CopperLine wrote:HobX,
Have you read Francis Wheen's biography of Marx ? Brilliant accounts of his boozing, writing and curmudgeonly tempers..
Can't say that I have....will have to add it to my list, although that list is getting pretty long by now. Just starting reading Sorry, wrong number by John Brignell, its about the misuse of statistics in modern society for various reasons. The authors website is Recommended reading for everyone!
Bananiot wrote:Me too and feel free to start a thread on the subject. It would be good to air some views as long as GR does not try to ridicule it, as always. You see, in flesh he cannot spoil things, because the others would jump on him.
I may do indeed, I was kind of avoiding it to start off with because thats the kind of thing the other side tend to jump on straight away with the whole "Why can't people believe what they want to believe" argument......Flying Spaghetti monster anyone?