I didn't want this to turn into a does God exist or Religion vs Atheism thread, but looks like i was being a bit naive in that regard so on we go:
pantheman wrote: GR, if I am correct, Hbox, is that spotty face kid who used to have some things to say but disappeared. Seems his asking god to make him a stud and provide him with a woman failed, hence he turned athiest.
I find it amusing that you quoted my previous post about ad hominem attacks but quite obviously didn't understand it did you? Let me be more explicit for you. An ad hominem attack is when, lacking any real argument said person resorts to insults on the person rather then the argument itself. Bravo, you must feel very good about yourself. Oh and, its not very Christian is it? Just so you know, I've have a pretty good life, and was once a believer myself. The problem I had was when a certain religious education teacher introduced to the inexscusable concept of original sin. At which point I asked whether if a baby was born, then died straight away, it would go to hell? The preacher in question advised me this was not the case to which I replied, at what age does one gain original sin. He told me to not question the lord! Case closed.

I'm guessing that you're orthadox, and I believe that you don't have that particular concept in your version of Christianity, but I'm just explaining what originally set me on my journy to atheism.
I find you people to be total hypocrites, you blame people for wanting to believe in something with no evidence, yet you have no F evidence yourselves that the opposite is not tru either.
Religion is one of the few concepts that asks people to prove a negative. I believe in the flying spaghetti monster, prove that that isn't real! And should you really want proof, well, there is masses and masses of evidence to support my outlook on life from many different fields, all mutually supporting each other. Archiological, historical (which also shows us the origin of religion, check out the Roman god Mithras who was born in december, attended by shepards, rose from the dead etc and who predates Jesus) chemical, and many other fields of science.
Go practice your shit wherever, but stop blasphemising the rest of the good folk that have their faith.
I'm half cypriot, I have just a right to be as you and I didn't start this debate, I asked a question. A part of being in a democratic society is accepting the beliefs of others, maybe you should convert to shia islam where blasphemy is a capital offence. Sounds much more to your tastes.
Svetlana wrote:If you don't believe in a herafter, isn't life a bit depressing?
Not at all, in fact knowing that this is all we have encourages me to live life more. We are incredible lucky to be on this earth given the sheer probablity of not being here. Look outside your window, see the trees photosynthesising air from solar energy from the sun 93 million miles away so that we can breath? I find that amazing. Every day we find out more and more about just how amazing and unlikely this world is. The more I learn the more enthusiasitc I am to learn more. Unlike religion which encourages people to accept basic truths "God made it" science teaches us to question everything, and to continue questioning until find out everything.
Science btw allows us to even have this discussion on the wonderful thing called the internet.
I have read the God delusion, a brilliant book. I'm trying to build myself up to reading the Bible, the Quran, the Torah etc to head off any critisim in that regard. Know they enemy an all!