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Atheist groups in Cy?

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Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:36 pm

roseandchan wrote:i'm a uk citizen so you think the uk is a puppet regime??

I just think you're a fool who left a democratic country to reside in a puppet regime... :lol:

So, are we going to get that democracy lecture or what? 8)
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Postby umit07 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:49 pm

Get Real! wrote:
roseandchan wrote:i'm a uk citizen so you think the uk is a puppet regime??

I just think you're a fool who left a democratic country to reside in a puppet regime... :lol:

So, are we going to get that democracy lecture or what? 8)

What's wrong GR I see that foreigners living in the North really piss you off quite a bit. No need to be jealous GR, you can always apply for a residents permit in the TRNC, you might even get one :lol: .

I've seen plenty of TC land been built on in the south. What do you have to say about that? You reckon your mate Nicos the mad shiro guy can come bulldoze the houses on parts of my grandmothers land? :?
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Postby roseandchan » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:49 pm

in a democracy one can live where one chooses. trust me i'm no fool!
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Postby Bananiot » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:52 pm

Let me start with this one:

A banner should be placed on all churches and mosques etc. It should read: "Religion can seriously damage your health" just like the warning on cigarette packs. The idea belongs to Richard Dawkins (God delusion)
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:56 pm

umit07 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
roseandchan wrote:i'm a uk citizen so you think the uk is a puppet regime??

I just think you're a fool who left a democratic country to reside in a puppet regime... :lol:

So, are we going to get that democracy lecture or what? 8)

What's wrong GR I see that foreigners living in the North really piss you off quite a bit. No need to be jealous GR, you can always apply for a residents permit in the TRNC, you might even get one :lol: .

I'm hanging on to my application for a latter date when there won't be a need for one... and those little red on white cards will become a collector's item.

I've seen plenty of TC land been built on in the south. What do you have to say about that? You reckon your mate Nicos the mad shiro guy can come bulldoze the houses on parts of my grandmothers land? :?

You'll have to take that up with the RoC because that's not what we're being told or what the UN thinks...
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:58 pm

Bananiot wrote:Let me start with this one:

A banner should be placed on all churches and mosques etc. It should read: "Religion can seriously damage your health" just like the warning on cigarette packs. The idea belongs to Richard Dawkins (God delusion)

Excellent book Ban. Went out and got the hard-back version a few days after it was first published. Started a second or third reading of it a few nights ago.


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Re: Atheist groups in Cy?

Postby pantheman » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:00 pm

Get Real! wrote:
hobx wrote:
Get Real! wrote:So you want to meet up with people who don't believe in something but not necessarily to talk about that which they don't believe in! :?

Quite a talent for reading in between the lines you have there. An athiest group discussing Atheism wouldn't have a lot to talk about. "There is no god." "Agreed" "" however there is a tendency for them to gather together in places where religion and state arn't quite so seperated so I wanted to check if there was one here.

And as for the reasoning, Athiests tend to be people that don't accept many concepts that are bandied around as facts these days, they have a more inquistative mind, and can sustain a intelligent discussion beyond ad hominem attacks....which brings me to...

Perhaps what you're really looking for is the opposite... devil worshipping but can't bring yourself round to say so? :?

You can't believe in the Devil without believing in no. Personally I find the concept of hell and the Devil one of the more despicable aspects of religion.

Either way one looks at it you're a weirdo... :lol:

I refer you to my previous comments. "lol"

This forum can provide you with far more than what such a group can so stick around. Gather your thoughts, start a thread in the appropriate section, and see...

GR, if I am correct, Hbox, is that spotty face kid who used to have some things to say but disappeared. Seems his asking god to make him a stud and provide him with a woman failed, hence he turned athiest.

I find you people to be total hypocrites, you blame people for wanting to believe in something with no evidence, yet you have no F evidence yourselves that the opposite is not tru either. Go practice your shit wherever, but stop blasphemising the rest of the good folk that have their faith.

Oh, and you had better add Miltides to your list, he has told us enough times. You people are just sore over some shitty event in your lives that you think that by not believing is teaching someone a lesson, idiots.
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Postby umit07 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:02 pm

Bananiot wrote:Let me start with this one:

A banner should be placed on all churches and mosques etc. It should read: "Religion can seriously damage your health" just like the warning on cigarette packs. The idea belongs to Richard Dawkins (God delusion)

Bananiot I don't think Religion is a problem for TC's I think we are the most liberal muslims in the world. I've never seen a TC imam ( Hoca ) in my life! The only time we go to the mosque is when someone dies and even then we stay in the courtyard. I wonder what the inside of a mosque looks like :lol: . As for GC's the Church seems to be a mob . I heard that they take money for everything is this correct? You pay to get married, if the wife is more than 12 years younger than the male you pay extra !!! When you want a divorce you pay again. So as far as I see it Church=Money. Am I correct??
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Postby Bananiot » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:04 pm

Spoken like a true christian. To the fire ...
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Postby umit07 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:06 pm

Quote from GR!

"You'll have to take that up with the RoC because that's not what we're being told or what the UN thinks..."

Do you believe everything you are being told by the RoC? So I take it that you do NOT deny the fact that there is TC land being "Prostituted" as in GR terms.
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