrote:Oracle wrote:(For God's sake Kezzi go and read a book and learn something ... anything ... you brainless worthless waster ... or you will end up like that other pathetic Irish Ignoramus tess and marry some barbaric Turk and live in an illegal set-up selling tea and coffee all day! ... and what is worse is she thinks she's done well for herself and has not ended up like her drug-taking, glue-sniffing, graffiti-spraying peers!)
Oracle, i don't understand why you are so upset at Kezzi. i don't see that she has done anything wrong.
I am not upset ...![]()
I am giving her advice .... I am a caring nurturing sort
GorillaGal wrote:Oracle wrote:GorillaGal wrote:Oracle wrote:(For God's sake Kezzi go and read a book and learn something ... anything ... you brainless worthless waster ... or you will end up like that other pathetic Irish Ignoramus tess and marry some barbaric Turk and live in an illegal set-up selling tea and coffee all day! ... and what is worse is she thinks she's done well for herself and has not ended up like her drug-taking, glue-sniffing, graffiti-spraying peers!)
Oracle, i don't understand why you are so upset at Kezzi. i don't see that she has done anything wrong.
I am not upset ...![]()
I am giving her advice .... I am a caring nurturing sort
i know you are.
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